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The Quest Are Real! Chapter 11- Unexpected quest (2)

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This is the first quest with a penalty.
And it was also the first time that another quest appeared while completing another quest.

This incident made me think that the system quest was making up me move toward a set storyline.

I don’t know what the ending of the story is like, whether it was done by a god or an alien, but I’m annoyed by the situation where I have no choice but to complete it.

“Darn it!”

A wizard is said to be very strong. Why did he even need my help?

I don’t know why.

I was forced to move quickly to where the explosion came from.

However, for a while, my busy step was forced to slow down.

The reason is that there are more and more red dots appearing on the map.

At a rough estimate, there are more than 30 red dots around the person named Gordon.

Also, as there were also Hobgoblin, Ogre, and Orcs as well as some Goblin, I felt a sense of crisis.

If I knew such an unexpected quest would happen, I should have prepared the equipment in advance.

I like to be cautious about this, but I realized that if there is an opportunity to become strong, I have to be strong.


No matter how reluctant I was, I cannot avoid the quest’s penalty as it is.

I set up a lot of traps to create my own safety zone and first ran toward the three Goblin that stood out.

They were distracted by Gordon and didn’t notice me approaching from behind.

Now a completely sharp stab with the spear penetrated and they died instantly, and I immediately cut the second one, who faltered using Slaughter.

Not an immediate death-wound, but now the Goblin was screaming and rolling on the floor. I could feel no fighting spirit from them.

I shot Goblin’s loud throat with a spear and fired a crossbow at the last one running away.

The bolt of the crossbow was neatly cooped up in the back of Goblin’s head, and three Goblin were now dead.

The sound of the explosion echoed again.
Looking away, I noticed a middle-aged man wearing a blue-colored robe between the fallen trees.

His gaze glanced this way, but I already left my place and prepared a bolt on the crossbow.

Gordon no longer cared about me because of the Orcs swinging their graves at him.

Different species of monsters are hard to find them together.

But now, perhaps because they have a powerful common enemy, Goblin, Ogre, and Orcs were pouring hostility against Gordon.

“How did he get into this mess?”

No matter how great as wizard Gordon was, he didn’t seem powerful enough to overwhelm three weapon-wielding monsters everywhere.

Since this has happened, I should first target Hobgoblin, who was distracted by Gordon, with the goal of completing the quest simultaneously.

Don’t you think I should take care of my own business first?

“Maybe this quest itself is for it.”

I hid in the bushes and shot myself on his stomach, it was the most stable way to shoot.

Unless it is a military exemption, there is no South Korean man who can’t shoot himself.
Target is the big Hobgoblin, who is pushing the Goblins.

The distance is about 50 meters.

If I have a rifle in my hand, it is fool’s level of difficulty, so there is no way I can’t get it right.
Although the weapon is a crossbow, not rifles, and bolts are heavily influenced by air, it was not a big problem.

He has already mastered the trajectory of bolts from zero and distance in pre-practice.

With a cheerful sound, the bolt flew at great speed and stuck in the back of Hobgoblin’s head.


Even if Hobgoblin had a stronger leather and skeleton than Goblin, it was not enough to protect himself from the bolt.

[Goblin 50/50, Hobgoblin: 1/5]

Even if it’s portable, it’s a crossbow that pierces even iron armor nearby.

Other Hobgoblin and Goblin screamed in bewilderment when a colleague died.

Then the other monsters looked around for a moment, and then the aggro turned to Gordon again in the flames burning before his eyes.

The Goblin troops were scrambling to find the man who killed their colleague, but there was a long way to go in finding me because of the smoke from the explosion and the smell of various monsters.

I put a bolt on the crossbow and then went after another Hobgoblin again.


Again this time, I pulled the trigger to his head, but the target moved at the last minute.

But perhaps heaven helped.

The bolt penetrated the Hobgoblin’s short neck.

The monster squealed and rolled around the floor.

[Goblin 50/50, Hobgoblin: 2/5]

And the second Hobgoblin counts.


Some goblins pointed exactly at the bushes I was hiding in.

No matter how fast Bolt is, it was not invisible.

Eventually, that’s how my position was revealed, and I quickly got out of my place and ran away.

The number of enemies following me is 8 Goblin and 1 Hobgoblin.

It was a dangerous number to confront with my current me.

I moved towards my pre-built trap area.

Traps would be better than nothing, with spikes and hoof ropes.


In conclusion, I didn’t have to go all the way to the trap area.


The reason is that a Fire Ball fell into the gap between the careless goblins.


A threatening explosion stimulates my eardrums as if a grenade had exploded.

I felt this was an opportunity and immediately turned away, and as expected the Goblins were in serious condition.

The biggest obstacle, Hobgoblin, groaned in an ugly skinned state, three Goblin were shattered and the rest looked seriously injured.

In the meantime, when I saw Hobgoblin raising his body, I certainly felt a different barbarity and strength on it from humans.

But the bolt fired from the crossbow stuck between his brow, and I brutally shot the other pain-stricken Goblins.

[Goblin 50/50, Hobgoblin:3/5]
With the help of someone else, the Hobgoblin was counted.

Thanks to this, I rolled up the corners of my mouth without realizing it in front of a group of monsters that I didn’t dare to rush into.
Maybe this is a honey pot quest.


Orcs staggered its head when hit by the Mana bullet.

I didn’t miss the gap and stuck a spear on its back.


However, the endurance of the macho monster Orcs was greatly different than the Hobgoblin and Orge.

The muscled Orc twisted the spear in his back.

A threatening influx of glaives with harsh wind pressure.

I stepped back, leaving no lingering feelings in the Spear, abandoning my weapon.
I wasn’t the only one he was after anyway.

The electric attack magic, which is too weak to be called lightning, had electrocuted the Orc and spasm within the blue spark and rattled like a squint.

In the meantime, I relax the bolt on the crossbow and pulled the trigger toward his temple.


The big Orc stepped back.

When there were no more red dots on the map, I sank into the forest that had become a mess.


It looked like he was almost out of mana, but Gordon approached the big Orc body and began cutting his belly.

His magic is powerful, but his physical strength was poor and his whining and cutting seem quite precarious.

Standing up with a sigh, I used Slaughter skill for that Orc.

There was no secret now, as Slaughter had already been used in several emergencies.

“Thank you.”

Then he quickly found red marbles amidst the pile of the decomposed bodies and packed them into his inner pocket.

“It was nice to find a mutant Orc in the forest, but I didn’t expect it to get this big.”

Of course, he didn’t know.

He held my hand and shake it with a sour look.

“I’m Gordon the Wizard. A regular wizard within the Royal Tower of Kaelon.”

“I’m Jihoon. I live in the village of Karas as a free man.”

“Huh? Alas, you’re the young man the chief mentioned. I heard you helped him with the list of authentic products.”

“Yes, well…”

“Thank you very much for your help. Without you, Jihoon, it would have been dangerous. This is a big debt.”

[Quest completed successfully]
[Completed the battle using Wisdom and quickness]
[Intelligence and agility increases by 1]

There was no additional message, but I can feel Gordon’s eyes were filled with a fondness for me.

Wouldn’t it be close to MAX if stats for friendliness from NPCs appeared?

Clearing the quests involved with Gordon secured two extra lower-level rewards cards.
What’s unfortunate is that I only hunted four Hobgoblin.

If I had one more, I could have cleared all the quests.

“What’s wrong with you? You look troubled.”

Is he caring for me because I’m his lifesaver?

He looked at my complexion and showed a cautious attitude.

With Gordon’s appearance, I said, “Just in case. I have to catch another Hobgoblin for a reason. If you don’t mind…….”

“Really? Then I’ll step up and help you. I can find it right away using my magic search.”

I secretly expected help, but when he stepped up, my feelings that I felt sorry for him disappeared like it was washed away.

“Thank you!”

“What, this much is incomparable to your before .”

And a few moments later, with Gordon’s help of finding Hobgoblin not far away, I was able to easily complete the quest that tied me here for 10 days.

[Quest completed successfully]
[A series of bloody battles, high fighting spirit]
[Strength and stamina increase by 1.]
[You have acquired Mana emission skill as a reward]

Finally, a combat skill.

I’ll try it later in my free time of course.

I wonder if it can be used in real life, as it may have been the effect of increasing attack power using Mana with only a rough name.

Search and Gordon’s beguiling magic lured Hobgoblin, but now the bodies of Hobgoblin and the Goblin were added to the dead hunting grounds, making it even more difficult to touch them.

But a monster body is money.

In particular, this time, there were a lot of monsters that made quite a lot of money, such as Hobgoblin, Ogre, and Orc, so I couldn’t leave it as it was.

I decided to use Slaughter to make leather first.

“What are you doing?”

Gordon asked as I diligently sorted the by-products.

“I’m going to the town.”

By any chance, he didn’t intend to hog these?
No matter how much he was above the common people, I was entitled to claim my shares.

But Gordon grinned and beckoned.



The dead body of the monster, colored with blood in the forest, disappeared into thin air.
Gordon pointed to his bracelet as I looked surprised.

“It’s a subspace artifact.”

“That’s great.”

“It’s my sign of gratitude.”

“Thanks to you, I can move lightly.”

We arrived at Karas village after an hour’s journey.

“Here, take this.”

Also, while I was worried that I might collapse as soon as I arrived in town, he handed me a heavy purse.

“What is it?”

“It’s worth the monster carcass here in the bracelet. I’ll buy it for the experiment.”

It contained four gold coins, 11 silver coins, and 25 copper coins.

There were too many bodies, such as Orcs and Hobgoblin.

That’s enough to buy all the bodies.

“Just take it. It’s my sign of gratitude.”

Thanks to that, my assessment of Gordon has been further upgraded.

“Well, I won’t say no.”

I squeezed the corners of my mouth and packed my purse.

Thanks to this, I was able to prepare higher-quality equipment than expected.

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3 years ago

Great translation

3 years ago

Good work

3 years ago

Thanks for the chapter

3 years ago

— Thanks for the chapter~ ^^.

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