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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy between Monday-Friday, posting of new chapters will be on Saturday and Sunday!

7 transmigration tips from the saint chapter 32

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‘Those noisy guys keep whining about when they’re coming back, so I guess I’ll have to go check on them.’

I followed him around aimlessly, worried someone might try to mess with Seo Woohyun, but at this rate, I’ll end up causing trouble myself.

Looking at the situation, it seemed like I was the one who should back off rather than worrying about some unknown rival.

Every time I descended, I couldn’t stop staring at his exposed chest, but even in his priest robes, it hadn’t lessened.

Maybe Seo Woohyun didn’t find me as appealing all wrapped up in these formal clothes.

‘It’d be a shame if he couldn’t properly enjoy this place because of me…’

Just as I was considering stepping away, Seo Woohyun fidgeted and grabbed my hand.

“You must be uncomfortable with me here. I’ll leave so you can rest.”

As I stood to leave, his grip tightened.

He wanted to say something, but his throat felt so hot that the words wouldn’t come out.

At first, I thought I could endure it, but as time passed, I realized I couldn’t handle the sensation of being submerged in boiling water any longer.

It was painful, and the fact that I had enough presence of mind to form any thoughts earlier now seemed like a miracle.

‘Forget the mood. If kissing Erdian would heal me, now’s not the time to be picky.’

Seo Woohyun’s eyes flashed as he parted his lips.

His voice was gone, but that didn’t stop him from mouthing the words clearly.

Let’s do that kiss from before, now.

He was desperately mouthing the words, but Erdian, who wasn’t very good at lip reading, simply tilted his head in confusion.

Frustrated, Seo Woohyun scrunched up his face, and Erdian gently clasped his hands together like he had before.

At that, Seo Woohyun quickly delivered his message telepathically.

‘Let’s kiss now. Hurry!’

The fever made his cheeks flush redder with every exhale.

Erdian, seemingly oblivious to the urgency, blinked and asked again.


‘I said, kiss me! I’m in pain here! Do it, hurry up!’

In his mind, Seo Woohyun was practically shouting.

Erdian, seeing the desperate look in his eyes, couldn’t help but wonder how much pain he was in.

“What if you regret this later? You said this would be your first kiss.”

Erdian muttered something deliberately off-topic to give him a chance to change his mind.

But soon enough, he was met with an impatient barrage of thoughts from Seo Woohyun, rushing him.

‘I don’t care anymore! If my first kiss is with you, that’s great!’

Amused by the exasperated thought, Erdian chuckled.

If Seo Woohyun asked for the world, he would gladly give it to him—what’s the big deal about a kiss?

Erdian leaned in slowly, pressing his lips to Seo Woohyun’s in a tender, deliberate touch.

As the warmth of the divine energy flowed between them, the terrible pain that had gripped Seo Woohyun’s body began to fade.

A soft, indiscernible sound escaped his lips, part relief and part something else.


Seo Woohyun relaxed into Erdian’s arms, eyes closing again.

‘Should’ve done this sooner. All that fuss over a kiss, and the atmosphere’s calmer than I thought… Did I just make myself look like a fool?’

Contrary to Seo Woohyun’s worries, Erdian kept the kiss light, their lips merely brushing together.

There was no noisy sucking or intrusive tongue; it was like holding hands, only with their lips touching.

‘But when am I supposed to breathe?’

Seo Woohyun had held his breath since the kiss started, and he wasn’t exactly known for his lung capacity.

Just as he was about to turn his head to catch his breath, something soft and warm slipped between his lips.


The unexpected sensation caused his thoughts to stutter.

Was this still part of transferring divine energy?

He distinctly remembered Erdian saying they didn’t need to do anything too intense.

The slick, heated tongue explored the untouched roof of his mouth and brushed against his hesitant one, sending a jolt of pleasure down his spine.

A faint moan escaped his throat before he could stop it.

“Mm… Ah…”

[Don’t run away now. Breathe through your nose.]

Hearing the calm voice in his mind, Seo Woohyun opened his eyes to find Erdian in his true form, with long silver hair cascading down his arms.

His reflection in those vivid golden eyes looked unfamiliar.

Seo Woohyun couldn’t even ask why Erdian had changed back to his original form; the overwhelming sensations from their entwined tongues had taken all his focus.

It was his first time kissing like this, first time feeling someone else’s tongue moving inside his mouth.

He had no idea how to swallow properly, so every time he tried to breathe, it came out as another moan.

Each time, Erdian would give him a brief pause, only to return more intensely, licking and sucking at his lips.

The thought that they’d have to do this every time he needed divine energy made Seo Woohyun feel despair creep in.

But enduring the pain without it was even worse.

Maybe he should just give up practicing divine energy altogether.

‘Wait… when did this happen?’

At some point, Erdian had climbed on top of him, pinning Seo Woohyun’s shoulders with his hands.

His long silver hair brushed against Seo Woohyun’s face, and his half-lidded eyes were now glazed over.

Once Erdian saw that Seo Woohyun had finally calmed down enough to take in his surroundings, he leaned in for another kiss.

“Mm… Uh…”

The kisses were relentless, leaving Seo Woohyun dazed and gasping for air.

When he started to feel like he might actually pass out from lack of oxygen, he pushed at Erdian’s shoulder, and the kiss finally broke.

“Haa… haa…”


Hearing Erdian call his name, Seo Woohyun made eye contact instead of responding.

As their gazes locked, Erdian smiled and gently brushed his thumb across Seo Woohyun’s lips.

“It doesn’t hurt as much anymore, does it?”

Afraid that speaking would just result in more moans, Seo Woohyun nodded.

Erdian’s smile deepened. Just as Seo Woohyun thought it was over and started to sit up, Erdian pushed him back down with a gentle hand.



“You don’t seem fully recovered to me….”

Erdian’s whispered words carried a teasing undertone.

Seo Woohyun, breathing heavily, did a quick check of his body.

There was no more pain—just the overwhelming heat and arousal from their kiss.

It was clear now.

Erdian was just using the divine energy as an excuse to kiss him again.

“…Am I wrong?”

Seo Woohyun’s wavering heart trembled at the somewhat desperate question.

The way those moist eyes gazed at him so affectionately—it was mesmerizing.

He thought to himself, ‘Is this what they call a face attack?’

“Ah, I don’t know anymore.”

Woohyun mumbled to himself, closing his eyes as if granting permission.

“I think… it still hurts a little.”

“Well, that’s a big problem then. I guess we should stay like this a bit longer?”

The reply, which was more playful than concerned, came along with the sound of fabric brushing together—strangely louder than usual.

Woohyun looked up, as if hypnotized, at the golden gaze fixed on him.

Before long, their lips met again.

It wasn’t the desperate kiss from earlier that had hungrily tangled their tongues and stolen their breath.

This time, it was soft, a kiss that tickled his chest.

Erdian’s lips, as they moved from his lips to his cheek and slowly down to his eyelids, felt burning hot.

“You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this moment…”

Muttering something Woohyun couldn’t quite grasp, Erdian claimed his lips once more.

As Woohyun quietly accepted Erdian’s tongue, his eyelids fluttered, and thoughts began to swirl in his mind.

‘Has he been holding back from doing this since he brought me here? Or is there something else he’s hiding from me?’

Since the kiss wasn’t as overwhelming as before, Woohyun’s mind started to wander.

But just as his thoughts were about to drift away, his body stiffened.

It was because of the hard lump he felt against Erdian’s thigh, which had lightly brushed against him.

The size of it made his mind go blank in an instant.

Was it the position that kept him trapped, unable to escape?

The more Woohyun wriggled to avoid it, the more it seemed to press against him.

“W-wait a minute…”

Woohyun lightly patted Erdian’s chest and turned his head away, only to have Erdian whisper in his ear.

“Hm? What’s wrong? Woohyun, are you still out of breath?”

As he spoke, Erdian buried his lips against Woohyun’s cheek.

‘Smooch, smooch.’

The short, soft kisses left his skin feeling hot, as if branded.

His name, when spoken by Erdian’s lips, had never felt so foreign before.

It’s already been a week since he woke up in this strange world and met him, traveling together since.

He knew Erdian was a god, yet his casual and familiar demeanor had made Woohyun feel like they had grown closer.

‘But getting any closer would be dangerous.’

Though swept up by the atmosphere and agreeing to kiss, Woohyun couldn’t ignore the growing sense of danger, despite Erdian’s handsome face and perfectly sculpted body.

There was no denying it—it was the sheer size that was making him anxious.

It was an all-around awkward situation.

His body, flushed from their first kiss, was a distraction.

Erdian’s incredible, tender gaze as he looked at him with such affection was another.

“Woohyun, hm? You need to answer me.”

“T-the thing is…”

Woohyun quickly turned his head away, putting a little distance between them.

‘Please… stop attacking me with your face…’

He had tried to deny it, but now he couldn’t help but admit it.

If Erdian were to undress right here in the carriage and ask him to roll around with him, he was certain—he wouldn’t be able to refuse.

After all, he was starting to see Erdian as more than just a companion.

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  1. Alreign says:

    How did you two end up kissing like this 💀

  2. Moo says:

    Damn that was hot!

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