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Did the Demon King file his taxes today? Chapter 1: Work is Bullshit! (1)

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Work is bullshit!

At this moment, Lin Lin was dressed in an intricate, luxurious black gown, holding two thick and ancient tomes in her arms, her face expressionless as she walked through the corridor illuminated by dim green lights.

In the gothic castle, the tall stained glass windows cast colorful reflections, and the demon gargoyles with their wings folded stood guard on either side of the corridor, their eyes lowered.

In the deathly silent Demon King’s castle, only Lin Lin’s furious footsteps could be heard.

Then there were the various small creatures, no higher than a human’s knee, scrambling to escape before the imposing high heels could stomp on them.

Lin Lin, a human corporate slave, after working overtime in the human world for five consecutive days, was finally ready to enjoy her well-deserved vacation when she was summoned by the Demon King to this world and became what they called the “Demon King’s servant.”

No compensatory leave, no overtime pay!

Working overtime for five days for nothing, how was this any different from going straight to hell! What was there to be afraid of anymore!

Even without fully understanding the situation, the human woman who was inexplicably summoned to another world charged directly at the black-haired youth with demon horns, angrily cursing his handsome face for a full fifteen minutes.

When Lin Lin’s brain was deprived of oxygen from speaking too fast, the demon whose horns she was gripping with both hands flashed her a rather dazzling smile, his violet eyes reflecting her face: “Take a sip of water before continuing to curse, after all, you can’t go back.”

From then on, Lin Lin changed bosses. Her superior went from being an “inhuman thing” to another “inhuman (non-human) thing.”

The increasingly difficult life finally drove Lin Lin mad, completely losing her good temper from the human world.

Footsteps echoed through the ancient castle.

Lin Lin arrived at the familiar door, pushing open the tall, heavy metal door with a bang.

As usual, Lin Lin looked for the Demon King who was supposed to be working diligently but was definitely lounging in his chair, basking in the sun, and having afternoon tea.

But today was different.

In the circular hall, before the floor-to-ceiling windows, two tall men who were talking turned around simultaneously.

Lin Lin and the man facing her locked eyes, and she saw a pair of eyes as brilliant as sapphires.

The man’s pupils contracted animalistically when Lin Lin entered, with reptilian-like metallic vertical slits flickering within, revealing an evident and expensive beauty.

There was a stranger.

Perhaps because of the servant contract with the Demon King, Lin Lin could sense slight differences in magical power levels. Just by meeting his gaze, she felt a shiver from the disparity in power, unable to help but look at the man a bit longer.

The conversation between the two men halted due to Lin Lin’s sudden arrival. The tall, unfamiliar young man slightly raised an eyebrow, his deep blue eyes fixed on Lin Lin with a scrutinizing gaze that exuded a silent arrogance.

Cold, contemptuous, arrogant. These traits made him look more like the legendary Demon King. Next to him, the curly-haired guy in the fur-lined cloak, grinning foolishly, seemed even more out of place.

Behind the unfamiliar young man, enormous wings unfurled, a light blue earring gleaming, and delicate ice-blue scales spread from the base of his pale neck.

Although the young man was tall and strong, he didn’t appear overly muscular. Even with his body wrapped in thick armor, his lean waist was evident.

Dangerous yet agile.

Lin Lin didn’t want to offend such an obvious monster, but she wasn’t about to back down either.

Since arriving in non-human territory, she had become much more brazen than before.

The two stared at each other for a few seconds, neither looking away.

“Lin!” The young Demon King didn’t seem to notice the tense atmosphere. He beamed brightly upon seeing Lin Lin and naturally placed his hand on her shoulder, introducing her with a friendly tone, “This is Sapphire, one of my top ten officers. He’s a Sapphire Blue Dragon.”

Oh, I’ve heard about this. The Demon King has ten powerful subordinates.

The cold dragon youth showed no expression.

Lin Lin tried to shrug off the Demon King’s touch, but he was too quick for her, and she failed to avoid it.

Although she understood that such close contact was normal among the demons, who had no concept of personal space, Lin Lin didn’t want to compromise her own feelings just to save face for others.

Looking at the Demon King, Lin Lin said calmly, “Don’t push your luck.”

The Demon King withdrew his hand with a smile unchanged, clasped his hands together politely, and introduced her to the dragon, “Sapphire, this is Lin. She’s… an accountant!”

Damn it! For some reason, she felt like her stature had just shrunk.

It was like placing two round objects next to each other—one a sapphire and the other a button. Though similar in shape, their value differed significantly.

Sapphire’s earring swayed slightly as Lin Lin heard his deep, elegant voice.

He didn’t seem mocking, but his tone was indeed impolite.

“Your Majesty, she’s a human.”

Lin Lin didn’t understand why Sapphire suddenly pointed that out. She had never hidden the fact that she was human.

Unfazed, Lin Lin clutched her thick notebook to her chest and glared at Sapphire.

Then, the Demon King beside her suddenly turned to look at her, shocked.

“Humans look like this?” he exclaimed.

Lin Lin: …

So annoying, she wanted to punch him.

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27 days ago


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not work with dark mode