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Controlled by an AI chapter 39

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Na Kang-In and Min-ji sat in the second row from the front.

In the very front row sat the director and the lead actors.

The PC bang trio sat further back. The view was better from there than the very front.

THO Entertainment put a lot of effort into using the premiere, which only happens once, for promotion. As a result, many famous actors who did not appear in the movie attended the premiere.

Cha Eun-seo looked around nervously and whispered to Yoon Ah-reum,

“Ah-reum, we’re surrounded by actors.”

“I know. They’re people I really admire, but it would be a nuisance to go around asking for autographs, right?”

“We’re not Sung-hwan. Let’s not do anything foolish.”

Yoon Ah-reum clasped her hands as she looked forward.

“Oh! The person in front of Oppa is Director Son Tae-min. He’s talking to Oppa now?”

“Wow. Director Son Tae-min is talking with a smile.”

“Brother Na Kang-In’s cooking is delicious. It seems like they want him to bring the food truck again next time. Should I learn cooking from him and try driving the food truck?”

Cha Eun-seo shook her head.

“Normal people can’t learn Kang-In oppa’s cooking methods. He doesn’t measure seasonings, he just throws them in by feel, and look how he handles those heavy pans and pots. Do you think you can do that?”

“No, you’re right. His unique cooking style of cooking large quantities on maximum heat isn’t something ordinary people can follow.”

Director Son Tae-min spoke to Na Kang-In.

“It would be great if you could join us for the stage greeting. If you change your mind, would you come out with us now?”

“I’m not an actor, so if my face is revealed, it would make my daily life difficult.”

Son Tae-min himself is often recognized when he goes outside. That’s why he doesn’t take the subway. For someone like Kim Yoo-chan or Shin Eun-ha, it’s even more so.

“That’s true.”

The stage greeting was conducted by Son Tae-min and a few actors. After they answered the reporters’ questions briefly, the lights dimmed, and the movie began.

The movie had a lot more action added than the original script. However, the action scenes fit the movie perfectly.

People quickly became absorbed in the film. Despite the presence of many reporters and actors, there was almost no chatter.

When the movie ended and the theater lights came back on, a barrage of questions from reporters followed.

The director and a few actors who appeared in the film took the stage to answer these questions.

The guest actors left the screening room.

They spoke in amazement.

“Wow. I thought this was a romance movie, but it’s a different genre?”

“Should we call it an action romance?”

“Why did they name it ‘A Sunny Day’? They could have called it ‘A Good Day to Fight for Your Life’.”

There was a lot of talk about the actors’ performances in the movie, especially their action scenes.

“Kim Yoo-chan’s action scenes were so natural.”

“Kim Yoo-chan isn’t that good with his body. It must have been a stunt double.”

“Right? But who was the martial arts director? The fight scenes had no awkwardness at all.”

Some of the people who came out of the theater were actors who appeared in the movie.

An invited actor spotted one of the movie’s actors and called out.


“Ah, hyung. You came?”

“Hey. The romance in this movie was good, but the action was incredible. The action really brought the movie to life. As expected of Director Son Tae-min.”

“Hehe. I think so too.”

“But who was the martial arts director?”

“There wasn’t one.”

“What? There wasn’t one?”

“Our movie was originally a romantic comedy. Why would there be a martial arts director?”

An actor listening nearby asked.

“How is that movie just a rom-com? It’s an action rom-com.”

“Well, the action was added after an incident caused us to reshoot.”

The rumor that they had to reshoot much of the film in a week because a supporting actor was arrested at a drug party was known among other actors, but they didn’t know the details.

One of the actors in the group raised a hand and asked.

“Wait a minute. You mean those action scenes were sushed shoots? They weren’t part of the original footage?”

“Yes. Originally, there were only verbal arguments or light fistfights in the script.”

“There was a lot of action though.”

“Yes, there was. But they rewrote the script, shot, and edited it all in a week. I wasn’t part of the reshoot, so I didn’t see it happen.”

The questioning actor was impressed.

“Wow. Director Son is incredible.”

Another actor interjected with a skeptical expression.

“No way. Even for Director Son, does that make sense? Choreographing action sequences isn’t easy. They have to match their movements perfectly. How could they shoot all that in a week?”

The actor who was called over looked embarrassed and said.

“Well, you saw the final product. If you don’t believe it…”

Another actor swallowed and asked excitedly.

“Alright, I believe you. But then who was the martial arts director who choreographed all those moves and guided the action sequences in that week? Who was it?”

“The food truck guy.”


“I heard that the food truck guy helped during his free time while cooking.”

The actors around them had dumbfounded expressions.

“What is he, a food truck chef?”

“It’s really amazing, but that’s what actually happened.”

An elderly actor with graying hair joined their conversation.

“In the old days, sometimes a movie would be completed in a week. They used to shoot like that.”

The actors gathered around him bowed their heads slightly.

“Ah, Mr. Park. You came?”

The elderly actor asked.

“But in the scene where Eun-ha was kidnapped and the building collapsed, was that shot in the past week too?”

“Yes, that’s what I heard.”

“I’m not familiar with the latest technology, but I have a general idea of how long things take. They wouldn’t have had time for CGI, right?”

“I heard it wasn’t CGI.”

All the actors present were bewildered. These days, such scenes are always done with CGI. That’s common knowledge.

“Then how did they handle all those special effects?”

“It wasn’t special effects, it was real.”

“What? What do you mean?”

The actor answered politely.

“I heard they used the actual footage of rescuing Shin Eun-ha from a collapsing set.”

The elderly actor asked.

“But there was debris falling everywhere, and they were deflecting it with metal pipes to escape, right? How did they do that?”

“That was all real too.”

“How is that possible?”

“They managed to do it. So Director Son rewrote the script and added large-scale action scenes.”

The elderly actor looked flustered and asked cautiously.

“Did anyone die?”


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