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7 transmigration tips from the saint chapter 28

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Malrang’s tightly clenched fists trembled.

However, with a god standing right beside him, he refrained from moving his mana as he had unconsciously done at the rest stop.

Even so, Justin’s squire, who had already distanced himself from Malrang, nodded subtly in agreement with Justin’s assessment.

Seo Woohyun, too, had not expected Justin to express concerns about traveling with Malrang and hesitated.

“Hmph, hyung, it’s not true! I was only trying to help you! I managed to hit the target at least once out of ten tries! I really tried hard! I’m not a bad dragon!”

Malrang’s small figure, barely reaching Seo Woohyun’s waist, looked up at him with tear-filled eyes.

Seo Woohyun squatted down, bringing their eye level closer.

As soon as he did, Malrang threw his arms around Seo Woohyun’s shoulders.

“I only know explosion magic for hunting, that’s why! I swear I’m good and I follow all the rules! I keep promises and I don’t steal!”

As Malrang spoke, his voice quivered, and his lips began to tremble as his emotions overwhelmed him.

His sniffling, as he tried to hold back tears, tugged at Seo Woohyun’s heart.

He didn’t know what to do. Siding with Malrang was easy, but Justin’s concerns were valid as well.

After all, Justin was the only one who had witnessed Malrang’s hunting skills.

Considering Justin had only joined them recently, his priority was likely his own safety, which explained why he voiced his concerns.

“Cecilia mentioned to me that the youngest’s hunting skills have improved, but hitting the target once out of ten tries… is that what she meant by improved?”

For once, Erdian refrained from teasing and wore a serious expression as he rested his chin on his hand.

Malrang mumbled defensively.

“I used to have to try fifteen times just to hit once…”

“Ah, is that so?”

Erdian chuckled softly, neatly solving Seo Woohyun’s dilemma.

Pointing elegantly at Malrang, Erdian addressed Justin.

“Justin, while your concerns are valid, from what I’ve seen, that squishy one isn’t aggressive at all…”

Malrang’s teary blue eyes filled with hope.

Could it be that the god who always teased and bullied him was finally taking his side?

“He’s just bad at hunting.”

“…Ugh, no! That’s not true…”

Malrang burst into tears at Erdian’s half-hearted defense.

He stomped his feet, sobbing pitifully.

“I caught that one! I’m not bad at hunting!”

“Hahahaha! After causing so many explosions, this guy really is something!”

“I’m not aggressive! I just… I…”

As Malrang wept, his nose began to run.

Seo Woohyun, receiving a handkerchief from Giselle, quickly wiped Malrang’s nose.

The sorrow poured out.

“Hyung, sniff… I did well, didn’t I? I’m good, right? I’m a good boy?”

“Of course! Erdian was just teasing. You did great! You’re way better than me. You didn’t set the forest on fire like I did. You’re amazing!”

In his rush to comfort Malrang, Seo Woohyun even forgot to use his name correctly.

But Malrang, hearing only the praise, sniffled and tried to stop crying.

Seeing no end to Erdian’s laughter, Seo Woohyun decided to take drastic measures.

Hugging Malrang tightly, he clasped his hands behind the child’s back and closed his eyes.

‘Erdian, you agreed to travel together. Can’t you stop teasing Malrang for once? Just say it was a joke. It really bothers me when they cry…’

He hoped his silent plea would reach Erdian.

As if hearing his thoughts, Erdian’s tone immediately shifted, and he patted Malrang’s head with a serious voice.

“Crying over a little teasing, huh? For a ten-year-old, your hunting skills aren’t bad. You did well, Plangsis.”


Malrang forgot his tears and stared in shock.

Erdian, the god who always called him “squishy one” or “cheeky brat” and never used his name, had just addressed him by name—no, by a proud and dignified name.

“See? It was just a joke. Justin wasn’t being mean either. People don’t normally hunt with explosions, so he was just worried. Right, Justin?”

Seo Woohyun looked at Justin.

Even though the boy had suddenly burst into tears, the strong knight who had held firm in his opinion flinched.

There was no way a follower could defy their god, especially when the god was defending the child.

“Yes. That’s correct. From a human perspective, it seemed dangerous, but thinking it over… Plang is special.”

Being a skilled knight with excellent social awareness, Justin used a phrase that would make the child happy.

Malrang’s cheeks puffed up in pride as he heard the word “special.”

“…I did well, right? This counts as repaying you for that meal at the inn, doesn’t it?”

Seo Woohyun sniffled and nodded at the murmured words, his nose reddened from crying.

He hadn’t expected to take money from the child, but seeing this, the kid was more meticulous about calculations than he’d thought.

Seated around the fire that Caro had kindled, Seo Woohyun watched the child, who cried easily but also stopped quickly.

While Tia carefully sharpened a sturdy branch and purified it with holy power, Caro cut the blood-drained bird meat into bite-sized pieces.

Raullet brought vegetables from the supply cart to grill alongside the meat, and Finn and Seo Woohyun alternated skewering the meat and vegetables.

As they grilled the skewers over the crackling fire, Justin apologized to Malrang for the misunderstanding.

“No, it’s fine. You’re human, so it’s understandable. I get it now.”

Pleased that Erdian had called him by the name he proudly insisted on, Malrang graciously accepted Justin’s apology.

Finn, who had been keeping a slight distance from Malrang, also seemed to regret siding with Justin as he quietly poured some apple juice.

“Hyung, eat this! I can smell it’s cooked all the way through!”

“Haha, you’ve got soot all over your face. Let’s clean up and eat together.”

Although the bird skewers they ate that day lacked any special seasoning, they tasted incredibly warm and affectionate.

Seo Woohyun had lived in a country where over 70% of the land was mountainous for 29 years, yet he had never seen a forest this vast and dense before.

Every time he looked out the window, he saw a green expanse.

It would take several days of travel by carriage to escape the great forest they were crossing, and the inside of the carriage was bustling.

Malrang, who had taken a nap after eating breakfast and panting in his true form, had woken up.

Usually sitting beside Seo Woohyun, the child, always mindful of Erdian’s gaze, surprisingly plopped down next to Erdian this time.

“El, you must come to my coming-of-age ceremony. I’ll invite you. You have to come with Ciel Hyung.”

He even wagged his tail up and down, thumping the sofa cushions.

It was a tail he had only ever shown to Seo Woohyun.

“How dare a hatchling command me to come or go?”

Erdian playfully pinched Malrang’s nose, pulling the child off him.

Though the continuous chatter was annoying, he didn’t mind not seeing the child cling to Seo Woohyun anymore.

This alone made him feel more generous.

“You’ll come with Ciel Hyung, right? El even acknowledged my name.”

The child was only ten years old.

Considering the dragon race holds their coming-of-age ceremony at twenty, it was a distant promise.

Erdian despised promises that required long waits.

He knew one answer would quiet the child, but instead, he looked at Seo Woohyun across from him.

“How did you manage this nuisance all this time?”

“I didn’t find it bothersome at all. Isn’t he cute?”

“Cute? What’s cute about him? His nose is always wet and squishy; it’s just uncomfortable. And being all warm and stuck next to me feels awkward.”


Even though Malrang made a dejected sound, he stubbornly remained beside Erdian.

At first, he thought this intimidating god was scary due to the threats, but now he saw that Erdian was kind and generous.

He planned to alternate sitting next to Seo Woohyun and Erdian from now on so that neither would feel neglected.

“The forest is really vast and wide. It’s amazing how it just keeps going as we ride,” Seo Woohyun muttered, opening the window slightly to feel the outside air.

His hands busily brushed aside his hair, blown by the wind.

“Because it’s vast and easy to get lost in, strange things often hide here.”

“Like thieves?”

At the mention of thieves, Malrang’s ears perked up, feeling guilty.

He was about to declare that he was a dragon who kept his promises faithfully when Erdian interrupted.

“I’ve heard enough about how well you keep your promises, so stop.”

“I haven’t even said anything yet.”

“You were twitching your mouth, ready to say it.”

“But I didn’t even pray. How did you know?”

“Because you’ve repeated the same thing fifty times.”

“I didn’t say it fifty times.”

“Stop with the backtalk.”


His tail, which had been fluttering, stilled, seemingly upset by the scolding.

He then flew over to Seo Woohyun’s side, folding his wings.

Seo Woohyun had expected him to mutter something under his breath, but instead, the child curled up and snuggled his head against Seo Woohyun’s thigh.

“I’ll definitely come to your coming-of-age ceremony. You won’t pretend you don’t know me when I visit, right?”

“Of course not. Hyung, make sure you come. If you do, I’ll let you ride on my back and fly.”

“Thanks, but I’m a bit scared of heights, so that might be difficult.”

“Then I’ll carry you on my back and walk.”

Riding on a newly adult dragon seemed risky, but Seo Woohyun doubted the child would remember a promise made ten years ago.

He patted the child’s head, and seeing his breathing relax, it seemed his mood had completely improved.

‘Ah… so cute.’

With a softened expression, Seo Woohyun gently ruffled the child’s hair.

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  1. Alreign says:

    I like the fluff 🥰

  2. Moo says:

    So a literal explosion to hunt a bird, overkill hahahaha

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