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Did the Demon King file his taxes today? chapter 16: Don’t Hit Me After Hitting Him (2)

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Meetings, one of the nightmares of Lin Lin’s work period, wasted ninety percent of her time every Monday doing useless work.

It should have been expected that this time the meeting in the Demon King’s castle about financial issues would also involve her.

Unexpectedly, when the Demon King was doing serious things, he was still reliable.

He clearly and concisely described the current situation and proposed some basic ideas.

On the luxurious meeting table, there was an exquisite and luxurious crystal chandelier overhead.

To ensure that Tiger Whale could breathe the moisture in the air smoothly, the windows of the Demon King’s castle were wide open, and the roar of thunder and the flicker of lightning in the sky created an atmosphere of world destruction, just like the villains.

Lin Lin noticed that everyone at the conference was dressed rather formally, indicating that they all took this work seriously.

The Demon King naturally sat at the main seat.

Besides Lin Lin, there were the dragon clan, dark elves, and the Orc brothers whom she had already met.

There was also a beautiful woman with long, light blue hair, her face cold, and… a silver helmet placed on the table.

Yes, a helmet. It emitted a faint, eerie green light from the inside.

This was also a colleague.

Lin Lin was quite sure that the helmet was alive because it moved on its own to adjust its angle, seemingly to better hear the words of the Demon King.

Among everyone present, the helmet seemed to be the most serious.

Lin Lin didn’t really want to know what was inside.

She always felt like it was a character that would only appear in a horror novel.

After noticing Lin Lin glancing uneasily at the helmet several times, Alan, who was sitting next to the helmet, smiled and turned the helmet in Lin Lin’s direction.

This darn thing! Lin Lin cursed inwardly and subtly moved further away from the helmet.

The Demon King’s subordinates also had their rankings, with Sapphire of the dragon clan clearly being among the high-ranking members, and the older of the Orc brothers also being in a prominent position.

“I think these worries are unnecessary,” Sapphire looked at Lin Lin, obviously aware of whose hands the data in the Demon King’s possession came from.

“The Demon King’s castle doesn’t care about such petty cash. If we’re short on money, we can just go and occupy the lands of other races.”

Here comes the bandit-like antagonist!

The kind of traditional plot where the princess is abducted, humans are subjugated, and the evil dragon is finally slain by the hero!

Lin Lin: “As far as I know, the gold and silver treasures you looted from occupying lands were all dragged back to your own lair and not given to the Demon King’s castle.”

Sapphire: …

Lin Lin: “By the way, in the future, things from the Demon King’s treasury cannot be taken at will, like golden basins and sapphires.”

Sapphire’s eyes, as dazzling as gems, flickered slightly, and he slowly looked towards the Demon King.

The Demon King laughed a bit awkwardly, “Yes, there are rules now… and many new rules.”

Different from the hoarding dragon clan, there were also those who would spend all their wages on the day they were paid just by judging their faces.

Alan raised his hand, “But we also need money when we go out on missions. Are we supposed to pay for it ourselves?”

Lin Lin pointed to the hefty meeting materials in everyone’s hands, “For mission-related expenses, you can refer to the newly formulated ‘Demon King’s Castle Travel Expense Management Measures (Trial Version)’ and ‘Demon King’s Castle Employee Education Fund Management Measures,’ and for daily expenses, there is the ‘Demon King’s Castle Financial Management Measures.'”

Alan casually flipped through the booklets on the table, looking like he hadn’t absorbed any of it.

He leaned back in his chair and looked at Arthur next to him, “Bro, I can’t read. Can you read it to me?”

Your brother is mute, how can he read it to you!

Why do you have to tell such a hellish joke even between siblings!

“What does ’employee education’ refer to?” The first time Lin Lin had met the elegant and beautiful woman, she spoke, her voice as bleak as she appeared.

Lin Lin always feels nervous when facing girls who are too beautiful.

She even softened her voice a bit when speaking: “It’s the cost of learning work-related skills and improving cultural literacy. For example, learning to make poison from a shaman, or hiring scum from other species to lecture can all be reimbursed normally.”

The woman nodded slightly, indicating she understood.

Among all the people, the dragon clan’s Sapphire was the first to study the “Employee Compensation Management Measures,” and one item caught his attention: “What is considered a significant contribution?”

Lin Lin replied, “For example, the significant contribution of this quarter is who can bring stable income to the Demon King City?”

The scene fell slightly silent, then the attendees suddenly became active in speaking.

“I have a hot spring in my territory that can be developed for tourism.”

“Selling seafood.”

“The Spider Queen’s nest has a lot of treasures.”

…Aren’t you all good at making money! How could this company lose money for two hundred years!
There’s even a black-on-black situation going on inside!

In the later part of the meeting, Lin Lin completely relaxed her brain and listened to this group of villains talk about their various world-domination plans.

How should I put it, all of them are quite simple and crude plans. Several of them together couldn’t make up one brain. It’s really worrying about the future of the villain camp, no wonder they lost so miserably two hundred years ago.

Lin Lin quietly yawned, enduring until the meeting finally ended.

The cadres gradually got up.

Lin Lin’s position was near the door, and everyone had to pass by her.

Lin Lin carefully organized the meeting minutes, listing the more feasible hot springs and goods sales as the main targets of the plan.

Suddenly, her head was forcibly patted. Lin Lin was able to accurately punch the offender in the abdomen: “Alan, you’re asking for it!”

Alan shrugged twice, holding his helmet and quickly ran away.

Lin Lin’s anger had not subsided, her fierce eyes unchanged, looking at the last person left in the conference hall.

The Demon King’s gaze moved away from Lin Lin’s fist and he smiled: “Don’t hit me after hitting him”

Lin Lin: “It’s just a reflex.”

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