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Controlled by an AI chapter 26

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They had seen Na Kang-in running towards them but never imagined he would jump onto the moving van.

But Na Kang-in landed precisely on the roof. And the metal pipe had penetrated the ceiling.

“What the hell is he?”

The boss shouted.

“Floor it! Shake him off!”

Na Kang-in, holding onto the pipe, commanded, “Zijin, find a way to stop the van!”

Immediately, a translucent cross appeared on the van’s engine hood.

[If you penetrate this spot vertically, the van will lose power.]

“What about the brakes?”

[Even if the brakes are damaged, they will work once or twice.]

“Show the depth!”

An image of a transparent pipe was added to the virtual cross. He had to insert the metal pipe only to that depth.

Na Kang-in pulled the pipe from the van’s roof.

“If they don’t want to die, they’ll stop the van! Plan for rescuing the kid if things go wrong!”

With that command, he jumped onto the hood.

The driver was startled to see Na Kang-in appear suddenly. He thought Na Kang-in would smash the windshield with the pipe.


Na Kang-in raised the pipe high and then drove it into the virtual cross on the hood.

The pipe pierced the metal and sank deep into the engine compartment, severing the lines instantly as if cut by a knife.

Na Kang-in let go of the pipe and stood up.

Standing straight on the hood of the speeding van, he glared at the driver.

The boss shouted, “He let go of the pipe! Hit the brakes and throw him off!”

The driver immediately slammed the brakes.

Na Kang-in’s body was flung forward in the direction the vehicle was moving. The pipe remained lodged in the hood.

Na Kang-in flipped in mid-air. Balancing so his feet pointed downward, he landed on the unpaved road. His gaze never left the van.

Due to inertia, his body slid along the unpaved road.

The AI assisted in balancing his body, lowering his stance slightly.

Na Kang-in slid backward but did not fall. Two long tracks were left where his shoes had slid on the unpaved road.

The van had come to a complete stop.

He had let go of the pipe on purpose to make the driver brake.

Walking towards the stopped van, Na Kang-in spoke to the combat support AI.

“Good support.”

[The hostage rescue mission is not over. Continuing combat support.]

The boss shouted.
“Run him over! Hit that bastard with the car and get out of here!”
The driver slammed on the gas pedal and yelled.
“You bastard! I’ll kill you…. What? What?”
“I said run him over!”
“I’m trying!”
“Then why isn’t the car moving?”
“I think it’s broken. It won’t go forward.”
“What? Why now, of all times….”
The boss noticed the metal pipe sticking out of the hood.
“Damn it. They didn’t plan this, did they?”
“No way.”
The boss yelled at his subordinates.
“What are you standing around for? Take care of that bastard before the others catch on and come after us!”
“What about this one?”
“Leave him to me!”
Two subordinates flung the car doors open and jumped out.
The driver walked towards Na Kang-In, shouting.
“You bastard! Who are you?”
He was the closest.
Na Kang-In jumped.
“Time for a kick!”
His foot hit the driver squarely in the chest, folding him in half.
The driver screamed as he flew backward.
Na Kang-In landed a kick on the driver and then stepped on the car’s hood.
A man emerged from the other side of the van, terrified. He reached into his pocket to pull out a jackknife.
Na Kang-In leaped off the hood towards him.
The enemy hadn’t even drawn the knife yet.
Na Kang-In kicked the man’s jaw in midair.
His head snapped to the side, his legs wobbled.
Na Kang-In landed on the road.
The man staggered a few steps before collapsing to his knees, his eyes already vacant.
There was a problem. One enemy was still left, holding Min-ji inside the car.
Min-ji’s frightened eyes met Na Kang-In’s.
Na Kang-In raised his hand and gestured with his fingers, smiling at her.
Then he looked towards the boss and asked Zijin.
“How do we deal with him?”
The AI assistant suggested several options. A response list appeared through his AR lenses. One option was to jump into the car and take him down; another was to persuade him over time.
Na Kang-In chose one.
“Lure him out of the car.”
[Move back.]
Na Kang-In slowly retreated.
[To make the enemy lower his guard, you need to move further back. If the enemy thinks he can be attacked, he won’t come out of the car.]
“How far?”
[Fifteen meters is recommended.]
Na Kang-In moved back about fifteen meters.
The kidnapper boss glanced at the crowd gathering at the top of the hill.
‘We need to get out of here before those guys come down.’
But the car was already broken. Staying inside would only make things worse.
The boss looked at Na Kang-In. He was far enough away.
The boss grabbed young actress Min-ji with his left arm and stepped out of the car, holding a jackknife in his right hand.
He shouted towards the hill.
“Bring a car! Don’t call the cops! If you do, she dies!”
The film crew at the top of the hill finally understood why Na Kang-In had chased the car and jammed a metal pipe into the engine.
No one was more shocked than the CEO Lee Tae-ho. He screamed, seeing his daughter in the boss’s grip.
He urgently shouted to the others.
“Get him a car! Quickly, give him a car!”
The AI assistant spoke.
[Providing a vehicle increases the chance the enemy will escape with the hostage, making it more dangerous for the hostage.]
“I know.”
[You must attack with a ranged weapon.]
Na Kang-In was currently empty-handed. His foot kicked a stone on the unpaved road.
The boss, seeing the reactions from the hill, realized who to threaten. He pointed the knife at Lee Tae-ho and shouted.
“You! You bring the car yourself!”
The knife was now as far from Min-ji as possible, and the boss’s attention was on the hill.
Na Kang-In flicked the stone into his hand with his foot. It was just the right size to hold.
“Target his hand.”
The AI assistant immediately showed a virtual trajectory. The line connected to the boss’s right hand, holding the knife.
Na Kang-In’s arm snapped like a whip as he threw the stone. The AI assistant adjusted his finger movements to improve accuracy.
The stone cut through the air in a straight line.
The stone struck the boss’s hand holding the knife.
Several bones in his hand broke at once.
The knife flew out of his hand and landed behind him.
The boss screamed.
As soon as Na Kang-In threw the stone, he dashed forward.
The boss was too shocked by the pain in his broken hand to pay attention to the hostage. Though his distraction was brief, it was enough.
Na Kang-In reached the boss, grabbed his left hand, and wrenched it back. The hand holding Min-ji’s clothes was completely twisted.
The boss screamed again.
Na Kang-In didn’t slow down his pace. He continued running, gripping the leader’s left arm tightly. The leader was dragged along behind.

Suddenly, Na Kang-In stopped running by kicking the ground and hurled the enemy away.

The leader’s body floated in the air. After soaring through the sky, he crashed onto the ground.

When shooting the movie, Na Kang-In had thrown the actor in a way to minimize impact, but now, he threw with greater force, ensuring a stronger impact.

The impact of the fall hit the leader’s torso. His ribs broke.

The leader’s scream changed again. This time, he couldn’t even scream properly.


Na Kang-In turned around.

Child actor Lee Min-ji stood in place. Her face was drained of color.

Na Kang-In approached Lee Min-ji and embraced her with his left arm.

AI reported,

[Hostage rescue mission completed.]

Na Kang-In spoke softly.

“You’re safe now.”

Lee Min-ji hesitated a few times, then burst into tears, crying loudly.

People from the hill rushed desperately onto the dirt road. Lee Tae-ho ran ahead, screaming.


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