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Handsome since birth, road to stardom chapter 31

* * *

I saw my reflection in her eyes and shouted involuntarily.


I love my mom so much!

Then I buried my nose in her embrace. Mom laughed and patted me gently.

“Oh, my little angel. You’re so cute, I could melt.”

“I look after him every day, but it seems he only shows affection to you, miss.”


Mom hugged me tightly and spoke.

“Does he know I’m his mom?”

“How could he not?”

“Even though I didn’t give birth to him and only see him occasionally, do you think our little Kongja considers me his mom?”

What are you saying! I pulled away and struggled as I shouted.

“Mama! Mama! Mama!”

Of course, I think of you as my mom!

Mom gazed at me quietly as I flailed about. Then, she burst into laughter, covering her mouth.


Mom hugged me and spun around.

“Because of our little Kongja, I am so, so happy!”

Me too, Mom.

“Any worries I had seem meaningless now!”

I flailed my arms and legs.

Don’t worry about those things! It’ll just stress you out!

Mom looked at Auntie An while speaking.

“Doesn’t it seem like the little Kongja is telling me not to worry?”

“Well, isn’t he just flailing around?”

“Oh, my little angel.”

Mom lifted me and kissed my cheek. The soft touch came and went. I clapped my hands with a smile.

“Alright, sweetie. Let’s make a movie with mom.”

“Oh, I’ll come along too.”

“Thank you, Auntie An.”

“No problem. It’s my job. Oh, miss, do you want to see more videos of our little Kongja?”

Mom stood up abruptly, holding me.

“Are there more besides the ones you sent on the phone?”

“Yes. But my computer’s a bit slow these days.”

Mom spoke decisively.

“Use my card.”

Ah, my bold God of Wealth.

Auntie An grinned at Mom’s words.

“I thought you might say that.”

“I won’t hold back when it comes to capturing our little Kongja.”

“Then I’ll make sure to handle the backups.”

“Please do.”


‘Both the lady who follows orders and my mom who gives them.’

I couldn’t help but love them both for being so impressive. I babbled with respect.


Both women laughed as they looked at me.

‘Oh dear. I feel so loved.’

Feeling loved. It was an experience I hadn’t fully grasped in my past life.


On the set of the zombie movie ‘City of the Dead’. Because of the extensive CG work, the set was filled with green screens.

‘This makes acting even harder.’

When CG was first introduced, I heard that actors often struggled to get immersed and would cry.

Actress Ma Soo-jung completely understood that feeling.

‘But an actor has to persevere regardless.’

As the makeup progressed, the glamorous actress transformed into a more rugged appearance.

She turned her face back and forth in the mirror, inspecting the makeup.

The messy look was fine.

But she had one other concern.

“What if our little Kongja cries when he sees me like this?”

The special effects team chuckled. Ma Soo-jung sighed.

“It’s serious. If our little Kongja realizes I look different from usual and cries, I’ll be heartbroken too.”

“Oh, is today the day he’s visiting the set?”

“Yes. The nanny is bringing him today.”

“I saw the magazine. He’s really adorable.”

Why does praise for my child feel so wonderful? It made me smile naturally.

“Isn’t he? Our little Kongja is an angel, right?”

“How can he be so cute? I was really looking forward to today because of him.”

“Hyun-jung, I assure you, the photos don’t do him justice.”

She thought of her little Kongja. With his slightly light-colored hair and big black eyes, he floated around like a cherub.

“Is he really that cute?”


At that moment, Manager Lee Mi-jin walked in.

“Unnie, your son is here.”

Soon, a lady holding a baby came in.

Ma Soo-jung spread her arms and approached the baby.

Honestly, she still felt a bit anxious.

‘What if Kongja gets scared when he sees me?’

Ma Soo-jung’s cute baby angel saw her and his eyes widened.

As his tiny face quivered, her heart ached.

‘Ah, as expected.’

Is he going to cry? My precious Kongja.

But Ma Soo-jung didn’t need to worry.

Kongja soon started flapping his arms and legs with a cute voice.

“Mama! Mama!”

Ma Soo-jung beamed and held him.

The smell of formula milk wafted through the air.

“Kongja, are you not scared of mommy?”

Kongja shook his head and flailed his arms.

He actually seemed very excited.

Auntie An chuckled and said,

“Far from being scared, he likes you.”

“Oh, Auntie An, thank you for bringing him.”

“No problem. Kongja just slept in the car seat. I only had to drive.”

Manager Lee Mi-jin finally approached Kongja.

The tiny child was truly amazing.

“Wow, how can a baby be this cute?”

“Isn’t our Kongja handsome?”

“I thought so when I saw him in pictures, but seeing him up close, I can’t help but be amazed. What a little miracle!”

As Lee Mi-jin examined him closely, the makeup team members started to gather around to see the baby.

“Wow, it’s true. The magazines didn’t do his looks justice.”

“He’s insanely cute. How can he be this adorable?”

“His name is Kongja? It suits him so well.”

The baby, perhaps because he was receiving so many compliments, began to flail his limbs.

The makeup team stifled their giggles, covering their mouths.

“Oh, look at those tiny feet!”

“His hands are small too. So cute!”

Ma Soo-jung lifted Kongja’s tiny chubby hand for everyone to see.


“Oh! He’s so cute.”

“Our little angel’s hands are so soft, aren’t they?”

The baby looked at the makeup team members and gurgled, smiling.


The room fell silent for a moment. The first to break the silence was Manager Lee Mi-jin.

“Oh my, really?”

Once someone started, the compliments poured in.

“He’s truly an angel.”

“He said bba-bba. So cute!”

“Baby, my name is Lan. Oh, you’re too adorable. You’re going to break the set with your cuteness!”

The props team member, looking pale, said,

“You can’t break the set! How about the director’s jacket?”

“Oh, I support that.”

“Me too.”

“I really hate that jacket.”

Then a low voice was heard.

“What’s wrong with it?”

The director stretched out his jacket and said,

“Is it really that bad?”

Everyone in the makeup room nodded. The director, looking hurt, hugged himself.

“Oh, why? It’s comfortable!”

“Honestly, it’s an eyesore.”

“The horrible design and the fact that the director doesn’t suit it at all…”

“If it were just a plain pattern, it’d be one thing, but what’s with the skull graphic?”

The director turned around to show the design on the back.

“I used to like death metal…”

“Ugh! Baby, don’t look at this!”

“Yeah, pretty baby, your eyes will rot. Eww! Yuck!”

The director hung his head and muttered.

“It’s my favorite jacket…”

“Sometimes, I want to exorcise that jacket.”

“Shoo. Go away. Shoo.”

The design team waved their hands at the director. The director, with hurt eyes, slowly approached.

“Ah, don’t come closer.”

“But I have to see the baby. He’s the hottest celebrity these days.”

Ma Soo-jung patted the baby’s shoulder and turned slightly.

“Hmm. It’s 500 won to look at our Kongja.”

“What! That’s too expensive! How about 300 won?”

“1,000 won!”

“What! Please, make it 500 won!”

Everyone laughed at the director’s obvious dad joke.

Ma Soo-jung laughed heartily and then turned away.

She had been on set for days and was tired.

The director approached the baby.

His eyes were blurry, and his shoulders were heavy.

But right now, he didn’t feel tired at all.


The director blinked.

So, it was a baby.

A tiny, wriggling, crying, milk-drinking baby.

But seeing him now, all he could do was marvel.

“Wow, this face is a cheat code.”

The baby looked at him.
Director Heo swallowed hard.

Then he muttered without realizing it.

“Is it possible for someone to look like this?”

Ma Soo-jung held the baby’s hand and said,

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