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Handsome since birth, road to stardom chapter 49

* * *

I wouldn’t be filming the parent-child show alone.

“The format is usually about taking care of a child instead of a busy mom.”

Mom and Auntie An seemed to know, but they didn’t tell me.

“Well, of course.”

They probably thought I wouldn’t understand even if they told me.

“But this is important.”

If someone weird came, it would be hard to keep my angelic image.

“The right person has to come to match with me.”

I looked at Auntie An with anxious eyes. She scraped the last bit of baby food and said.

“I heard some brothers are coming.”


“Not just one, but brothers.”

I had a rough idea.

“An idol group.”

A male group, to be exact.


“This is a classic for parent-child shows.”

Auntie An put a silicone spoon in my mouth and said.

“Who was it again? Sorry, Kongja. I don’t remember well.”

It’s understandable. There are so many idols.

‘But if it’s someone weird, it’ll be a headache for me.’

There were definitely some troublemakers among idol groups.

“If those guys come, it’ll be hard to create my angelic image.”


I sighed again. I shook my shoulders, hoping the producer cast some good idols.

* * *

When I woke up in the morning, it was quiet around me. I rubbed my eyes as I got up.


I knew without looking. An unmanned camera was dangling from a pole.

‘Oh, today is the filming day.’

I looked around curiously. Mom was still sleeping.

‘She must be tired.’

She’s not waking up even though it’s filming time.

I carefully crawled back to my side of the bed.

‘Please sleep well, Mom.’

Just as I was about to close my eyes again, I heard laughter.

‘It’s coming from outside the room.’

The filming crew, perhaps.

-Wow, did you see that?
-The footage looks great.
-The baby is an angel.
-This frame is perfect.


“Thanks for the compliments.”

But you’ll wake Mom up.

Be quiet, please.

Maybe because of that, despite my efforts, Mom blinked her eyes open.

“Oh, she’s awake.”

My mom squinted her eyes, then noticed me and spoke in a husky voice.

“Kongja, did you sleep well?”


Mom smiled and hugged me.

“I slept well too.”

I see. You could’ve slept more, but you woke up because of the noise.

“Kongja, Mommy is very busy today. And your aunt isn’t here either.”

That meant Auntie An wasn’t around.

“Instead, your big brothers will play with you.”


“Yes, cool brothers are coming. Can you play well with them?”

I smiled brightly and answered.


“Oh, my angel. You answer so well.”

Mom stretched and got up. Then she picked me up and opened the door.

‘They’ve gathered.’

Mom exchanged glances with the producer and writer, then naturally walked forward.
Pointing at the crew, I asked,



Mom patted me and laughed with her head tilted back.

“No, oh right, Kongja hasn’t seen any brothers before, has he.”

Ah, that’s how it is.

‘I guess it’s possible I wouldn’t know what brothers are.’

Of course, there’s Noah, my lifesaver, but that was months ago.

“I’ll tell you later. Kongja, let’s have some formula.”


Mom sat me in a high chair and made the formula.

I kicked my legs and stared intently at the camera mounted on the pole.

‘I should greet them.’

Please watch me well, viewers.

I nodded my head.


There was a sound of admiration from a corner of the living room.

“He’s greeting the camera.”

“Oh, how cute.”

“Let’s keep this part.”

Is it loud, or do I have good hearing?

Mom shook my formula bottle and asked,

“Kongja, did you just say hello?”



“Hmm, it sparkles and moves!”

I moved my shoulder to the right.

The camera on the pole moved slightly in response.

“How cute!”

Mom handed me the bottle, covering her mouth as she laughed.

She drank water from the fridge, looking as cool as a commercial even though it was just her daily routine.

I had just finished drinking my formula when I heard someone in the elevator.

“Oh, they must be here.”

Mom picked me up and walked to the end of the living room.

There stood the idols who were supposed to look after me today.

‘Huh? What?’

I honestly hoped they weren’t from a group with a bad reputation.

But this group was unexpected.


They’re the group that later makes it big and even goes to North America!

My eyes widened. The idols greeted my mom.



“For you!”

They all bowed simultaneously.

“Hello, we are HALO!”

Wow, so that’s how idols greet.

‘It’s the first time I’ve seen it in person.’

Mom adjusted her hold on me and smiled.

“Hello, I’m Ma Soo-jung. Please take good care of our Kongja today.”

“Ah, so this baby is Kongja.”

It seemed they already knew my name. The tallest member approached me.

“Wow, really cute.”

“Cuter than in the photos.”

“Hello, I’m leader Hyunjin.”

I raised my hand and greeted him.

“Hello! I’m Kongja!”


The five members were really surprised and started bombarding my mom with questions.

“He can talk!”

“He’s still so young!”

“How! I thought he couldn’t talk! It’s a big deal!”

It’s not that big a deal.

Mom stroked my cheek and answered,

“It seems our Kongja is an early talker.”

“Wow, he must be really smart.”

“If he talks early, is he smart?”

“So I’ve heard.”

The audio was filled with chatter. The tallest member spoke.

“Um, can I hold him?”

“Of course.”

Mom handed me over. The member held me very carefully.


I could tell by how he handled me.

‘I heard HALO had good personalities.’

That’s what I heard even as a supporting actor.

‘Seems their good reputation is true.’

The boy, worried I might be uncomfortable, was restless. I smiled broadly and said,


The tense members all laughed together.

“He likes us!”

“Kongja, I’m Heesung!”

“He’s so cute. I was worried he’d cry!”

These guys are really pure and kind. No wonder they’re successful.

‘But to think HALO is holding me.’

I giggled and kicked my legs.

‘Life is full of surprises.’

Mom held my hand and gently shook it.

“I was worried our Kongja might be shy, but he seems fine.”

“We were worried too.”

“Well then, I’ll be off. Kongja, have fun with your brothers today!”

“Mom, you’re leaving?”

I turned my head, looking for mom. She sighed softly and nodded.

‘Don’t feel guilty about it.’

She’s at the peak of her career; she needs to work.

“Mama! Later!”

“Okay. Kongja, Mommy will be back!”

Mom turned and walked away. I watched her go.

The idol member holding me asked,

“Kongja, even if you’re sad, let’s have fun with us today.”

* * *

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