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Prince from another dimension becomes an Idol chapter 20

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The members cautiously approached the new vocal trainer to see his face.

Compared to the previous vocal trainer, who was in her early thirties, this new trainer appeared much older.

Even at a glance, he seemed to be in his early forties.

Since there were trends in how to sing, agencies had recently been hiring younger trainers.

So, seeing that the new trainer was older than expected, the members were somewhat taken aback.




The vocal trainer greeted the members, who were greeting him with awkward expressions, with a smile.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Kang Changsik.”

His smile was warm and gentle.

‘It’s exactly the same.’

Dojae stared blankly at Kang Changsik.

He was once considered the top singer-songwriter in the Korean Empire.

He was also the singer of [The Meaning of You], the first song Dojae sang in South Korea.

Perhaps noticing Dojae’s intense gaze, Kang Changsik gave him a slightly puzzled look before continuing his introduction.

“As you might have heard, I will be your vocal teacher starting today.”

His gentle tone began to ease the members’ tense expressions.

Although he appeared older, they decided he wasn’t the ‘strict teacher’ type.

“You must be feeling a bit disappointed and worried because your previous teacher left. I, too, feel the pressure of teaching you with only a year left until your debut.”

Kang Changsik openly shared his honest thoughts in a relaxed manner.

“There might be differences in teaching styles between me and your previous teacher. However, the goal remains the same: to help each of you bring out the best voice you can. So, please follow along well.”


“Do you understand?”

“Yes. We understand.”

Kijoon replied from the front.


Dojae followed with a voice full of spirit.

His black eyes sparkled with light.

An object of admiration.

He was right in front of him.

And he was in the position of a teacher.

How much comfort had Dojae found in his songs?

He knew it was a different person, of course.

But his words were similar to those of Kang Changsik from Korean Empire.

‘The best voice each of you can bring out…’

Kang Changsik from the Korean Empire had said something similar in an interview.

Dojae had a habit of digging deeply whenever he liked a singer or took them as a role model.

It was the only way for Dojae, who couldn’t attend academies or share his dreams with others, to nurture his dream alone.

Therefore, parts of Kang Changsik’s interview remained vividly in his mind.

[The voice is that person’s instrument. Each instrument produces a different sound.

You can’t say one instrument is superior. The piano has its charm, and the violin has its own charm. We just try to bring out the best piano sound and the most beautiful violin sound.

I, too, strive to bring out the best, unique sound of Kang Changsik.]

That was the kind of interview it was.

‘It’s fascinating.’

Just as the Korean Empire and South Korea had different trajectories, individuals in parallel worlds led different lives.

Some didn’t even exist, like Dojae’s siblings.

Dojae felt there was no strong connection to someone who shared the same face but lived a completely different life, like ‘Lee Dojae’ and ‘Kang Dojae.’

But it seemed he was wrong.

‘Well… Both Kang Dojae and I dreamed of becoming singers…’

Their diligent efforts were eerily similar.

Chamberlain Kim and Manager Kim Seokchul’s stiff yet dignified personalities were so alike they felt like the same person.

‘Their jobs could be broadly similar. After all, they both help others.’

And now, it was Kang Changsik.

Though he wasn’t a singer in South Korea, he was still involved in singing as a vocal trainer.

‘I wonder why he didn’t become a singer.’

The same individuals from two worlds always had at least one point in common.

Dojae felt a renewed sense of destiny in the Kingdom Entertainment.

‘What are the similarities between this place and the palace I lived in…?’

Suddenly, a premonition crossed Dojae’s mind.

“So, let’s start by checking your skills. I have received the materials, but hearing your voices directly is different.”

With that, Trainer Kang Changsik lined up the members.

Then, he had them warm up their voices.

After making different sounds to warm up, Kang Changsik began the actual lesson.

“Now, let’s have each of you follow me.”

All the members except Heungmin and Kijoon were in the vocal part.

Even the rappers had to pay attention to their basic singing skills, so everyone straightened their postures and listened closely to Kang Changsik’s voice.

“Ah- Ah, ah- Ah, ah-”

Kang Changsik sang five basic octave notes.

Even with just those five notes, his deep expertise was palpable.

Before coming to the vocal practice, Team Leader Jung Heeyoung had briefly shared his background.

He was a famous trainer who had worked for a long time at Seonyul Entertainment, training their well-known vocalists.

Team Leader Jung Heeyoung had struggled a lot to bring him in, as he was about to retire to a rural life.

He emphasized that without their past connection, it would have been difficult and urged them to learn properly to become vocalists who could outshine Seonryul trainees.

At Kang Changsik’s signal, Heungmin, who stood at the far left, sang.

“Ah, ah, ah, ah.”


The other members seemed familiar with it, but Louis and Dojae couldn’t help but watch Heungmin.

Their gazes were solemn.

‘He was born to be a rapper.’

Anyone could tell.

Though the notes weren’t entirely off, the subtle trembling hindered proper tonation.

However, Kang Changsik showed no reaction and looked at the next member, Kijoon.

Kijoon, also a rapper, was much better than Heungmin.

But he wasn’t at a singer’s level and was just average.

Woochul was better than him, and next was Louis.

Louis’s delicate voice hit the note perfectly.

And then it was Kyuseong’s turn.

“Ah- Ah, Ah- Ah, Ah-”

Once again, Louis and Dojae were astonished.

Kyuseong’s voice was exceptionally unique and captivating.

Even Kang Changshik, who had been checking the members’ basic skills with minimal expression changes, flinched for a moment.

The members had mentioned that Kyuseong could sing well after spending a few days together.

They said he seemed completely different from his usual quiet self.

Heungmin even shook his head in disbelief.

Some said that if Kyuseong were a bit more proactive, he could have joined a bigger agency.

‘So that’s why they said that.’

Kyuseong had such an attractive voice that Dojae wanted to hear a proper song from him.

His pitch was also accurate.

Dojae’s heart fluttered lightly.

Of course, whether in the Korean Empire or the Republic of Korea, there were quite a few singers with outstanding voices like Kyuseong’s.

There were even more if you considered foreign singers.

However, Dojae’s relationship with them was always that of a singer and a fan, or a singer and an audience.

They weren’t members of the same team who sang alongside Dojae.

That was what stimulated Dojae.

He wanted to refine his shortcomings and produce a powerful voice like Kyuseong’s.

When Dojae was yearning for it, it became his turn.

Dojae straightened his posture and focused on producing one note at a time.

“Ah- Ah, Ah- Ah, Ah—”

It was a soft yet strong resonance. The lingering effect lasted a long time.

However, it was also precise and concise without any excess.

Kyuseong looked at Dojae with stunned eyes, standing right next to him.


Even if it was just five notes, it was perfect.

It was the same level of perfection as Kang Changshik’s initial demonstration.


Woochul exclaimed in amazement.

Kang Changshik, who had briefly paused his gaze like with Kyuseong, spoke.

“Good. Very good.”

And then, the pitch went slightly higher.

As the notes increased step by step, they reached a level that neither Kijoon nor Heungmin could follow anymore.

Next, Woochul and Louis dropped out one by one.

Dojae and Kyuseong were able to follow Kang Changshik up to the highest note he could produce.

The two were stable enough that the members gave them somewhat exhausted looks.

In the lower range, Dojae could produce a note one step lower than Kyuseong.

After testing all the members’ vocal ranges, pitches, and vocalizations, Kang Changshik commented.

“Heungmin, straighten your shoulders a bit more. That way, your voice won’t tremble.”

He advised Kijoon to use more abdominal strength, Woochul to be more confident, and Louis to make the most of his delicate voice by producing a softer sound.

And he spoke to Kyuseong and Dojae.

“I’ve heard that you both are skilled, but you’ve exceeded my expectations.”


“Thank you.”

Dojae immediately expressed his gratitude.

“Take a ten-minute break, and then we’ll start the main class.”

“Yes, sir!”

With a loud voice, Kang Changshik briefly left the practice room.

Kyuseong had been silently looking at Dojae for a while.

‘He’s got a good personality too…’

Since resolving the misunderstanding, Kyuseong felt overwhelming gratitude and saw Dojae as almost a saint like Mother Teresa or Gandhi.

It’s not common for a victim to remain composed even when misunderstood as the perpetrator.

Of course, if Dojae knew about Kyuseong’s thoughts, he would probably say he’s more like Confucius or Mencius….


‘And to think he sings so well. And he’s even handsome.’

But Dojae could sing well too.

Compared to Dojae, Kyuseong felt that he was lacking in many ways.

‘I’m so lacking…’

He felt like a terrible person compared to Dojae, especially since he had been quick to suspect others.

‘We’re in the same team… I don’t want to be a burden.’

Kyuseong clenched his fist tightly.

Just as Dojae had been inspired by Kyuseong, Dojae was also a stimulus for Kyuseong.

For a moment, their eyes met.

‘I want to get better.’

Both of them thought simultaneously as they looked at each other.


—Even though you’re doing well there, we can’t meet anymore—

Kyuseong’s unique voice filled the practice room.

A smile appeared on Kang Changshik’s lips as he played the piano.

—Remember. I loved you.

As Dojae’s voice naturally took over the high notes, the members watching shook their heads.

“Wow. The practice room is going to explode.”

Woochul lightly clicked his tongue at Dojae’s more solid vocalization.

The practice room, soundproofed all around, was about half the size of the one the members usually used.

Instead, the song could be heard well, and it had an electric piano, making it used exclusively for singing practice.

Every time the members came here, they were in awe.

“How can… they improve even more?”

“Holy shit! Both of them are insane!”

Heungmin and Louis took turns marveling.

Even with their extensive practice time, both Dojae and Kyuseong never neglected their personal practice.

If one person improved, the other immediately followed.

As a result, their singing skills remained nearly indistinguishable, and it seemed they could debut at any moment.

“Both of you have improved again.”

Kang Changshik said in a satisfied tone as he took his hands off the piano.

Today marked half a year since their first class with Kang Changshik.

And today was also the day the debut song of the team consisting of Dojae and the other five members will be chosen.

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Good good 👍

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