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Handsome since birth, road to stardom chapter 47

* * *

Auntie An smiled slightly and said, “I don’t know. I came here and found it in the cradle.”

Ma Soo-Jung frowned.

“Did someone from the main house give it to you? There’s no one who would do that. Didn’t you prepare it, Auntie An?”

Auntie An shook her head immediately.

“I couldn’t give something this luxurious. Look, miss.”

Ma Soo-Jung carefully examined the stone ring.

The gold part indeed looked thick.

“This is quite an expensive stone ring.”

“Who on earth gave it?”

“There’s only one person it could be.”

Ma Soo-Jung rubbed her forehead.

“Could it be the Landlady”

“Miss! How can you call Madam that?”

“Why would she do this? What’s her scheme?”

“Because the baby is your son too. Maybe she’s just being considerate.”

No way.

Ma Soo-Jung shook her head immediately.

“Auntie An. I know the house owner well. It’s a miracle she hasn’t kicked us out.”

“Well, then…”

Auntie An spoke cautiously, “Maybe she finds the baby adorable?”

Ma Soo-Jung slowly looked down at her son.

‘That could be true.’

Today, the baby sleeping in colorful pajamas looked extremely adorable.

“Today, our baby was really cute, wasn’t he?”

“Oh my, what did he do this time?”

“He was so captivating. Auntie An, you should watch the DVD later.”

“Of course. I must see it. Didn’t you have a hard time? No matter how much help you have, taking care of a baby all day is tough.”

Ma Soo-Jung shook her head.

“You know our baby.”

“Yes, he’s really calm and doesn’t cause much trouble.”

“And also…”

Ma Soo-Jung brushed back her young son’s hair.

His gentle breathing was very endearing.

“I’ve been contemplating something.”

“Oh, really?”

“I wasn’t sure if it was good for him to be exposed to the public. If he were to live a normal life, it’d be better not to. But it’s too late, as he is my son.”

Auntie An nodded.

“The media has already captured him. He’s been exposed for a while.”

“Yes. And our baby loves the camera.”

“That’s true.”

“I wondered if I should prevent it, but I don’t think so. I decided at this birthday party. Being proactive is better if his dream is to become an actor.”

Auntie An blinked.

Ma Soo-Jung let out a long breath, noticing her reaction.

Everyone would probably be surprised.

“Isn’t it fascinating how I’m so certain?”


“I guess it’s a mother’s instinct. When he picked up the mask at the birthday party, I knew I couldn’t ignore the sign.”

The baby stirred in the cradle. He was so adorable that Ma Soo-Jung smiled brightly.

“Miss, you’ve made up your mind.”

“Yes. Otherwise, why would I go through this?”

“It’s not surprising. Your instincts are usually right. And he’s still young. If he dislikes the exposure later, you can adjust accordingly.”

Ma Soo-Jung nodded.

“Children’s faces change as they grow.”

“Indeed. But miss,” Auntie An looked closely at the baby.

“He’s so handsome that he’ll stay beautiful even if his looks change.”

“Do you really think so?”

Ma Soo-Jung agreed deeply with that sentiment.

“As an entertainer myself, I know faces well. But I’ve never seen a baby as beautiful as mine.”

“If you decide to put him out there, I bet you’ll get a flood of calls.”

“Oh, really?”

Ma Soo-Jung suddenly remembered the business cards she had received.

“Actually, people did ask for the DVD of today’s birthday party.”


“They even gave me their addresses. I got more than a few business cards.”

Ma Soo-Jung tilted her head.

“It feels like he did a better job of promoting than the company president.”


“Nothing. Haha. Anyway, if this is how things are, I’ll have to help.”

Ma Soo-Jung stroked the baby’s hair and said, “Trust mommy, baby.”

The baby moved his arm, which was so cute that both Auntie An and Ma Soo-Jung covered their mouths and laughed.

* * *

‘My mom is bold.’

Honestly, when I asked for the mask, I thought she’d understood my intention.

But I didn’t expect things to move so quickly.

“Hello, Ms. Ma Soo-Jung.”

“Yes, hello. Here’s our baby. Say hi, baby.”


The people covered their mouths and laughed.

“Wow, he’s really cute. Just like in the pictures.”

“Isn’t he cuter than in the pictures?”

“Oh, yes. He’s even cuter in person. Hi, baby. I’m the main writer, Lee Ga-Jin.”

Oh, the main writer!

‘Which program is she from?’

I smiled brightly and held out my hand.

“Hello, sister!”

“Oh my! Sister? I’m already in my forties?”


“Oh dear!”

The main writer turned her head and laughed.

“He knows how to win hearts.”

“Haha! Does he?”

“Nice to meet you again. I’m Lee Ga-Jin, the main writer of the weekend variety show ‘Baby and Me’.”

“I’m assistant director Jo Byung-Chul.”

“I’m sub-writer Seo Yoo-Ra.”

Oh, a parenting show.

I grinned. Now I understood why they came to our house.

‘They came for an interview for a parenting show.’


‘This is great.’

There’s nothing better than variety shows to raise awareness.

‘Well, it does have the downside of consuming one’s image.’

Is it a one-time variety show?

My curiosity was soon resolved.

“It’s planned it as a special. I highly recommended your son, Ms. Ma Soo-Jung.”

“If it’s your baby, he should attract good attention.”

“Yes, I considered that too. As I mentioned over the phone, we aim for a gentle and healing atmosphere in our show.”

Mom smiled slightly.

“I know. That’s why I accepted it too.”

“Giving a script to a baby and making them follow it is just impossible.”

“But won’t there be an issue with the airtime then?”

The main writer calmly replied.

“That’s why we’re being careful with the casting.”


‘So, they don’t want to force it.’

That’s rare planning these days.

‘People probably know that even parenting shows have scripts.’

Somehow, I saw the assistant director and the main writer in a new light.

The main writer spoke cheerfully.

“So, to be honest, it might completely flop.”

Oh my.

Mom smiled a bit.

“Yes, I understand. Well, it’s just my opinion, but I hope more wholesome shows increase.”

“Yes, I understand that sentiment.”

Ah, right.

‘My mom has been through a lot in the entertainment industry.’

There were plenty of shows that pried into celebrities’ private lives.

Ma Soo-jung was a perfect target for such shows.

‘I don’t know for sure, but there must have been a fuss about the adoption too.’

Mom was strong.

But that didn’t mean she didn’t get hurt.

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