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Due to Moon festival, some novels will not have any updates of new chapters between Sept. 17-19, 2024!

The Aftermath of Divorcing the Wealthy Man chapter 39

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When she met Yang Yibin yesterday, he seemed eager to audition successfully for the role of the male lead.

Why, now that it was confirmed to be him, was he refusing to sign the contract?

“He says he wants to see you.” Zhang Mingen said with a serious face.

He felt that Yang Yibin was not easy to manage.

Now that he had signed with the company, if he didn’t listen in the future, he might be the next Director Sun.

Although he might not be heading towards the director position and would focus solely on acting, once he became popular, he might switch companies, completely disregarding Jiahe Entertainment.

Su Lingwei didn’t know Zhang Mingen felt this way about Yang Yibin.

When she first saw Yang Yibin, she had a good impression of him, thinking he was polite. She believed that since he asked to see her now, he must have something to discuss.

“Well, then I’ll go and see him.” Su Lingwei stood up, pushed the chair behind her, and walked around the desk towards the door.

In the meeting room, Yang Yibin sat on the sofa, flipped through the contract Zhang Mingen had just given him, and looked up at the door, looking like he was eagerly waiting for Su Lingwei to appear.

After several minutes, the door to the meeting room opened from the outside, and Su Lingwei walked in.

She saw Yang Yibin sitting on the sofa, and he immediately stood up, agile and quick in his movements.

Su Lingwei glanced at him, walked over, smiled, and said, “I heard you didn’t want to sign the contract and insisted on seeing me. I’m here now. What ideas do you have that you want to tell me?”

Yang Yibin looked at the smiling and beautiful Su Lingwei in front of him, nervously squeezing the hand hanging at his side, and gathered the courage to say, “I accidentally hit your car yesterday. Is your car okay?”

“Is it just because of this that you didn’t want to sign the contract?” Su Lingwei looked at him with amusement. “Didn’t we agree yesterday that there was nothing wrong with my car, so you don’t need to worry?”

“No,” Yang Yibin quickly said, “I just feel sorry for hitting your car, and you still chose me to play the male lead. I just want to thank you in person.”

“I see.” Su Lingwei looked at him and said, “Actually, I didn’t choose you. You should know that when you auditioned, I had to leave due to an emergency and didn’t see your performance. It was Director Wu who chose you. He thought you acted well and looked good, showing potential, so he decided to use you.”

“It was Director Wu who chose me?” Yang Yibin repeated softly, his expression unsure whether he was happy or something else.

Su Lingwei smiled and said, “Yes, it was Director Wu who chose you, so you must do well in this film to live up to his high regard for you.”

“In that case, do you have confidence in me?” Yang Yibin suddenly asked.

Su Lingwei paused for a moment, then remembered something and said to Yang Yibin, “Although I haven’t seen you act, I believe in Director Wu’s judgment and believe that the person he chose must be very good. So you must live up to our trust in you and not let us down.”

Encouraged, Yang Yibin said, “Of course, I can do that.”

Su Lingwei nodded, “That’s good. Can we sign the contract now?”

To her surprise, Yang Yibin didn’t immediately agree, but looked at Su Lingwei intently and said something.

From the moment Yang Yibin first saw Su Lingwei yesterday, he had a special feeling for her. At that time, he had a wish, and now was the best opportunity. He said, “I will be filming at the set. Will you come to visit? Will you come to watch me perform?”

Yang Yibin looked at Su Lingwei expectantly. When he auditioned yesterday, Su Lingwei had left in a hurry. Who knew how regretful he felt at that time? Now he just wanted to perform for Su Lingwei to prove that the director’s choice in him was correct.

Su Lingwei thought for a moment. It was possible to visit the set; after all, it was part of her job, and it also had certain benefits for soothing the actors.

She nodded and said, “Okay, when you’re filming, I’ll find some time to visit the set.”

Su Lingwei agreed to visit the set, Yang Yibin’s wish was fulfilled, and he quickly signed the contract. He would join the crew to start filming in a few days.

As Yang Yibin was about to leave, he asked Su Lingwei again, “Ms. Su, when will you come to visit the set?”

He seemed afraid that she wouldn’t come, yet also afraid that if she came suddenly, he wouldn’t be prepared.

Su Lingwei treated him like an immature child and said, “Let me arrange my work first. When I have some free time, I’ll go.”

“Please let me know in advance before you come,” Yang Yibin said uneasily. He was afraid that if Su Lingwei came without warning, he wouldn’t be prepared and wouldn’t act well. He really wanted Su Lingwei’s approval.

“Okay, I’ll let you know before I come,” Su Lingwei agreed very easily. She treated him like a little brother, or a new male lead who had just signed with the company. It was okay to spoil him a little.

Yang Yibin was very happy and left cheerfully.

After Yang Yibin left, Su Lingwei returned to the office.

Zhang Mingen followed her and frowned, saying, “President Su , I don’t think you should be so good to him. You were so accommodating to him from the beginning, I’m worried that if he becomes successful in the future and gets too big for his britches, he’ll become more disobedient and demand more from you.”

“It shouldn’t be like that.” This was Su Lingwei’s second meeting with Yang Yibin, and her impression of him was still good. She thought he was actually a handsome but naive and cute kid. She was willing to take a chance and trust her judgment.

“He’s just a kid at heart, just signed with our company, looks good and has outstanding characteristics. He’s a newcomer, so give him more trust and support, and he’ll feel happier and more motivated. I’ll handle it appropriately. I’ll only agree to what I can agree to, and I won’t let him go too far.”

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