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The Aftermath of Divorcing the Wealthy Man chapter 6

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The next day, Su Lingwei got up early, washed up, put on a neat and delicate makeup, and drove to work at Jiahe Entertainment.

Her father was ill, so Su Lingwei took on the entire burden of Jiahe Entertainment.

When she arrived at the office early in the morning, Su Lingwei had just sat down and hadn’t even had a sip of water when Assistant Zhang came in to report on the company’s situation.

Assistant Zhang had been by Father Su’s side for ten years and was very trusted by him.

Su Lingwei also trusted him and said, “Tell me about Director Sun and the situation at Yuefeng Entertainment. The most urgent matter is to handle this issue.”

Seeing Su Lingwei get straight to the point, Assistant Zhang immediately became serious and said, “Director Sun is a long-time employee of Jiahe Entertainment. He is capable and has a good eye. Over the years, he has worked on several profitable projects and is well-regarded in the industry.”

“However, success can lead to arrogance. Director Sun has gradually become somewhat arrogant, thinking highly of himself and disregarding others. His team follows his orders, and sometimes he doesn’t even listen to President Su’s opinions.”

“In the past two years, Director Sun’s projects have been mediocre, with one project even losing money. President Su has therefore reduced some of his power and project funding.”

“But this change has made Director Sun very dissatisfied. He feels that President Su is deliberately making things difficult for him and deliberately suppressing him, thinking crookedly and feeling targeted by everyone and everything, which has led to some bad thoughts over time.”

“Yuefeng Entertainment has always been a competitor of Jiahe Entertainment, often competing for projects and investments. In the past few years, Yuefeng Entertainment has been following behind Jiahe Entertainment, imitating their projects. However, two years ago, Yuefeng Entertainment somehow recruited a new vice president, Wu Yuanhua, and carried out a series of radical reforms, producing a highly popular entertainment program and two top-rated IP dramas, rapidly gaining momentum.”

“With Jiahe Entertainment on the decline in the past two years, as a result, Yuefeng Entertainment has quickly surpassed Jiahe Entertainment, hinting at superiority over them.”

“Now, Yuefeng Entertainment has poached Director Sun, along with his team and the high-quality project he was working on, which is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Jiahe Entertainment, causing them substantial losses.”

Assistant Zhang’s account matched what Su Lingwei had learned.

In the past two years, the three TV dramas and one movie invested in by Jiahe Entertainment did not perform well, costing them a lot of money.

This year, the company was counting on Director Sun’s project to turn things around. The entire company had almost all its available resources invested in that project, spending much more money than on previous projects.

But Director Sun left at this crucial moment, leaving the entire company idle for several months. This was not only a waste of effort but also a heavy blow to Jiahe Entertainment, exacerbating their already difficult situation.

If this issue could not be resolved properly, without adequate response measures, and if the company did not have good projects to follow up with, failing to recover losses in time, Jiahe Entertainment’s funds would fall into shortage.

Once in that situation, it would be even harder for Jiahe Entertainment to recover.

Thinking of this, the atmosphere in the office became somewhat heavy.

Su Lingwei had been flipping through the documents in her hand, her mind racing. She wanted to see if there was a solution.

“I have some money on hand that I can use.” Su Lingwei said without looking up.

This was only a temporary solution to the financial difficulties. The money she had was given to her by Xiao Zhenyu when they divorced. The amount was not small, but it could only tide them over temporarily. The main thing for the operation of Jiahe Entertainment was still to increase revenue and reduce expenditure. They needed profitable projects to continue operating.

Su Lingwei flipped through a few more pages of the documents and analyzed, “The team and project that Director Sun took away seem to be the best in our company at the moment. In the short term, our company cannot catch up with them in making a similar project. Even if we do, it will be following in Director Sun’s footsteps, and by then, the hype will have been taken away by them. We can only pick up the scraps, or even nothing at all. So, for now, let’s not do similar projects. Let’s first organize the available resources and see if there are other options.”

Assistant Zhang smiled bitterly and said, “Miss Su, you’ve been with the company for over a month now, and you know the situation of the company. We currently don’t have many resources. We’ve only invested in two small web dramas and a historical TV drama. The main TV drama has only filmed half of it. We have to wait a long time for the post-production and the return of the investment. Ding Yiming is still in the crew as the male lead. As for the female lead, Jiang Jingke and Xu Lingling are filming in other crews. The company spends money every day, and the financial account is almost empty.”

Indeed, Jiahe Entertainment was currently in a very difficult situation.

Su Lingwei understood this very well.

The two small web dramas that Jiahe Entertainment had invested in recently were not popular at all. She didn’t even have any impression of them.

Even though she had not worked for the company in her past life, based on her one-month experience at the company and the current situation, these two small web dramas were unlikely to make much money. It would be fortunate if they didn’t lose money.

“To make money, we must invest in projects that can generate revenue.” Su Lingwei looked through the documents in her hand, trying to find a way to solve the current difficulties. Suddenly, her eyes lit up, and she became energized. “I’ve got it.”

This sentence caught Assistant Zhang’s attention, and he curiously asked, “Got what?”

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12 days ago


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