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Handsome since birth, road to stardom chapter 48

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“You found out about our Kongja from his first birthday’s DVD?”

Mom asked with a smile.

“Yes. We were looking for a unique child. That’s how we found you.”

“Oh my. How far has it circulated?”

“It was a very unique first birthday.”

The main writer stared intently at me.

“Kongja seems like a extraordinary child. What do you think about our show?”

Mom patted my head.

“Please take good care of him. But I’ll be monitoring everything closely. No weird editing, please.”

The main writer sighed in relief.

“Of course! Thank you so much. Honestly, I was worried about what we’d do if you didn’t approve. Without Kongja, we’re in a tight spot.”

“I understand the situation. But the idea of a wholesome show moved me.”

“I know it wasn’t an easy decision. Many people are reluctant because their private lives get exposed. Like their home…”


‘Our house will be shown too?’

Now that I think about it, that’s expected.

‘Wow. Our house will be on TV.’

I looked around. I wondered where they’d place the cameras.

‘It won’t just be hidden cameras.’

Oh, filming. My heart raced.

‘Great, just great.’

I can show everyone how cute I am!

I turned to Mom and smiled brightly.

‘Thank you, Mom.’

I’ll seize this opportunity well.

I’ll make sure the whole country knows me.

Still, one question lingered.

‘Why start with a variety show?’

I don’t know, but couldn’t I start with acting?

Mom stroked her curly hair and said.

“The hardest thing in my acting career was the critique that I lacked empathy.”



I think I understand a bit.

‘Indeed, my mom is too perfect to easily garner public sympathy.’

She had both looks and wealth.

Mom smiled a little.

“So, I still come across as lacking human touch, right? I hope that flaw doesn’t pass on to Kongja.”


‘I get it.’

I clenched my fist tightly.

‘I don’t know for sure, but if I appear on a variety show, more people will feel closer to me.’

That would increase the number of people who can empathize with me.

‘If you’re known from a young age, you might need a makeover later, but it definitely builds empathy.’

Wow, Mom.

‘I respect you.’

We’re thinking far ahead.

“Oh, and you’re going to publish an article, right?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Then please mention that all of Kongja’s appearance fees will be donated.”


I blinked at Mom.

“Oh, really?”

“Yes, I plan to donate. It’ll help silence those who accuse us of using a child for money.”

Are there still such comments?

“They’ve decreased nowadays, but still. I want to do it. And we’re not financially struggling.”

“Understood. Should we disclose the donation recipient as well?”

“Yes, it will be the orphanage where Kongja was.”

The main writer nodded in admiration.

“I see.”

“It’s where we met Kongja.”

“Got it.”

The main writer stood up and bowed.

“Then, see you on the filming day.”

“Yes, please keep us updated on the schedule.”

“Yes. See you later, Kongja!”

I raised my hand high and said.


“Aww, so cute.”

Mom and I stood up to see them off. As the crew left, An Sandek said.

“You did well, Miss.”

“It was just an interview, nothing hard.”

“But you have to go out right after.”

“Well, that’s true. I’ve been busy lately.”

I stared at Mom.

“Hmm, Kongja. Do you have something to say?”

“Mom! I’m so happy. Really, really happy!”

I respect you so much, Mom.

‘You’ve thought of so many things.’

Suddenly, a warm feeling surged up.

‘Come to think of it, I had no one to help me during my acting career.’

I was praised as a great supporting actor, but the agency wasn’t good.

The managers were unreliable, and they often changed.

‘Having someone to support you is incredible.’

To think you’d do this for me.

I took a deep breath.

But maybe because I was a child, tears came first.

“Oh my, Kongja, why are you crying?”

Tears, as large as chicken droppings, fell from my eyes.

Honestly, I was surprised by my own reaction.

“Why are you crying? Stop crying!”

My mother, unaware of anything, held my hand.

I felt the warmth of her touch.

The tears wouldn’t stop.

‘Damn it! I’ll be a good son.’

Thank you for paving the way for me with so much effort.

“Mama, daebak! ” (Mom, you’re the best!)

She blinked and then quietly hugged me.


In the parent-child program, how could I leave a good impression?

‘Well, I am a cute baby, so just moving around a bit would be enough to get some positive attention…’

Still, leaving a good impression was another story.

‘It’s harder than I thought.’

There were quite a few challenges.

‘Let’s think about it, Kongja.’

First, I needed to decide on my image.

‘What kind of child do I want the public to see me as?’

I furrowed my brows in thought while eating baby food.

‘My mom has created a good image by donating to the orphanage for me.’

So, it would be best to match that image.


I clenched my fist.

‘My image will be ‘angelic baby’!’

It wasn’t just because my mom always called me an angel. Thinking about it, this face and a kind image suited each other well.

‘Since there are photos of me sharing puffed rice with the kids, it makes sense.’

I pressed my cheeks firmly.

‘Besides, I’m quite good-looking. A bad image wouldn’t fit well.’

Even though I chose this image, it wasn’t like I had any other options.

‘The producer watched the preview video and DVD when he decided to cast me, right?’

That meant being an angelic baby.

‘It’s a bit embarrassing, but I have to do it.’

While nibbling on the baby food given by Auntie An, I moved on to the next agenda.

‘Second, coins.’


I let out a deep breath and checked the number of coins first.

‘Total coins!’

A subtitle appeared before my eyes.

[Total coins: 3,351]

I hung my head low.

‘It’s not increasing much.’

I tried hard to be cute at my first birthday party, but this was the limit.

“They’re stricter than I thought.”

Well, I wasn’t the main focus in entertainment news or preview videos.

“But this parent-child program is different.”

I didn’t know how many minutes I would get, but I definitely had a portion assigned to me.

‘I’ll definitely increase it!’

I lifted my head again. Then I met Auntie An’s eyes immediately.

“Kongja, don’t you like the baby food?”

I shook my head.

“It’s delicious!”

“But why are you sighing today?”

Ah, dear.

Maybe it’s because my facial muscles are different.

‘My emotions are just coming out.’

I smiled broadly and picked my words carefully as a child would.

“Lots of things!”

Auntie An nodded right away.

“Yes, it’s a bit chaotic.”

Two days before filming the parent-child show.

The staff came and installed various equipment all over the house.

There were unmanned cameras and tents for the cameramen everywhere.

“They’re filming the living room, kitchen, and my room?”

Seeing the cute tents, it was clear this program was for children.

“Alright then…”

I told Auntie An.

“Give me cookies tomorrow.”

“What? You finished your baby food. But already?”

“I won’t be the one eating them!”

I smiled bashfully.

“Guests are coming!”

Even though I said it awkwardly, Auntie An understood right away.

“Cookies for the guests? Oh my.”

She shook her head with a smile.

“Our Kongja is so kind!”


“Oh, how cute. Asking for cookies for the guests!”

Oh, by the way.

“Who’s coming?”

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2 months ago

This makes me think about how difficult it will be for him to play villain roles, either because of his doll-like face or basically because of the act he will do until he is probably a pre-teen, I like villain roles, but it seems difficult, it even seems like he will play more romantic roles than anything else 😔🙌🏼

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