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7 transmigration tips from the saint chapter 11

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Seo Woohyun had often been told he looked delicate, but he had never considered himself thin enough to cause concern.

Glancing at Erdian with a somewhat uneasy gaze, he quickly understood.

‘Ah, if he’s comparing me to himself….’

Erdian lay comfortably on the bed, his well-built physique clearly visible.

Although his outfit was secured at one shoulder with an ornament, one side of his chest was exposed, leaving Seo Woohyun unsure where to look.

Given that Erdian always dressed similarly whenever they met, it seemed he might prefer being nearly naked.

When Erdian chuckled and handed over a document, Seo Woohyun accepted it politely, offering a small smile.

It was the kind of smile he had practiced for a long time, thanks to a former boss who had often pointed out his lack of professionalism.

“Yes, I’ll make sure to eat well and exercise regularly.”

“Good. Shall I give you a quest while we’re at it?”

Seo Woohyun fidgeted as he hugged the report to his chest.

He had expected Erdian to be the one assigning quests since the reward was his praise stamp, but he hadn’t anticipated it would be brought up so openly.

“So, the quest window… You’re the one showing it to me, right, Lord Erdian?”

“Who else would show it to you? I’m giving it to you to help you adjust here and to give you a sense of achievement. It seems like something that comes up often in the fantasy novels you read.”

Seo Woohyun’s eyes widened.

While Erdian wouldn’t explain why he had brought him here, he would freely acknowledge this.

Why was Erdian so determined to help him settle into this world?

Seo Woohyun wanted to confront him directly but couldn’t.

Erdian had previously informed him of his own death with such nonchalance.

He still vividly remembered Erdian’s detached voice telling him that his cause of death would be listed as overwork, that the investigation would soon be closed, and that his body would be cremated.

Moreover, Erdian’s voice would become chillingly stern whenever his previous world was mentioned.

While the quests now offered simple rewards, there was always the possibility that he could be penalized instead of rewarded if things went wrong.

‘‘I shouldn’t anger a god. Even if I’ve been promised safety, breaking that promise could mean the end.’’

Just as Seo Woohyun swallowed hard and steeled himself, a plausible theory came to mind.

‘If Lord Erdian was that determined to bring me to this world, could he have possibly orchestrated my death by overwork in the first place?’

It wasn’t entirely baseless speculation. Erdian knew about his life outside of dreams.

He knew about the grumbling at work, the noise from the apartment upstairs, the smell of cigarettes, even the fact that he enjoyed reading fantasy novels and the terms he used in his old world.

‘If he’s been watching me for a long time and arranged for my death to bring me here, then the overwork angle seems entirely possible, doesn’t it?’

The more he thought about it, the more sense it made.

‘That’s why he doesn’t answer when I ask about my old world?’

Seo Woohyun’s eyes widened as he subconsciously took a step back.


“Ah, yes! What did you just say? Sorry, I got lost in thought and didn’t catch that.”

Answering like a confused rookie in the army, Seo Woohyun realized Erdian was studying his face for a moment. Then, with a gentle smile, he repeated his earlier words.

“I was saying that I sent you the quest window to help you adjust to this world.”

“Right, yes. That’s what you said. I figured it had to be you, given that the reward is your praise stamp, but… yeah….”

Seo Woohyun stammered and mumbled, feeling increasingly uneasy as he thought that Erdian might have orchestrated his death by overwork to bring him here.

If that theory was true, Erdian could kill him at any time. Even though Erdian looked at him with endless affection now, that could change in an instant.

“And what about the exercise quest?”

Seo Woohyun had only half-meant what he said about exercising, but now it seemed he would have to go through with it. He nodded reluctantly.

[Main Quest: ‘Exercise’ has arrived.]

[Do some moderate exercise whenever you have time. Your frail body looks quite pitiful!]

[Reward: Erdian’s Praise Stamp x1]

Seo Woohyun’s expression became complicated as he stared at the glowing quest window.

The overly affectionate language of the quest, coming from a god who might have killed him through overwork, was unnerving.

“Did you write the quest text yourself, Lord Erdian?”

“I thought it would look too empty if there was nothing written there. If you don’t like it, I can take it out. I’m skilled at physical tasks, but I’ve been told my writing is rather poor.”

“No, I was just curious if you wrote it yourself. I actually like what you’ve written.”

“That’s good to hear.”

Erdian’s smile softened, but Seo Woohyun continued to avoid his gaze. The suspicion growing in his mind wouldn’t go away.

For now, it seemed safest to keep agreeing with Erdian and stay on his good side.

As Seo Woohyun fidgeted with the report, trying to hide his anxiety, Erdian decided to step in to ease the situation.

“Raullet, are you there?”

“…Yes, Lord Erdian! I’m at your service.”

“Go and bring Sihero or Giselle. No, bring Sihero. Giselle is still likely exhausted.”

“As you wish, my lord.”

Seo Woohyun paused in organizing the documents and his eyes widened. It seemed Erdian intended to give Sihero direct instructions.

The only reason to summon Sihero now could be because of what he had mentioned earlier.

‘This looks like I’m tattling, doesn’t it? Oh well, what’s done is done. I’ll be more careful next time.’

Seo Woohyun wasn’t in a position to countermand a command given by a god. Once he decided to discuss it with Erdian, this was probably inevitable. With that, Seo Woohyun rationalized his actions.

While they waited for Sihero, Erdian lay on the bed in a relaxed manner, looking entirely at ease.

Standing a little ways off, Seo Woohyun suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu as he recalled the name Erdian had called out earlier.

‘Wait, hold on. Raullet… could it be…?’

Seo Woohyun recognized the name. It was one he had seen on the document he had scrutinized so thoroughly that the edges were worn down.

[-Inspection team leader: High Priest Giselle, Special Department, Grand Temple of Erdian.]

[-Personnel: Raullet Vipel, Commander of the Temple Knights, 5 knights from the Special Task Force, 10 apprentice knights, 10 squires, 3 priests from the Inspection Department, 7 High Priests, 10 priests.]



“Was the person who just went to fetch Sihero the Knight Commander of the Temple?”

“Yes. He has been guarding this place ever since you arrived here. Did you not know, Woohyun?”

“…No, I didn’t.”

Seo Woohyun nodded as he recalled the brief information about him.

Raullet Vipel. The Knight Commander of the Erdian Temple Knights and one of only three people on the continent to receive the highest honor in swordsmanship.

Who would have thought that the one responsible for the security of the Holy City, where the Grand Temple is located, would be the one guarding where I am staying?

‘And on top of that, the Knight Commander is a Sword Master.’

The highest honor in swordsmanship was awarded only to those who could wield intangible power through a sword. Intangible power, or aura, was something Seo Woohyun often read about in fantasy novels.

“Raullet is calm and composed, without being flashy. He comes from a family that has served me for generations, so you couldn’t ask for a better protector. When he returns, make sure to greet him. He may seem aloof, but he’s quite warm-hearted.”


Seo Woohyun answered quietly, but his eyes sparkled with excitement.

Who would have thought that a Sword Master would be around?

Although he wasn’t a middle schooler anymore, his heart raced with excitement.

‘It would be rude to ask to see her aura right away, wouldn’t it? I guess I’ll wait until we get closer to ask.’

It was said that one could only wield intangible power after years of training and enlightenment.

It wouldn’t be appropriate to casually request a demonstration from someone who had reached a level admired by all knights.

“Your Holiness, may I come in? I have brought refreshments.”

“Hmm? Come in, Timaro.”

A voice unexpectedly came from the room where the saint was staying. The knight standing outside swallowed nervously.

As a devout follower of Erdian, he quickly realized who might have dared to suddenly appear in the saint’s room and answer on their behalf.

The door opened cautiously.

The knight set the cart with the refreshments aside and knelt down on the floor with precision.

He dared not look directly at the saint lying languidly on the bed. He was prepared for the worst, in case there was a stranger in the silent palace.

The moment his gaze met the only pair of golden eyes in the world, he felt his breath tighten.

The overwhelming pressure felt as if it might crush him at any moment.

Just looking at the saint up close, without the blessing of the gods, was overwhelming.

“How dare you.”

Erdian’s eyebrow twitched.

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16 days ago

Overprotective much? 😂

11 days ago

raullets pronouns are fluctuating ):

5 days ago

Hay dios que vientre negro

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