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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy between Monday-Friday, posting of new chapters will be on Saturday and Sunday!

7 transmigration tips from the saint chapter 30

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“You did well.”

Erdian’s praise finally spilled from his lips, doubling Seo Woohyun’s sense of accomplishment.

A quest completion notification flashed before his eyes, and a yellow stamp was added to his reward board, making four in total.

‘I wonder what the reward for collecting all ten stamps is? He did say he was the one giving the quests, so if I ask about the reward, would he tell me?’

While he stared at the stamps, through the transparent reward board, he saw Giselle approaching, apparently finished with the interrogation.

“As Malrang suspected, the man was a notorious thief wanted throughout the territory. He called himself a ‘noble thief,’ claiming to only steal from nobles and priests.”

Luckily, the group’s possessions were safe thanks to Raullet and Malrang catching him in time.

However, as a well-known thief, it seemed unlikely that he would escape serious punishment.

Giselle praised Malrang for his keen eye, and the former pickpocket hatchling proudly puffed out his chest.

“Raullet is keeping watch for now, but since we have a ways to travel to the next territory, we’ll need to decide what to do with him.”

Everyone’s gaze shifted to Erdian, including Malrang, who looked up at him nervously, afraid he might also be punished.

“Why are you all looking at me?”

Naturally, no one could say, “Because you’re the god,” so they all awkwardly avoided eye contact.

Erdian, clearly annoyed, waved his hand dismissively.

“You deal with it yourselves.”

It was clear he didn’t want to be involved, leaving human matters to humans.

With Erdian out of the picture, everyone’s gaze naturally shifted to Seo Woohyun, who was now posing as a priest.

Even though he was technically Erdian’s only acknowledged proxy, Seo Woohyun just shrugged under the pressure, giving an awkward smile as if he didn’t understand why they were looking at him.

“I really just wanted to observe, nothing more or less. I already feel self-conscious enough bringing along Malrang, and now they expect me to decide the fate of an attempted thief… How am I supposed to handle that?”

Due to his timid nature, Seo Woohyun couldn’t voice his thoughts out loud, but he hoped his expression conveyed his inner frustration.

Fortunately, the quick-witted Giselle excused herself, saying she would discuss the thief’s punishment with Raullet.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Seo Woohyun decided not to waste the time he had and asked Tia to teach him a few more things he could create using holy power.

Tia’s explanations were flawless, and before long, Seo Woohyun had learned how to create a small flame, a sip of water, and a tiny light.

“Wow, I won’t need a flashlight or lighter at this rate.”

Now that he thought about it, holy power was practically tailor-made for camping.

Encouraged by his sense of accomplishment, Seo Woohyun eagerly practiced creating water and light over and over until he became exhausted, his body sagging under the strain.

Erdian, supporting him to keep him from collapsing, murmured softly.

“Don’t overdo it with the practice. Why don’t you call it a day? Without proper technique, you’ll end up wearing yourself out.”

“Ah, no wonder…”

Caught up in the thrill of his first success, Seo Woohyun had tried all sorts of things without pacing himself.

He slumped by the campfire, letting out a long breath.

His head throbbed, and his ears felt muffled. He thought resting for a bit might help, but the longer he sat, the more his vision flickered in and out.

“This feels exactly like when I’m about to get a nosebleed.”

Reflexively, Seo Woohyun touched under his nose.

Sure enough, it started to feel hot, and before long, crimson blood began dripping down.

As it stained his pale priest’s robes, Caro, a nearby priest, gasped.


Caro quickly pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to Seo Woohyun.

Seo Woohyun gave him a grateful look and pressed the handkerchief to his nose.

Erdian, with a short sigh, lifted Seo Woohyun up in one swift motion.

He hoisted him up by the armpits, in a way that made Seo Woohyun’s toes barely graze the ground.

Startled by the sudden contact, Seo Woohyun mumbled Erdian’s name.


“Lie down for a bit.”


“Where else? The carriage. Unless you want to lie on the dirt?”

At Erdian’s tone, Seo Woohyun knew that if he answered yes, he might actually be laid down on the bare ground.

Not wanting to bleed all over the place, he shook his head, and Erdian headed straight for the carriage.

Malrang, who had been trailing closely behind, scurried around in a panic.

“Hyung, why’s your nose bleeding? Are you hurt?”

“Quit yammering and just open the carriage door, Mulang.”

“It’s not Mulang, it’s Malrang!”

As Malrang corrected Erdian, he opened the carriage door and even followed them inside, fussing for Seo Woohyun to be healed.

“El, hurry up. Lay him down and heal him, okay?”

“You’ve only known him for a short time, and yet you’re already more worried than anyone else.”

Erdian scoffed as he gently laid Seo Woohyun on the sofa.

Watching the blood drip made him just as uncomfortable as it did Malrang.

“Can’t you heal him? The blood keeps coming.”

“This is from overusing holy power, so there’s no real way to… Well, there is one way.”

“What is it? Tell me!”

Malrang clamped his small hands over Seo Woohyun’s nose, clearly trying to stop the bleeding.

Though his efforts were well-meaning, it made it hard for Seo Woohyun to breathe, not to mention the blood-soaked handkerchief stuck to his face was quite unpleasant.

Carefully, Seo Woohyun pried the child’s hands away and took a deep breath.

“…This isn’t something to discuss in front of a kid.”

“Geez. Hyung, does it hurt?”

“It’ll get better if I rest.”

Seo Woohyun muttered weakly. Every time the child spoke, his head pounded, and he felt dizzy.

Though he appreciated the concern, he really just wanted to rest.

Malrang, contemplating what he could do to help, quickly stood up.

“I’ll go catch some birds that you like, hyung. Just rest, okay? Don’t worry, I won’t hunt aggressively anymore. I’ll go with that knight guy.”

It didn’t seem like Justin’s opinion had been taken into account in this plan.

But for Malrang, the only thing he could think of doing for Seo Woohyun was hunting.

Before Seo Woohyun could stop him, Malrang had dashed out of the carriage, yelling for Justin.

Though it was touching to be cared for by a ten-year-old, it made Seo Woohyun feel oddly unsettled.

Perhaps it was because he had never experienced such pure concern before, and it left him uncomfortable.

He wasn’t used to trusting kindness that came without strings attached.


Seo Woohyun glanced at the blood-stained handkerchief and muttered Erdian’s name.

“You said there was a way to stop this earlier, right?”


“Can you tell me what it is?”

The exhaustion, nausea, and headache caused by the depletion of his holy power couldn’t be healed by holy power itself.

Even though there were five others in the group with holy power, none of them had offered to treat Seo Woohyun.

From Tia, Seo Woohyun had learned that you couldn’t just take another person’s holy power for yourself, so he quietly accepted Erdian’s help.

“It’ll heal naturally if you wait, or if you pray to Erdian, it might recover a bit faster.”

Given the context, Seo Woohyun had a feeling Erdian would tell him to pray.

Then it hit him—the person with the power to share holy energy was standing right beside him.

As he was processing this realization, Erdian spoke.

“You need to ‘Muah.’”

Seo Woohyun blinked slowly, unfamiliar with the term.

For a second, his mind went blank.

Muah. As far as he knew, that word had only one meaning.

“You mean kiss?”

“You don’t have to go that far.”

“…So a peck?”

Erdian nodded.

Seo Woohyun pulled the handkerchief away from his nose.

Fortunately, the nosebleed had stopped.

However, his face must’ve been a mess with all the blood, even without looking in a mirror.

The thought of touching lips in this state with Erdian was anything but romantic.

“Who kisses right after a nosebleed?”

A dry laugh almost escaped him, but he was too exhausted, so he just let out a weak breath.

No matter how much he liked Erdian’s face, body, and voice, this didn’t feel right.

‘Besides, I haven’t even had my first kiss yet.’

He was about to decline and say he’d rather rest when Erdian leaned in, looking strangely intense.

“You haven’t had your first kiss yet?”

Caught off guard by the sudden question, Seo Woohyun reflexively glanced down at his hands.

The blood-soaked handkerchief was gripped tightly between them, his fingers touching slightly.

‘Oh my God.’

Without realizing it, Seo Woohyun cursed internally.

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  1. Alreign says:

    Lol he needs to stop praying 😆

  2. Moo says:

    I wonder how strong is his divine power 🤔

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