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Handsome since birth, road to stardom chapter 21

* * *

‘But first, it has to be known that I’m adopted.’

This might be difficult.

Mom would probably hide it for my sake.

‘This is a tough situation.’

It would be nice if someone leaked that I was adopted.

While I was lost in thought, Auntie An entered the room with a bottle of formula.

“Have you been playing well, Kongja?”



Auntie An shook the mobile once.

“Aww, so pretty. Isn’t the mobile pretty, Kongja?”

The sound of clear bells rang. I smiled awkwardly.

How can I play with that? It’s seriously lacking stimulation.

‘I want to watch YouTube.’

My virtual pets.

‘Wait, does YouTube even exist yet since Instagram doesn’t?’

While I was pondering, Auntie An handed me a bottle of formula at the right temperature.

‘Thank you for today’s sustenance.’

I held the bottle myself and drank the milk. It was the result of my hard work exercising.

“Kongja is so good. You’re so independent and pretty.”

Oh, stop it.

‘Geez, getting praised for eating.’

It’s quite embarrassing.

Auntie An lightly stroked my head and pulled a fairy tale book from the shelf.

“They say reading these is good for development.”

Oh, a fairy tale book.

‘I would prefer Shakespeare, though.’

I craned my neck to see the title and frowned.

‘Auntie An! Why that while I’m eating!’

The colorful title read “The Poop Dog.”

Why talk about poop while I’m eating!

Auntie An laughed and opened the book.

‘Is she going to read it to me?’

However, Auntie An pressed a button at the top of the book. Immediately, a voice came out.


What a modern invention! The world has progressed a lot.

‘The Star App hasn’t risen yet, though.’

At that moment, the narrator’s voice flowed out.

– A long time ago, in the countryside, there lived a dog called Poop Dog. Poop Dog was very resentful. “I don’t eat dung, so why call me Poop Dog?”

It was more philosophical than expected. I was slightly focused when suddenly the door opened.

“Kongja! Mommy’s home!”

Mom’s back from work.


I smiled broadly and babbled.


You’ve worked hard.

“Go wash your hands, young lady.”

“I’ve already washed up and changed clothes. I can’t let my angel catch a cold.”

“That’s right.”

Mom smiled brightly at me drinking milk.

“Ah, seeing my angel’s face makes me feel alive. Kongja, did you have a good day?”

I smiled brightly while patting the milk bottle.

‘Usually, when parents come home and see their child smiling, they say they’re happy.’

Melt away, Mommy.

Mom hugged me tightly.

“Ah, it feels so good.”

“Young lady! Kongja needs to finish his milk.”

“Yeah, I know. Kongja, Mommy had a tough day today!”

Why, what happened?

‘Who dared to trouble my mommy?’

Mom placed me in the cradle. While continuing to drink my milk, I listened attentively.

“They found out we adopted Kongja.”


I paused my drinking.

I couldn’t believe it.

‘Who, who did such a commendable thing?’

Mom crossed her arms and fell into thought.

“It’s strange. It was top secret. The lawyer is a very tight-lipped person. Did an employee do it?”

Mom gently stroked my cheek.

“When I contacted him to sue, he said it was the first he’d heard of it. So, if it wasn’t an office employee, who could it be? Since the office didn’t know, it must be….”

Mom slightly turned her head back.

“Someone in the main house. There is one strong suspect.”

Who is it? The one who did such a commendable deed.

“I think it’s Lee Yoo-gyeong.”

“Oh my, young lady.”

“Isn’t it obvious?”

Auntie An nodded.

“That seems to be the case.”


I knew who it was too.

‘The one who spoke carelessly to Mommy.’

I gulped down my milk.

‘Well, I should give her an award.’

Ms. Lee Yoo-gyeong, how about a sore for three years this time?

While it’s advantageous for me, it’s not done with good intentions.

But this is this, and that is that.

“So, has it been revealed that Kongja was adopted?”

“Yeah. It’s a mess. President Seo is also struggling. We kept it a secret to avoid this, but….”

Mom let out a deep sigh.

“I’m okay.”

“Young lady.”

“I’m really okay. Marriage, divorce, both were a mess. Getting criticized has always been my daily life.”

Oh dear.

‘Well, she says that, but….’

She doesn’t really mean it.

‘I’ve never seen a celebrity who was sincere when they said that.’

Mom stroked my cheek again.

“They said I shopped for a child.”

Wow. That’s a harsh thing to say.

“Auntie An. I guess that’s how they see me.”

“Young lady!”

“They have no filter, just running their mouths.”

Mom covered her mouth slightly.

“Oh, my bad. I shouldn’t say things like this in front of Kongja.”

Mom sighed again. I put the milk bottle on the floor.

‘She seems to be very worried.’

I was happy that it was revealed!

But I felt a bit guilty.

‘But Mom, this is an opportunity!’

What crime has Mom committed! Even celebrities who commit real crimes don’t get as much attention on TV!

‘Why does my mom have to suffer!’

Is adoption a crime! Huh?
Mom pressed her forehead and said.

“Adoption isn’t a crime.”

Oh, did mom understand me right now?

“Then why all the fuss!”

“What should we do, young lady?”

“What do you mean, what should we do? I asked them to sue.”


“First, we need to catch the one who revealed the adoption, and then we’ll take them down one by one. The lawyer said he’d do whatever it takes. Holding it in will only make us sick.”

That was very impressive. I quietly clapped my hands.

Clap clap clap-

Mom smiled brightly at me.

“Oh, Kongja. Don’t worry. Mommy is stronger than she looks.”

I smiled broadly.

‘Well, just because you’re strong doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt.’

Ms. Lee Yoo-gyeong should get a three-month canker sore.

‘But Mom, don’t you plan to fight back?’

Let’s get caught by the paparazzi once!

‘Just one photo that looks like you’re sincere with me!’

A video would be even better!

‘Actress Ma Soo-jung, her image wasn’t exactly good.’

Despite her acting skills and popularity, Mom had many enemies.

‘Partly due to her personality, but also because she was a third-generation chaebol with uniquely beautiful looks.’

Of course, that was also what made her popular. But that strength was a double-edged sword.

‘Wherever there was talk about Ma Soo-jung, people would bring up her divorce first.’

In other words, they had a handle to criticize her.
Mom reached out to me.

“Our Kongja shouldn’t get hurt. What if you will never be able to go out again?”

I immediately shook my head.

‘Hurt? No way! And not being able to go out? Have we committed a crime!’

The milk bottle rolled on the floor. Mom put it back in front of me, but I didn’t grab it.
Instead, I clenched my fist.

‘This is no time to be drinking milk!’

It’s the perfect time to become a celebrity, Mom!

I took a deep breath.

‘Let’s do it.’

It was time to use my wish on a grand scale.

“Bwa, bwa-woo! Bwa-bwa, bwa-bwa!”

Coin use! Get caught in a paparazzi photo with Mom!

[To take a paparazzi photo of actress Ma Soo-jung and her son Ma Kongja, you need 200 coins]

Well, that wasn’t too bad. I immediately shouted.




[Everything comes with a price]

[For using a coin, you will throw whatever you hold in your hands for 3 minutes]


‘What is this?’

The price was really strange. I looked down at my hand.

‘So, I just have to not hold anything for 3 minutes?’

Just as I tilted my head, auntie An handed me a milk bottle.


I reflexively threw the bottle without realizing it.

‘Ah! I shouldn’t be playing with food!’

The milk bottle hit a storybook with a thud. At that moment, I heard a narrator’s voice.

-Once upon a time, in a countryside, there was a Poop Dog. The Poop Dog felt wronged. “I don’t eat dung, so why do they call me a Poop Dog?”

Did it hit a button?

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2 months ago

Do such books really exist? I mean… p@@p dog, seriously?

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