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The Aftermath of Divorcing the Wealthy Man chapter 27

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In the distance was a crossroads, with countless vehicles coming and going.

Further away was the tall Rongcheng Landmark Building, with a group of white doves flapping their wings and flying by.

In such a steel city, everyone was very small, just living their lives as best as they could.

Su Lingwei went over the current situation of Jiahe Entertainment in her mind.

The movie “Overnight Riches” had already started filming, and Xuanfei Technology had also invested a large sum of money.

The next step was to see if there were any profitable projects to invest in.

Gu Feiyang had invested in her, so she needed to find a way to make him money.

The two web dramas she had previously invested in were almost halfway through filming.

It was time to contact the cooperating video websites to finalize the broadcasting arrangements as soon as possible.

In addition, there was the costume drama invested by Jiahe.

Although the viewership in the previous life was average after its broadcast, it was a project set by Father Su. She needed to take some time to visit the set.

If she could get the TV series broadcast on a better television station, she planned to fight for it.

She couldn’t completely think that because it didn’t work in the previous life, it wouldn’t work in this life. She didn’t want to give up so easily.

She was so focused on work that when her phone rang, Su Lingwei didn’t immediately react.

The phone rang for more than ten seconds before Su Lingwei came to her senses, turned around, and walked back to her desk to pick up her phone to see who was calling.

At first, Su Lingwei thought it was Xiao Zhenyu calling back.

When she saw the caller ID, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Su Lingwei answered the phone, “Hello.”

With a smiling voice, Gu Feiyang’s voice came through the phone, “Wei Wei, have you handled everything in the company?”

He was asking about her handling of the mole in Jiahe Entertainment. Gu Feiyang’s investment was completely based on his trust in Su Lingwei.

She did not hide the current situation of Jiahe Entertainment from him.

After learning about her difficult situation, Gu Feiyang decisively gave her a large investment and also gave her some methods and suggestions for handling business.

Su Lingwei benefited a lot from him and was very grateful to him.

“Everything has been handled. Thank you for your advice.” Su Lingwei cooperated very well with Gu Feiyang today.

This was also the countermeasure they discussed after Gu Feiyang advised her.

It not only dealt a heavy blow to the opponent, clarified the rumors about Jiahe Entertainment, but also created a wave of heat for both companies, which could be said to be very rewarding.

Gu Feiyang said, “Since everything is handled, and we’ve cooperated so perfectly today, we should celebrate. I’ve booked a private room at Guoxiangyuan Restaurant. Let’s have dinner together tonight.”

His invitation was reasonable.

It was to celebrate their successful cooperation. Su Lingwei couldn’t find a reason to refuse Gu Feiyang.

Whether it was due to their working relationship, Gu Feiyang’s strong support for Jiahe Entertainment, or their personal relationship as childhood friends, their deep friendship made Su Lingwei very grateful.

“Okay, let’s celebrate tonight.” Su Lingwei readily agreed.

“I’ll pick you up after work, and then we’ll go to Guoxiangyuan together. What time do you get off work?” Gu Feiyang offered to be the driver, showing great enthusiasm.

As the boss of Xuanfei Technology and a major investor in Jiahe Entertainment, as well as her partner, Gu Feiyang’s willingness to act as her driver was very proactive.

The driver, Su Lingwei, didn’t say anything about refusing, of course, she just agreed.

“I get off work at 5:30.” Su Lingwei said.

There was a pause on the phone for a few seconds, probably Gu Feiyang checking the time, and quickly replied, “Then I’ll be at your company at 5:20.”

“Okay.” Su Lingwei agreed.

“That’s settled then. You go ahead and busy yourself, I won’t bother you anymore.” After saying what needed to be said, Gu Feiyang hung up the phone.

Su Lingwei looked at the darkened screen of her phone and couldn’t help but smile.

At 5:20 in the afternoon, Su Lingwei received a call from Gu Feiyang right on time.

Gu Feiyang’s cheerful voice came through the phone to Su Lingwei’s ears, “I’m already downstairs at your office.”

Su Lingwei looked at the documents in her hand and quickly said, “I still have something to deal with here, can you wait for me for a few minutes?”

Gu Feiyang checked the time, ten minutes before the agreed departure time of 5:30, and said, “It’s still early, no need to rush, I’ll wait for you to finish your business.”

“Okay.” Su Lingwei replied, busy with her affairs, and hung up the phone.

Gu Feiyang, sitting in the car downstairs, looked at the disconnected phone, paused for two seconds, then decided to open the car door, get out, and take the elevator upstairs to find Su Lingwei.

Su Lingwei had just finished processing the documents and handed them over to Zhang Mingen, “Assistant Zhang, send these documents to various departments, this is the latest personnel arrangement.”

Director Yu and Secretary Huang, who leaked company secrets, were dismissed, and new staff were needed to take over their work.

After considering the situation of Jiahe Entertainment, Su Lingwei made corresponding personnel changes.

“Okay, I’ll send them out in a moment.” Zhang Mingen took the documents, and then remembered something he had heard elsewhere, smiling at Su Lingwei, “President Su, your decisions these two times have been very successful, especially getting Xuanfei Technology to invest in us, shutting those old guys up. I think in the future, they won’t dare to deliberately oppose you again.”

Su Lingwei put down her pen and looked up at Zhang Mingen, “It’s best if they can shut up and stop causing trouble on purpose. For a company to develop, internal unity is very important. They’re probably not willing to be kicked out like Director Yu, despite their high salaries at Jiahe Entertainment.”

Indeed, that’s the way it is.

People tend to seek advantage and avoid harm.

They choose what’s best for themselves, and no one wants to end up in disgrace.

At this moment, there was a knock at the door. Su Lingwei thought it was the secretary from the president’s office and said, “Come in.”

To her surprise, the person who pushed open the door and came in was Gu Feiyang.

He was wearing a gray suit, looking noble and handsome, with a smile in his eyes as he looked at Su Lingwei, “Wei Wei, haven’t you finished your work yet?”

His tone was gentle, without any impatience, just purely asking if she had finished her work.

Su Lingwei looked at the work in her hands and said, “I’ve finished.”

“Then, can we go?” Gu Feiyang looked at Su Lingwei, his eyes filled with expectation.

“Let’s go.” Su Lingwei turned off her computer, stood up, picked up her bag and phone, and walked around the desk towards the door.

Zhang Mingen also followed Su Lingwei out of the office.

Su Lingwei and Gu Feiyang went downstairs together, and when they reached the parking lot, Gu Feiyang quickly walked up to open the car door, gentlemanly inviting Su Lingwei into the car.

“When did you become so polite?” Su Lingwei joked as she smiled at him.

Gu Feiyang smiled back, “Serving a beautiful lady is only right.”

Su Lingwei smiled and got into the car, while Gu Feiyang went around to the other side, opened the car door, and got in.

The car quickly drove out, and the two of them chatted and laughed all the way, arriving at Guoxiangyuan Restaurant soon after.

“The boiled fish here is delicious…” Gu Feiyang introduced to Su Lingwei as he led her into the restaurant.

Suddenly, Su Lingwei stopped in her tracks and looked ahead.

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