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Superstar from age 0 Chapter 50

* * *

Translator: IDCboutmyusername

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After Hwang Yejun’s greeting with a microphone, the audience all screamed.

Couples and Families, Christmas Eve. Many people went to the outdoor stage of the KBC music channel.

Before the last performance of Brown Black, the sound system was broken, perhaps due to the cold weather.

Instead of MCs who continued to host outside the cold, while taking temporary measures, Hwang Ye-joon, who is the most eloquent among Brown Black members, decided to go on stage and drag time.

Hwang Ye-joon’s face was reflected on a large screen installed in the center of the stage and on both sides. The video was being broadcast live nationwide as it is.

[I didn’t expect so many people to come Behind the stir! Can you see me?]



Hwang Ye-joon smiled brightly.

[Thank you for coming despite the cold weather. The MCs worked so hard, so I decided to be the MC for a while. Are you okay with it?]

“Yes! Way to go, BBL!”

[But if there’s only one MC, you’re all upset, right? That’s why I brought a special MC today!]

The audience applauded Hwang Ye-joon’s words, but while Hwang Ye-joon was dragging the time, the staff, who were moving fast to fix the sound device, turned their heads toward him.

“What? Was there a special MC?”

“I’ve never heard of that before.”

When everyone was confused, the producer’s voice was heard through earphones. He didn’t even tell the staff in order to keep it a secret.

He just ordered them to watch out for other places. “More people might come, so get ready in advance.”

“What? That’s a lot right now. I think it is already full now.”

Brown Black’s stage, can be also called an concert idol or live idol.

Brown Black’s concert always has a fierce war among Brown Black fans.

There were many people who came to see from afar because they couldn’t go to the concert by ticketing.

They couldn’t help but wonder what kind of performance Brown Black has that made everyone admire.
Even those who weren’t interested once thought that.

“There will be a chaos once he arrived.”

“Producer? Why are you saying that? It’s very scary.”

Tell the others that you’ll give them a bonus.

“…Who the hell is coming?”

[I’ll give you a hint, so try to guess]

Hwang Ye-joon jumped with excitement.

The high tension and even the Brown black fans wondered what that was all about.

[The hint would be in the video! Honestly, I don’t think there’s anyone who can’t get this right.]

Hwang Ye-joon laughed significantly. As the producer gestured, the large screen in the center of the stage turned black.
[FYI, we’ve been granted permission!]

Along with Hwang Ye-joon’s last words, only speaker sounded.

Boom boom!


Park Sung-won, who reluctantly appeared at the request of a persistent friend, breathed in.

The sound was low because there was only one speaker, but he already knew. Starting with him, the audience became quiet.

Everyone looked suspicious.

No, this one. That’s it. But, why is it coming out of here?


The video ends with a woman’s voice, and then again.

[Lee Seojun, our Hollywood star who played William!] Hwang Ye-joon shouted loudly.

And behind the stage, a small child walked out and stood next to Hwang Ye-joon. Seojun’s face was smiling broadly on the big screen.

Seojun was wearing a white thick cape and a warm fur hat, with white and small wings on the cape and a round ring on the fur hat.

It was the so-called, Kim Hee-sung’s masterpiece, the ‘baby angel.’

It took him a week to make clothes and decorations with my hands.

The couple raised their thumbs to Kim Hee-sung, who was drinking beer next to them.


The people watching on television were also startled and shouted.

“Really? It’s really Lee Seojun?”

“He is here!?”

“No wonder, Hwang Ye-joon said he was so excited for the live.”

It was no secret what relationship Brown Black and Lee Seojun had.

Reporters in the entertainment department who were nearby started posting articles on the Internet with only the title.

[Hollywood star, Lee Seojun as a special guest on the music channel?]

[Lee Seojun from Shadowman series together with Brown Blavk!]

[Hollywood actor in name! Lee Seojun!]

-Lee Seojun? I’m a fan! Why aren’t I there?!

-If you’re coming out, you should told me you’re coming out! No, I’m on my way!

-Wow. Music channel. How much did they pay to have him?

The staff swallowed their dry saliva at the unusual response from the audience.

“I don’t think we could do this, Producer.”


Seojun picked up the microphone. Everyone screamed at Seojun, who turned into a baby angel on Christmas Eve.

[Do you all know Lee Seojun?]


[I am here because I have a special stage with Brown Black. Please look forward to it!]

There was a short conversation between Hwang Ye-joon and Lee Seojun.

It was broadcasted live nationwide.

Fans of Lee Seojun, who lived near the outdoor stage, began to gather one by one. Soon, the staff’s hands and feet became busy.

The repairs are finally finished. A staff member, who went for the repairs, waved his arms at Hwang Ye-joon. Hwang Ye-joon, who saw the signal and said goodbye to the audience.

“Today is Christmas Eve. Have a happy day, everyone!”

Seojun also used his ability by greeting. Perhaps because the owner was nice, the ability was also nice, so it was a convenient ability to use if he decided to use it.

[The wings of the baby angel, is activated.]

This is the wings of the baby angel makes the viewer’s mind clear.

It can make small blessings once a day.

Feathers, that were only visible to Seojun’s eyes, fell to the audience and were absorbed by the people. Now people would be able to stop worrying and stay happy for a while today.

[For now we would be having Brown Black’s performance. Seojun, you can sit over there.]

Hwang Ye-joon guided Seojun to a chair at the end of the stage. Audiences close to the chair turned on their cell phone cameras to take a picture of Seojun.

Seojun waved and sat on the chair. He sighed inside.

“Sigh, it would have been in big trouble if I went to the Children’s Festival.”’

The response was greater than the first day of daycare center. He is on stage, but it was already a chaos, if he were to walk around the streets…

Seojun shook his head at his worries.

[This is Brown Black’s performance]

In the meantime, the original MC, introduced Brown Black’s performance. When Seojun clapped his hands, it was shown on the screen. The audience also clapped along with Seojun.

Seojun smiled at the camera.


Brown Black, who came up to the stage, also grinned.

Soon the music came out.

[The orchestra conductor’s connection is triggered.]

People who had never seen Brown Black’s performance in person opened their mouths and watched it.

Seojun also watched the stage while looking at the sparkling numbers.

He could see that his older brothers were dancing splendidly as always.

It was a lot cooler than other singers’ performances, but now there was little difference between the two songs, as if they had reached the limit of their talents.

[Connection of Orchestra Conductors – Low-Level]

Depending on the bond of the beings connected to the conductor, the musical ability increases or decreases by up to 1.3 times.

The connection with the conductor and the connection of the connectors are expressed in numbers.

Maximum connection : 4

After finishing the stage, Brown Black approached Seojun.

As they got used to the current limitations, they themselves thought that the current stage was the end of their skills.

They seemed to be in a slump due to his already reaching their limit, but they were good at hiding.

Now it was Seojun and Brown Black’s special performance.

Seojun, who got up from the chair, stood in the middle of the stage with Brown Black. He picked up the microphone that his brother gave him.

Music came out of the speaker.
It was time to sing the song that he worked hard on for a week. Seojun stood in the middle and Brown Black stood on both sides. A calming song seemed to encircle the five on the stage.

Seojun did not prepare any abilities for this stage because…

[The orchestra conductor’s connection – the lowest level – is activated]

It was because he already had a good ability.

Seojun was learning how Brown Black has been performing. He was only on the same stage, but he could feel and understand the music.

Seojun enjoyed Brown Black’s music with a pounding heart.

There was a clear difference between the stage where the skill was invoked and the practice without the skill.

Indeed, the five people seemed to be perfectly harmonizing to each other, just as the conductor commanded them.

It was then.

The number above Seojun’s head began to rise gradually.

And at the end of the first verse of TODAY, all the numbers on top of Brown Black and Seojun’s heads sparkled to 100.

[All ties are at their maximum]

[Increases the connection of orchestra conductors.]


While the interlude was playing, Seojun opened his eyes wide at the words he just read.


Increase? Is there such a thing?

[Orchestra Conductor’s Connection Grades from Lowest to Low.]

Letters kept appearing regardless of whether Seojun was interested or not. The pattern of the right hand sparkled.

[Conductor’s Connection-Low]

Depending on the bond of the beings connected to the conductor, the musical ability increases or decreases by up to twice.

The connection with the conductor and the connection of the connectors are expressed in numbers.

Maximum connection: 8 (4/8)

[Conductor’s connection to the orchestra – subordinates are invoked.]


And the second verse of TODAY began. Without a moment to be mesmerized, Seojun began to sing the second verse familiarly. Brown Black’s voice was mixed in it.

The orchestra conductor’s connection, which has been upgraded to a lower rank, has dramatically improved the musical skills of five people. It was nearly twice as high as 1.3 times, which was the highest level.

And from the beginning of verse 2, Brown Black realized that their song had changed.

They were surprised but soon continued to sing with a calm expression. Only flinching facial muscles replaced the insane beating heart.

Brown Black’s singing grew louder. He threw up the song as if he were pouring out all his energy.


Lee Mi-yeon, who became a fan after watching Brown Black’s debut stage, accidentally spit it out.

Her friend, Park Sung-ah, was out of her mind to blame for it. Everyone was mesmerized by Brown Black and Seo Jun’s performance.

Brown Black’s voice and Seojun’s voice matched so well. The five voices, like the music of an orchestra, formed a harmony and drew synergy.

There was no fancy group dance or great dance, but with just one song and voice.

He possessed people.

It touched the hearts.

“You said you were a concert idol.….”

Park Sung-won was also mesmerized. It was a pity that he couldn’t attend inside Brown Black’s concert.

The audience who were listening to the outdoor stage and those who were watching on television thought so. No, the audience who were listening in person thought it was a relief to be here today.

After the song, the audience was quiet. Not a sound was heard. Lee Mi-yeon met hands like deja vu.


Clap clap clap clap clap clap!


“Wow, really. What’s this?”

Park Sung-ah shed tears. She wiped away the tears flowing from her arms, but did not stop clapping. Lee Mi-yeon said with a very excited face.

“This is it! The debut stage I saw! No, it’s even greater than that!”

“This is the legendary debut that I’ve only heard of.…!”

People who were watching the show were also surprised. Brown Black has been popular for playing good songs and music, but this was beyond imagination.

Legendary stage reenactment!

Fans were glad that ‘Today’ was the last performance. If this was the first stage, the last stage would be…

While the Internet was in turmoil, Brown Black found their goal again. Everyone was filled with joy.

“I didn’t think I’d be able to get any better out of there…….”

“Don’t you think something good happens when we’re with Seojun?”

Brown Black, who got into Seo Eun-chan’s car, saw Seojun falling asleep in his seat.

After the stage, everyone struggled to get out of the crowd screaming. In particular, Seojun, who had never been in such a situation before, showed signs of awkwardness.

“Sleep well Seojun. You did well.”

* * *

“What is this?!”

Seojun looked at the cane pattern drawn on the palm of his right hand.

[Conductor’s Connection-Low]

Depending on the bond of the beings connected to the conductor, the musical ability increases or decreases by up to twice.

The connection with the conductor and the connection of the connectors are expressed in numbers.

Maximum connection: 8 (4/8)

“Really? Did it really change?””

He was so surprised by the first situation that he didn’t know how the stage ended nor how he fell asleep.

“Why did it changed? This never happened before.”

No matter how proficient you are, your grade has never risen. I’ve read the book by The Fairy of the baton, but nothing has changed.


He wasn’t sure, but there was only one reason that came to mind in Seojun’s head.

“The tree!”

He never thought that the tree, whose obsession with music is terrifying, would even have such a device. Seojin looked at the pattern with tired eyes.
The pattern sparkled as if it was laughing at Seojun.

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3 years ago

Thank you for this updates.
This is Seojun first stone i think.
I wish he can solve this problem quickly.
Nowadays there are a lot of movie about villain and i tough maybe they could make it like that. A villain that make you empathize them

Reply to  Evra
2 years ago

Yeah but the director want a perfect “villain”
And a half assed villain won’t do the film justice (I mean even the fans favourite’s villain is usually still a bad guy at first xD)
I hope he can overcome it and learn the dark side too! That way his script will be more varied.

That aside tho, I feel like they should be worried about his psychology. What if a child as young as him get too immersed in a villain role? Or maybe they were okay cuz he’s usually so understanding? 🤔

Green Tea
Green Tea
Reply to  Evra
1 year ago

This is years behind your comment …i think that since seojun has had his villainry moments and he has this reconciling moment with the tree spirit, it could help with his anti-hero/villain acting

3 years ago

Thanks for the chapters!

3 years ago

pls update again and again, i’m waiting!! and dont drop it pls 🙌🙌

Last edited 3 years ago by hannara
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