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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy between Monday-Friday, posting of new chapters will be on Saturday and Sunday!

The only unplanned thing in my life chapter 5

* * *

As Kahyun checked the time and loosened his stiff shoulders, the head nurse approached his to inform his that Minjae’s second surgery had been moved up by 30 minutes and that additional tests were being conducted in preparation.

After offering a polite smile of thanks, Kahyun requested that all expenses related to Minjae be billed to him.

Shortly after the head nurse left, Kahyun’s phone rang. It was an unknown number.

“This is Lee Kahyun, the newly appointed director of Goseong Foods.”

  • Ah, this is Detective Jang Gooik from the Traffic Division at Yongjin-gu Central Police Station. I’m calling regarding the traffic accident that occurred around 2:30 PM today in front of the main gate of Wonha University. I was given this number as the contact for the guardian of the victim, Minjae Park. Is that correct?

Kahyun realized this wasn’t a business call, but from the police station.

Recalling that he had instructed his driver, Mr. Kim, to pass his number to the police, he rubbed his temples and replied.

“Yes, I’m the guardian for Minjae Park. He’s currently admitted to Seongmun Hospital and undergoing surgery. Is there any statement you need from me regarding the accident?”

  • There’s no urgent statement needed at the moment, as the accounts of the perpetrator and witnesses align. You can visit the station tomorrow for an additional statement. How is the victim’s condition?

“He’s being prepped for another surgery due to a brain hemorrhage. He hasn’t regained consciousness yet.”

The officer clicked his tongue sympathetically before continuing.

  • I see. One more thing, the only family member registered on the victim’s phone was his younger brother, an elementary school student. Do you happen to know if Minjae has any other family?

“No, I only know Minjae in a professional capacity, so I’m not familiar with his personal life. Does his brother know about the accident?”

  • Yes, we contacted him using the number on the phone. He said he was heading to the hospital as soon as he got the call. He should arrive shortly. His name is Park Minwoo, and he’s in the fifth grade.

“Understood. I’ll stop by the station tomorrow. Thank you for your work.”

  • Thank you, sir.

After the call ended, Kahyun checked the time, realizing evening was approaching.

One of his life’s strict principles was to never miss a meal, no matter what.

He absentmindedly rubbed his flat stomach.

Strangely enough, he wasn’t hungry at all.

Kahyun walked towards the surgery room where Minjae was scheduled to undergo his procedure.

A doctor, who seemed to recognize him, approached him, having likely been informed by the former hospital director.

“Are you Director Lee? I’ve heard a lot about you from Director Koo. I’m Moon Taehyun.”

Kahyun vaguely remembered the doctor’s face.

It seemed that the former director, as he had boasted, had assigned the best specialist for the surgery.

“Hello, I’m Lee Kahyun from Goseong Foods. I understand you’re busy, so thank you for taking the time.”

“Oh, not at all. For Director Koo, I’d rush out even in the middle of surgery.”

Despite his alarming words, Taehyun said them casually, as if it were no big deal.

Kahyun shook his hand and made his request.

“Minjae is someone very dear to me. Please, take good care of him.”

“Don’t worry. I’ve been told I’m the best in this field.”

Taehyun finished his greeting and immediately entered the operating room.

Soon, the light above the surgery room turned green, signaling the start of the procedure, and silence fell in the hallway.

The sudden wave of fatigue hit Kahyun, and he sat down on one of the waiting benches, feeling drained. So much had happened in just half a day.

His head began to ache, already dreading how to fix the day’s disruptions.

“I’ll let the commercial shoot slide, but how do I deal with the external contracts…”

At that moment, a child, sobbing quietly, wandered near Kahyun as he muttered to herself.

He stared at the unfamiliar boy, noticing that he vaguely resembled the younger brother in the photo from Minjae’s wallet. Kahyun called out softly.

“Are you Minjae’s brother, Park Minwoo?”

The boy jumped, startled, and stammered as he answered.

“Y-yes. I’m Minjae’s little brother. Do you know my brother?”

Kahyun hesitated, unsure how to explain his relationship with Minjae.

While he pondered, the boy’s eyes welled up with tears, ready to spill at any moment.

“Do you know which room my brother is in? The nurse told me to come here, but I only see the surgery room… I can’t find his hospital room.”

“I was with Minjae when the accident happened. He just went back into surgery, so it’ll be a while before you can see him.”

Kahyun gestured to the seat next to him, and the boy hesitated before cautiously sitting down.

He must have left in a hurry after hearing about the accident; his socks didn’t match.

From what the police told him, Minjae’s family was in a tough situation.

The situation couldn’t have been more perfectly timed for Kahyun.

If the media were to highlight Minjae’s challenging circumstances, it would garner positive reactions—exactly the kind of attention he needed.

To make that happen, he needed to make a good impression on the boy sitting beside him, Minjae’s only family member.

Looking at the tense and stiff Minwoo, Kahyun was at a loss for words.

He didn’t know how to deal with children.

The last time he interacted with one was three years ago, during a family gathering where he met his cousin, Daon, a shy middle schooler.

After the brief introduction, Daon had retreated to his room, leaving the tablet Kahyun had prepared as a gift to be passed on through his uncle.

Kahyun never found out whether his cousin liked the gift.

How do you talk to a child?

Usually, people would start conversations with his first once they learned who he was, so he rarely had to make an effort to break the ice.

But in this case, Kahyun instinctively knew revealing his status wouldn’t help at all.

He tried to recall a visit last year to an animal shelter for Goseong Foods’ image management.

He remembered how the shelter’s director had struggled to calm a dog that had become overly excited when it saw treats.

Maybe children weren’t so different from puppies.

With that thought, Kahyun carefully asked Minwoo a question, drawing on his memories of trying to win over a nervous dog.

“Have you eaten yet? If not, then…”

Before he could finish, Minwoo wiped away the tears that had already stained his cheeks and turned to look at his with a puzzled expression.

Kahyun wasn’t even sure how to address him properly. Lost for words, he found himself uttering something he never thought he would say.

“Shall we go have dinner, with… me?”

Surprisingly, the boy seemed receptive to his clumsy offer of food.

Minwoo stared at his for a moment before nodding.

He then asked his a question.

“Have you eaten yet, too?”

“No, not yet. Is there something in particular you’d like to eat?”

Kahyun mimicked the tone of the shelter director, trying to be as gentle as possible.

He felt nervous, knowing his appearance wasn’t exactly warm or friendly.

Lowering the boy’s guard was his immediate goal.

Minwoo fidgeted with his hands before softly answering.

“As long as it’s not too expensive, I’m okay with anything.”


“Like, places where the food costs more than ten thousand won.”

“Oh… I see.”

Kahyun was startled.

Did he know of any place that served food for under ten thousand won?

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