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7 transmigration tips from the saint chapter 26

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The hatchling, Malrang, who had confidently rejoined the group, would transform into a human whenever they needed to leave the carriage or be among people.

There were no complaints or tantrums.

Despite having run away multiple times because it didn’t like their name, it behaved maturely for its age.

“Hyung, aren’t you glad you brought me along? I listen well, and I keep my promises, right?”

“Yeah, but if you ever want to go home, you have to tell me first. Don’t just leave without a word, okay?”

“Of course! Hyung, you can pet my head instead of my belly. I’ll let you, just because it’s you.”

“Want me to pat your head?”


During their travels in the carriage, Malrang would return to its true form and confidently take it place next to Seo Woohyun.

It would nuzzle against Seo Woohyun’s hands and legs, demanding all the attention.

Though Erdian’s disapproving gaze could have been uncomfortable, Malrang clung to Seo Woohyun without a care, wagging it tail lightly.

“I’ll be staring at this dreary forest for a while.”

Erdian, irritated by the sight of the hatchling monopolizing Seo Woohyun’s affection, muttered as he gazed out at the forest beyond the carriage window.

The group’s destination was the Duchy of Soznian, near the Holy City, which required them to pass through the vast Great Forest.

As its name suggested, the forest was densely packed with unknown trees and plants, with only a narrow road for the carriage to travel through.

As they continued down the forest path, Raullet suggested they take a break in the woods to give the horses some rest.

Naturally, Seo Woohyun nodded in agreement.

“Feels like a camping trip.”

As the carriage slowed, Malrang, who had been clinging to Seo Woohyun’s side, instantly transformed into human form.

Suddenly naked, the child grabbed the clothes neatly placed in the corner of the sofa.

These were new clothes Seo Woohyun had bought from a village, replacing the tattered ones Malrang had worn when they first met.

The child, struggling to pull the shirt over their head and push their arms through the sleeves, was just about to put on the pants when Seo Woohyun offered to help button up the shirt.

He had noticed that buttoning up always took the longest for the child.

As he carefully fastened the buttons, Malrang cheerfully exclaimed,

“Hyung, I’m going hunting today! There are lots of plump birds around here!”

Seo Woohyun’s hands froze mid-buttoning.

While he was getting used to seeing Malrang in their dragon form inside the carriage, he hadn’t invited them along for hunting.

Why did the child suddenly want to go hunting alone?


“I’m good at it! Didn’t El say so? My mom’s watching from afar, proud of how much my hunting skills have improved. So, I need to show her that I haven’t lost my touch. What if she takes me away because I’m not good enough?”

Hearing the child’s serious reasoning, Seo Woohyun inwardly retorted,

‘What do you mean “what if”? We’d just say goodbye to the returning hatchling. It’d be a bit sad, but…’

The idea of a ten-year-old getting blood on their hands didn’t sit well with him.

Hesitating, Seo Woohyun glanced at Erdian for help.

Having spent so much time traveling together in the confined space of the carriage, Seo Woohyun had started to feel more at ease around Erdian.

His speech wasn’t as overly formal as before, and he often joked or bickered with Malrang, which made Seo Woohyun warm to him naturally.

Sensing Seo Woohyun’s gaze, Erdian shrugged.

“Why are you looking at me? I didn’t give the little thing any ideas. It’s the hatchling’s own choice to go hunting. What do you expect me to do?”

“…Still, ten is a bit too young.”

“Depends on the ten-year-old. In some decayed royal families, they hand kids swords and send them off to hunting grounds at that age. Besides, Malrang’s a dragon. What’s there to worry about? If anything, it’d be more embarrassing if they couldn’t hunt a single bird at their age.”

For once, Erdian, who usually scolded Malrang, took the child’s side, and Malrang eagerly nodded in agreement.

It wanted to do something nice for Seo Woohyun, who had been taking care of it.

While controlling mana to create objects or manipulate water was still difficult, hunting was something it was confident in.

“If you’re worried, I’ll go with one of the knights. Is that okay?”

Hearing that Malrang would bring a companion put Seo Woohyun’s mind a little more at ease.

Even though Malrang was a dragon, it was still just ten years old.

And the knight Malrang mentioned was Justin Jamal, one of the guards assigned to the group’s night watch.

Known as the right-hand man of the temple’s knight commander, Justin’s skills were trustworthy, so Seo Woohyun felt more reassured.

He finally nodded in approval.

“Just make sure you stick with Justin and don’t push yourself. Got it?”

“Yup! I’ll catch a bird in no time!”

With Seo Woohyun’s permission, Malrang burst out of the carriage and went to find Justin.

Watching the child’s cheerful steps and the way their light blue hair swayed, Erdian muttered dryly,

“More like a puppy than a dragon.”

“But isn’t it cute?”

“Hmph, if we’re talking about cuteness, you’re much cuter.”


Caught off guard by Erdian’s blunt comment, Seo Woohyun flushed.

Despite spending most of the trip lying down, Erdian stood from the wide sofa without stretching.

His posture was always perfectly upright.

While Seo Woohyun was still flustered by the unexpected compliment, Erdian, who had already stepped out of the carriage, extended a hand toward him.

“Come down. The forest air is quite refreshing.”

Though the carriage step wasn’t too far from the ground, Erdian always offered Seo Woohyun a hand to help him down.

Once again, Erdian’s face, framed by the sunlight, looked stunning. Mesmerized, Seo Woohyun swallowed hard.

‘Another face attack! Is he being kind, or is he flirting…? No, no. What kind of blasphemous thoughts are these? Have I lost it, Seo Woohyun?’

With a soft sigh, Seo Woohyun slowly took his hand.

It wasn’t that he wanted physical contact, but his priest robes were long and cumbersome, often getting in the way while walking.

Though accepting the escort felt a bit awkward, it was probably just basic manners here.

‘He’s not doing this just to hold my hand.’

Having convinced himself, Seo Woohyun took Erdian’s hand and stepped out of the carriage.

Just as Erdian had said, the outside air was cool and refreshing.

The rest of the group had already begun clearing a space to rest.

It seemed everyone had been assigned roles ahead of time, as there was no one idly wandering around.

As Seo Woohyun approached, the priestess, Tia, noticed his presence and turned around.

“Oh, Lord Ciel. How’s the carriage sickness?”

Tia, with her blonde hair neatly tied up, greeted Seo Woohyun warmly.

To Erdian, who was posing as a mere priest on this journey, she only offered a polite nod.

She had been strictly instructed not to show excessive reverence to the godly presence of ‘El’ during the trip.

Her role was to act as if the divine being among them was completely ordinary until the journey’s end, a duty she was determined to fulfill.

After all, this journey was a significant opportunity for her.

“I’ve gotten used to it now. Are you setting up a campfire?”

“Yes! Malrang boldly declared he’d bring back a giant bird. We might have to make the fire big. But I wonder how large a small dragon like that can actually catch.”

“They were bragging about their hunting skills in the carriage, so I’m sure they’ll bring back at least something this big.”

Seo Woohyun gestured with his hands to estimate the size, and Erdian chuckled beside him.

If Malrang had seen it, they would have been insulted.

“What’s so funny? Is it too small?”

“Hm. For someone who spoils them so much, aren’t you underestimating them a little?”

Even though Seo Woohyun had shown the size of a common city pigeon, it seemed small to Erdian.

Just how big did he expect Malrang to catch?

After all, Malrang’s true form was only slightly larger than that.

Seo Woohyun quickly lowered his hands and glanced around, just in case Malrang might overhear.

The hatchling was surprisingly sensitive. Luckily, only the sounds of the group preparing camp could be heard.

“…Should I give you some praise if you manage to catch anything? Tia, can I help you light the fire?”

When Seo Woohyun subtly changed the topic, Tia nodded.

“Finn went to gather some firewood, so I’ll ask for your help once he returns.”


Feeling a bit uneasy about just lounging around while traveling, Seo Woohyun wanted to start getting involved in some tasks.

As the man who had gathered grass and branches returned, he noticed Erudian and Seo Woohyun stepping out of the carriage, and hurriedly unfolded a folding chair for them.

“Please, both of you, have a seat here.”

This was Caro, a priest from the Great Temple, known for his innocent eyes, which resembled those of a docile ox.

He had a timid personality and was overwhelmed simply by the fact that he was grouped together with a god and a saint, both disguised as priests.

Even though Erudian and Seo Woohyun treated him as a senior priest out of courtesy, he rarely initiated conversations.

Just as Raullet, who had tied the horses securely, returned and exchanged brief greetings, a loud explosion echoed nearby.


Startled, Seo Woohyun instinctively grabbed Erudian’s arm and muttered under his breath.

“What was that? Why does it sound like a bomb just went off?”

Was there a war breaking out somewhere?

His heart raced at the unfamiliar, deafening noise.

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  1. Alreign says:

    Just like a couple lmao

  2. Moo says:

    Magic time! I do love my magic! Hope we see more of it!

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