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The Quest Rewards Are Real Chapter 14- Strange (1)

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Usually, “Werehyena” is only considered a hyena version of a werewolf, but the Werehyena in this world has a very different image.

Ogre is two-legged, medium-sized monster that do not lag behind Orcs in terms of size and mass.

However, unlike the natural warrior Orc, whose whole body is made up of muscles, the Werehyena was different compared to a big pig with fat.

The head is a hyena, but I wonder if the body can be hunted.

Moreover, no matter how big he is, due to his low intelligence, he is recognized as a monster that is inferior to an Orc.

But there was only one part that seemed more threatening than an Orc, it was their speed.

Usually, they walk slowly on two-legged walks, but when they find their prey, they run on all fours like animals.

They were quite fast when it runs, they are not comparable to an Orc or Hobgoblin running with a weapon.



Those were ignorant rush works by beast, not for hunters who had thoroughly prepared themselves.

I grinned and pulled the rope in my hand at the three monsters.

Six Javellin woven at intervals of 40 centimeters were obliquely set up with sharp steel, and the monsters that did not prepare themselves were stabbed by the spear.




With a loud sound of shock, two Werehyena penetrated the Javelin and rolled on the floor.

“This is easy.”

With two killed at once, I saw a red dot and pointed the crossbow at its direction.

It’s impossible to avoid running against a scary flying bolt.

Bolt was tucked deep in his shoulder, and the final beast screamed while still rushing, but it was greeted by a rope and spike.

Bang Bang Bang!

And it was finished with a long spear, the main weapon, he growled with spikes all over its body.

The battle ended very neatly.

If there is one more, or two survive in the first trap, there is no choice but to fight it in person.

It was not difficult facing them without a trap.

I’ve been getting interested in fighting since I got Mana Emission and leaping skills.

Of course, fighting face to face with a vicious-faced monster would be tough, but I wasn’t scared enough to be intimidated by the other party’s appearance.

[Quest completed successfully]

[Automatic recovery skills have been acquired as a reward]

[High attack success rate]

[Luck increases by 1.]

[High understanding of skills]

[Mana increases by 1.]

“Great! Mana!”

The quest ended within two days, unlike the previous quest before.

The difficulty level was definitely higher than the Goblin hunt, which includes five Hobgoblin, but the quest was completed easily because the new equipment, skills, and abilities increased significantly by preparing well.

At this time, an Ogre Hunt quest would be no problem.

“Let’s go back to town.”

I packed three skins of Werehyena and gallbladder, which is widely used as a medicinal ingredient in this world.

As the size of the leather was so large, it was not comparable to that of Goblin, leaving them behind was a loss but the weight of more than a full military commander was on his shoulders.

“I can fight one or two more times.”

Now is the time to step down.

If I wake up in the middle of a hunting ground while being greedy, I can’t predict what problems will arise the next day.

So, absolutely I must be in a safe zone after the completion of the quest.


But then.

As I quickly left the forest checking the mini-map, I was greatly surprised to realize my body’s abnormality.


Surprisingly, my mana was rising at a rate that was incomparable to before.

Of course, in percentage terms, it is about 1% per 20 seconds, but the existing recovery rate, which is the standard, was so slow that it felt abnormal.

“Was it because of automatic recovery?”

In the past, when my mana ran out, I had no choice but to return.

However, my current pace of recovery means that the Mana can be filled in within 33 minutes, so my battle style will inevitably change in the future.

As much as I don’t want to save up Mana for my skills, I can be more active, and my efficiency and speed of hunting will increase dramatically.

Slaughter (Active / LV-)

Mana Emission(Active / LV1)

Leap (Active / LV-)

Intuition (Passive / LV1)

Automatic Recovery (Passive / LV1)

When I opened the skill window, there was a level beside automatic recovery.

Does that mean these skills can grow further?

And given the comprehensive name of automatic recovery, not Mana recovery, I don’t think this is the end of the skill effect.

“That’s a lot better than I thought.”

Arriving in town a moment later, I headed to the market, leaving behind a lost guard in a pile of Werehyena’s leather.

“Really, I’m speechless. Are you the same one that was kicked out by three goblins a month ago?”

“I think I have a talent for hunting.”

“It’s not worth writing off as talent.”


“As far as Goblin was concerned, you hunted Werehyen after the level of Goblin…….”

A young woman named Mary, the owner of a general store shook her head and handed me four copper coins of money and six silver coins to deal with the by-products of the Werehyena.

“It’s nice to have quality leather-trimmed with Slaughter skills. I’m afraid you’re overdoing it.”

I grinned at the sincerity I felt in her words.

“I’m being careful.”

Mary’s face turned red with my response, but I already left her behind and left the general store.

Then I returned to the inn room, washed up, and lay down on the bed. Feeling like I was going to wake up from my dream, I closed my eyes.

‘Come to think of it, these days, I wake up when I’m back at the inn after completing my quest.’

And I got out of the fantasy world expecting the contents of the reward card.

[Hello. SBN morning news. First, I’ll tell you the news of an accident abroad.

At around 12 o’clock last night, a murder without question occurred in Obihiro, Hokkaido, Japan, which is shocking. It’s sad news that as many as 13 people were killed and none of the victims survived.

The criminal has yet to be arrested, and somehow the CCTV in the area has been suspended for 20 minutes and there are no witnesses, making the investigation difficult.

Citizens are accusing police of thoroughly investigating foreigners entering and leaving the area, saying the planned terrorist attacks were clear.]

I turned on the TV to break the silence, and it was the most ferocious news that greeted me.

I turned off the TV frowning.

It’s unfortunate news, but that’s it.

It had nothing to do with me anyway.

I picked up two Lower reward cards to get the vibe up.


But suddenly.

I just thought I’d seen the content of the news somewhere.

Just like deja vu.


My eyes naturally turned to the Article A newspaper folded in the corner of the room, and as I unfolded it, the most provocative article caught my eye.

[A serial murder on K University campus, the police checked CCTV, but the investigation was difficult because the video was not saved for an hour before and after the incident.]

The future newspaper that was recently rewarded.
This would happen about three weeks from now.


CCTV that doesn’t work.

Mass murder without witnesses.

It was too coincidental to dismiss it as a mere coincidence.

“What’s this.”

Same criminal?

Or really planned terrorism?

It is difficult to verify the facts only with these reported data.

The truth will only be known by those who committed the crime anyway.

However, it could only be considered relevant at this point.

“It’s like it is asking me to solve the case.”
A movie or cartoon character might think like that.

‘There’s a good reason why I’m given special powers! We must bring justice and strive for world peace!’

Sadly, however, I’m not nice enough to go around spitting out these cheesy lines.

I have no desire to take risks for others, who I don’t even know their faces as if I were one of the few friends and family members that would stretch out their arms and embrace them.

A very selfish way of thinking.

But in the first place, I was that kind of person.

When I first saw the newspaper’s article, I was only going to report to the police that there was a suspicious person rather than thinking that I should come forward to save the students myself.

“I don’t want to go out and get attention.”

If it’s the same criminal, people around me might be in danger because of me.

Being involved with psychos, who kill people indiscriminately, did more harm than good.

Shaking my head and covering the newspaper, I immediately used a reward card.

[Stamina increases by 2.]

[Luck increases by 2.]

Is it because I’m being too mean?

The reward was also half of what I got yesterday.

If these go up frequently, I would like more strength, mana, and Luck.….

Especially, I don’t know what luck is used for.
Originally, my luck was only one, but now it is four.

Does that mean I’ll get four times as much luck?

“I don’t know. But let’s get some exercise.”
I glanced at the newspaper and tried to distract myself.

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3 years ago

Thanks bro

3 years ago

Good work

3 years ago

— Thanks for the chapter~!! ^^

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