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7 transmigration tips from the saint chapter 8

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“Okay, I’ll behave. Please go ahead.”

Seo Woohyun followed Sihero to the door, seeing him off.

Despite being a complete stranger who had appeared suddenly as his superior, Sihero showed no sign of displeasure and treated him kindly.

Seo Woohyun had no intention of stirring up trouble or poking around unnecessarily.

He simply wanted to maintain a good relationship with him.

“You even came to see me off… I’ll return quickly. Please rest comfortably in the meantime.”

Sihero seemed deeply humbled by the gesture but hurried off with determination, his expression grave as he left the Palace of Silence, clearly resolved to complete his tasks as quickly as possible.



Left alone in the room with Giselle, the atmosphere grew silent.

Seo Woohyun glanced around before leaning back into the sofa.

Now that he had decided to adapt to this place, and after having eaten his fill, drowsiness began to creep in.

He tried to fight it, but there wasn’t much else to do.

As Seo Woohyun absentmindedly gazed out at the garden, Giselle brought over a blanket from somewhere and offered it to him.

“Saint, would you like to cover yourself with this blanket?”

“Oh, yes. Thank you.”

Seo Woohyun readily accepted the blanket.

He was grateful for the gesture, especially since they were both sitting in awkward silence.

There was no reason to refuse, so he spread the blanket over his knees, enjoying its soft, comforting scent.
The tension in his face relaxed.

The sun was still shining brightly outside.

Normally, at this time, he’d be stuck in the office, battling with his computer monitor, but here he was, having leisurely eaten a meal, drank tea, and now resting on a sofa.

It was like his imagined post-resignation life had suddenly arrived without warning.

‘This isn’t too bad, actually.’

Lost in thought, Seo Woohyun realized he should probably claim his quest reward and learn some basic knowledge about this place.

He opened the quest window.

[Main Quest: ‘Meal’ completed.]

[Reward: Basic Knowledge for Adaptation, 1 Erdian Praise Stamp]

[Do you wish to claim it now?]

After a moment’s hesitation, he clicked the button to claim it.

A square stamp appeared on his praise board, making him chuckle.

The stamp’s golden color gleamed beautifully, almost identical to someone’s eye color.

‘Got the stamp, but where’s the basic knowledge?’

One of the rewards was nowhere to be found.

He wondered if there had been an error, checking the quest window and his status window repeatedly, but there was no sign of anything related to basic knowledge.

The quest window was completely empty.

‘Is there a bug? Why is my very first quest going like this?’

He went over everything he’d done, but he hadn’t made any mistakes. All he’d done was press the button to claim the reward.

“Saint, is there something troubling you?”

To those who couldn’t see his status window, it probably looked like he was staring blankly while glancing around.

Giselle, who was standing nearby, bowed his head in concern.

“Huff, Saint! It’s Sihero. May I come in?”

Sihero’s voice called out from outside the door, breathless and panting.

He must have run back, his heavy breathing so loud it could be heard clearly through the door.

Seo Woohyun quickly responded, inviting him in.

Sihero entered, barely catching his breath, and sat opposite Seo Woohyun.

“Huff, I came urgently to inform you, Saint, that Lord Erdian has sent a divine revelation… offering basic knowledge to assist you in adjusting to life here.”

Sihero could barely finish his sentence, his chest heaving with labored breaths.

Seeing this, Seo Woohyun quickly understood what was happening.

‘Ah, so that’s how the reward works?’

Isn’t the way the reward is delivered far too manual compared to a hologram-like quest window?

It even seems that receiving and claiming the reward are two separate processes.

It felt like the bigger the quest reward, the more mental preparation one had to make before accepting it.

The thought of them creating such a fancy quest window only to have someone physically deliver the reward struck me as funny the more I thought about it.

‘Wait a minute. So, did Sihero get called in suddenly while working, like an emergency summon from his boss? Ah, I feel kind of bad… poor guy.’

Seo Woohyun silently patted the back of Sihero, who was still panting heavily. He simply wanted to offer some encouragement, though he couldn’t bring himself to say it out loud.

Seo Woohyun worked for a small company that operated without any real system.

The ranks were all over the place, and the approval process was a mess.

The assistant manager had more authority than the department head, and it turned out the assistant manager was the CEO’s nephew by marriage.

It was chaotic to the point of wondering if it could even be called a workplace, but oddly enough, the company didn’t collapse.

The world seemed to operate more loosely than Seo Woohyun had thought.

Based on the keen sense of awareness he had developed during his years in the workforce, Seo Woohyun took on the mindset of a new recruit to adapt to this new world.

‘First, if there’s something you don’t know, write it down immediately, and study it before anyone else.’

For several days, he learned the geography and a brief history of the area from Sihero as quest rewards.

He had predicted this might happen, given their seamless conversations, but he could even read the letters without difficulty.

It reminded him of the vague feeling he had when he studied for foreign language certificates, thinking it might help with employment.

Reading and understanding were two different things, but at least he could read.

‘This is so strange. I’ve never seen these letters before… but they don’t feel unfamiliar.’

As he marveled at this strange feeling, Sihero said it must be the blessing arranged by Erdian.

He was slightly skeptical, wondering if everything they couldn’t explain was just attributed to divine grace, but he didn’t have any other explanation either.
Seo Woohyun nodded in agreement.

“Yes, I’m very grateful.”

As a rule of thumb, a new recruit can avoid a lot of trouble just by nodding in agreement and apologizing when necessary.

Seo Woohyun figured it would be no different in this world than the one he came from.

Even with gods involved, a place full of people wasn’t likely to be all that different.

After finishing another seemingly short but long session with Sihero, Seo Woohyun opened his small notebook.

It was filled with notes written in the local script summarizing the information he had learned.

Sihero’s lessons were excellent, and now that he could read the letters, his learning sped up.

With little else to do after meals, he spent his time reading the books Sihero recommended, which significantly improved his general knowledge.

While it wasn’t anything to brag about, it was enough to feel proud of himself.

But as the saying goes, “the more you know, the more you see.”

Despite the sense of achievement, Seo Woohyun felt increasingly burdened by the unfamiliar title of “Saint.”

He had vaguely sensed something was off when he learned he wasn’t allowed to use honorifics with the emperor, but the role of the Saint of the Erdian Temple was far more significant than he had imagined.

It was no wonder he felt scared, having landed such a prestigious position through pure luck.

‘I need to stay sharp from now on.’

He strengthened his resolve and calmly reviewed the information he had learned.

The Great Temple of the Erdian Temple was located in the Holy City within the Erhartan Empire.

The Holy City was an affluent territory with a fertile granary and a wide river, where the High Priest held both administrative and taxation authority.

“The Holy City is geographically part of Erhartan, but the emperor of the empire has no authority over us. That’s because the first emperor of Erhartan was a High Priest of Erdian. In fact, the name of the empire in the ancient tongue means “the place under Erdian’s watchful eye.”

Sihero was right when he said the Saint should not use honorifics with the emperor.

When Seo Woohyun heard the story of an emperor who had tried to revoke the Holy City’s right to collect taxes and was struck down by divine punishment, leaving him half-paralyzed, his heart sank.

It wasn’t even a tale from long ago—it was the previous emperor’s grandfather.

Seo Woohyun was too shocked to even utter a word, his hands dropping limply. Only a few days earlier, Erdian had said something like this:

‘Tsk, the gods in your world seem to be a petty and cruel bunch. Pulling out tongues just for telling a lie? Barbaric.’

He had criticized the gods for punishing liars by ripping out their tongues, yet he had crippled an emperor for trying to revoke tax rights from a temple city.

Seo Woohyun thought it would be wise to secure some sort of personal protection next time they met, while also being careful with his grumbling.

After a brief review, Seo Woohyun stared out the window.

When he lived in a one-room apartment, opening the window only revealed the wall of the building next door.

Here, though, he could see a beautifully landscaped garden and a fountain. It was a breathtakingly luxurious view.

‘There’s only so much you can learn from books and stories.’

With no way to return to the world he came from, he had no choice but to adapt to this one.

But the only places he had been so far were parts of the Great Temple that Sihero had guided him through.

Seo Woohyun wanted to see the places he had read about in books and maps with his own eyes.

There were bound to be things he could only understand by experiencing them firsthand.

After all, even if you memorize a manual by heart, you still fumble when you’re thrown into the actual work as a new recruit.

‘It’s starting to feel awkward just eating and sleeping all day.’

Having become a Saint by sheer luck, he figured it was about time to show that he could actually do something.

But with no knowledge to back him up, he couldn’t just go poking around recklessly.

‘There must be something suitable for me.’

Seo Woohyun bit his lip, trying to hide his growing unease. His workaholic tendencies, long dormant, were beginning to resurface.

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5 days ago

Que lindo

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not work with dark mode