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Controlled by an AI chapter 46

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The one hundred million won was immediately deposited into his account.

Na Kang-in immediately rented a two-bedroom apartment with a living room and kitchen. He used fifty million won for the deposit.

The apartment was vacant, so they could move in right away after paying.

Shin Eun-ha stood by the window in the empty living room, admiring the view.

“Wow, the view here is amazing.”

They could have rented a new apartment for a bit more money, but Na Kang-in chose this older one for its open view, which Shin Eun-ha admired.

AI Zijin said.

[Clear view of the entry point secured. Enemy movements can be observed from a distance. Installing blackout curtains will block enemy surveillance.]

Shin Eun-ha asked.

“Kang-in oppa, what will you do with the remaining fifty million won? Buy a car?”

AI Zijin advised.

[It is essential to secure mobility.]

Na Kang-in agreed. Last time, he got to the Gangwon-do filming location by hitching a ride on a food truck, but that couldn’t always be the case.

“I should get one.”

“Need a recommendation? With fifty million, you can get a decent car, but not a luxury one.”

AI Zijin warned.

[Allocating all funds to mobility is not an efficient use of the budget. Some should be reserved for setting up equipment bases.]

“I know.”

Shin Eun-ha asked.


“I’ll handle it. I’m not planning to buy a luxury car.”

“Okay. But this place is empty. Since there’s an electric stove built in, let’s go buy some cooking utensils and make dinner.”

“You’ve been aiming for food all along, haven’t you?”

“You got a lot of money because of me today.”

“How about I make you a mixed rice dish?”

“I like beef.”

Na Kang-in and Shin Eun-ha bought a frying pan, plates, utensils, seasonings, and beef.

While eating a late dinner in their new base, Shin Eun-ha remarked.

“Oppa, you’re good at cooking steak. The sides are delicious too.”

“I’m making it because you turned my studio into an apartment.”

Shin Eun-ha gave him a sly look and asked.

“Surely this won’t be just a one-time meal, right?”

“We’ll see.”

She ate her steak while looking at Na Kang-in’s face.

‘His cooking skills are better than any famous chef I know. His ability to choreograph action scenes in real time is unprecedented. He seems to be extremely good at martial arts, and his athletic abilities are probably good enough for the Olympics.’

She tilted her head in confusion.

‘Why was someone so talented living in an PC Bang lounge because he couldn’t afford a place?’

It didn’t make sense.

‘He got a room as soon as he had money, so it wasn’t like he chose to live in an PC Bang on purpose. There must be a story behind it.’

She wasn’t close enough to him to ask about his story yet.

Wanting to get closer, she suggested, “Kang-in oppa, do you want to join me in making a movie? I’ve heard many directors are interested in your action skills. If things go well, you could buy a house and a new car later…”

“No, thanks.”


Due to the unique circumstances requiring a quick shoot, Na Kang-in didn’t lose much time working on “A Sunny Day.”

The AI agent said.

[Participating in regular film production makes it difficult to use your time freely. It will interfere with mission performance.]

Na Kang-in understood and thus declined.

“I’m a bit busy.”

“I heard from the others that you just spend all your time at the PC Bang.”

“I’m not just playing around. It’s all necessary.”

“Where you really need to be is in Chungmuro.”

Three film directors and a drama producer sat at the same table during the wedding reception of an actor couple.

One director sipped his drink and said, “So they actually got married.”

“Yeah, I thought they’d keep their relationship secret forever.”

“Hey, didn’t she turn down the lead role offer for ‘A Sunny Day’?”

“She already had another schedule fixed at that time, so she couldn’t help it. When ‘A Sunny Day’ was almost ruined by the drug party scandal, I thought she was lucky…”

“But in hindsight, she missed out on starring in a blockbuster that sold ten million tickets.”

“Do you really think ‘A Sunny Day’ will hit ten million?”

“Maybe? It already surpassed five million.”

One of the directors admired the film, “The screenplay and visuals were obviously good since it was Director Son’s work, but the action scenes were crucial. Who would’ve thought a director known for romance and rom-coms could shoot action so well?”

Another director explained why, “It’s thanks to the martial arts director. He handled all the action scene choreography and even doubled for the lead.”

The drama producer, who had been eating his steak with a grim expression, asked, “Is he really that good?”

“Not just good, amazing. He did everything on the spot without pre-choreographed movements or rehearsals.”

“Seriously? How is that even possible?”

“Imagine how surprised Director Son was to see it. He rewrote the script that night.”

“So they used ‘improvised scenes’ in the movie?”

The director chuckled, “Ridiculous, right? I was shocked too. Apparently, the entire action scene was summarized in a single line: ‘They fight magnificently.'”


The producer, who had been admiring, said with a brightened face, “That’s great. We need some action in our drama. Should I try hiring him?”

“Sure, if it works out well, I’ll call him too. We have a few fistfight scenes, and we could revamp the script for some intense fighting.”

“I’ll take the lead then. Where can I contact him? What agency is he with?”

The directors looked at each other, unsure.

“Uh… you should find out. Your network in broadcasting is better than ours.”

“Since it’s for a movie, can’t you just make a few calls?”

“I asked the film company, but they didn’t know his contact info. They said he wasn’t someone they hired directly.”

“Right. I subtly asked Director Son, and he said the number he had was wrong.”

Shin Eun-ha paused as she entered her home, finding only a single standing lamp on in the living room, left just as she had before leaving.

The light was insufficient, leaving the house too dark.

She preferred to have all the lights on when no one was home, but worried journalists might write strange articles about it, so she left only a small standing lamp on. But it wasn’t enough to brighten the house.

She turned on all the lights from the entrance to the living room, making it as bright as day.

“That’s better.”

It had only been two weeks since she was rescued from a collapsing set.

At first, she thought she was fine.

But recently, the incident had started appearing in her dreams, mainly trapping her under rubble.

The dark spaces in her dreams scared her when she returned to a dark house.

She decided to take a break after fulfilling her schedule for today.

“Today was better.”

She had eaten a meal and chatted with Na Kang-in before coming home. The dark living room no longer scared her, only causing a brief hesitation.

“Maybe being with the person who saved me helps prevent the nightmares?”

She couldn’t be sure.

“Yeah, I need to test this. I’ll stick with him all day tomorrow.”

A car was necessary for long-distance reconnaissance and maintaining mobility. Thus, Na Kang-in visited the used car market.

Shin Eun-ha complained beside him.

“You could get a decent new car for fifty million won.”

“Aren’t you busy these days?”

She smiled brightly.

“We’ve finished filming the movie. I’m on a break for now.”

“But I heard you’re busy promoting the movie?”

“Our movie is doing well without my help. Actually, I’m making time to come here and help you. Isn’t that sweet of me?”

“Not really.”

They looked around the displayed cars, some of which were foreign models.

Shin Eun-ha pointed to a foreign car.

“Wow, this one with the triangular star is a new model but it’s listed as used. Buy this one.”

The AI assistant chipped in.

– I found a more suitable car.

Na Kang-In turned his head.

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not work with dark mode