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7 transmigration tips from the saint chapter 5

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It wasn’t strange for Erdian to know that Seo Woohyun worked a regular job, as he’d introduced himself.

But he had never told Erdian about his one-room apartment, the time he wished his company would burn down, or when he hoped to win the lottery.

How could Erdian know things Seo Woohyun never said, even in his dreams, when they couldn’t even communicate in the past?

Questions flooded in, one after another.

Out of all the people, why did Erdian bring him here to live in luxury and tell him to do as he pleased?

Even though they’d barely exchanged names, the affectionate gaze Erdian gave him each time was suspicious.

Seo Woohyun’s demanding stare seemed to push for an answer, and in the end, Erdian was the one to speak first.

“That’s hard to explain. I’m sorry.”

“I wanted to see you so I could understand why all this is happening…”

No matter how persistently he asked, Erdian never gave a proper answer. Seo Woohyun felt like he was going to explode from the frustration.

His irritation surged, but there was nowhere to express it. The man in front of him wasn’t human.

Erdian, who had been watching Seo Woohyun’s furrowed brows and protruding lips, gently stroked his cheek.

Startled by the sudden contact, Seo Woohyun’s sharp gaze shot up.

Yet, he didn’t push away or snap at Erdian to remove his hand. More accurately, it was closer to being unable to.

‘If it weren’t for this cursed restriction, I wouldn’t have to endure this resentment.’

With a faint smile, Erdian brushed the spot beneath Seo Woohyun’s left eyelid.

The small tear mark beneath his eye, combined with his sharp, upturned gaze, gave Seo Woohyun a slightly coquettish look.

Erdian whispered, hoping his clumsy excuse would be enough.

“If I told you I brought you here simply because I missed you, would you believe me?”

“Would you believe that, Lord Erdian? Out of all those people, why would you miss me?”

As expected, Seo Woohyun wasn’t ready to accept it easily.

Who could easily believe in something as far-fetched as a dimensional shift?

“This is driving me crazy… for real…”

Finally, Seo Woohyun’s pent-up frustration erupted, and he grumbled. Erdian, observing him intently, asked,

“Do you really have no idea why I wanted to see you?”

“I’m telling you, we’ve only met in dreams.”

As if his frustration had reached its peak, Seo Woohyun spat out his words quickly, sneaking a glance at Erdian.

Erdian waited patiently for an answer, filled with hope that perhaps something had sparked in Seo Woohyun’s memory.

“Maybe… you liked my face or something… like that…”

Even as he said it, Seo Woohyun’s ears turned red, embarrassed by his own suggestion.

It seemed he couldn’t come up with any plausible reason. Erdian chuckled softly and patted Seo Woohyun’s soft cheek.

“Well, who wouldn’t like this face? I brought you here because I liked you, so try your best to adapt.”

Seo Woohyun ignored the god, who chuckled beside him, and stared at the ceiling.

‘Saying you brought me here because you liked me—that’s a lie. There’s another reason, but he just doesn’t want to say it.’

The hand gently brushing his cheek was starting to irritate his already frayed nerves.

He wanted to push it away and tell Erdian to stop, but he couldn’t bring himself to act that rashly.

Though Erdian was humoring him now, laughing at his glares and complaints, people like him often had clear boundaries.

Touching his cheek a few times wouldn’t wear it down, but if he lost his temper, he might cross a line Erdian had drawn.

Seo Woohyun’s voice softened as he asked,

“If I just sit around and do nothing, you won’t kick me out, will you?”

“Why would I throw you out after going through all the trouble of bringing you here?”

“And what if I lie to you, Lord Erdian… will I be punished?”


Erdian narrowed his eyes.

His displeasure was obvious, and Seo Woohyun hastily added a flustered explanation.

“No, it’s just… in the myths I used to read in my world, gods would blind people or rip out their tongues if they lied or acted disrespectfully. So I was just wondering…”

“Do you want to lie to me?”

“Well, you never know what could happen… just in case…”

Seo Woohyun trailed off, unable to give a clear answer, and Erdian clicked his tongue in disapproval.

“Tsk, the gods of your world all seem to be petty and cruel. Do you really think ripping out tongues for lying is civilized behavior? Barbarians, the lot of them.”

“So… does that mean…”

“If you lie to me, it would be more my fault for not earning your trust. I wasn’t lying when I said you could do as you please. So, take it easy.”

After patting his cheek for a while, Erdian suddenly said he had to go and vanished without a proper goodbye.

The room felt empty, leaving only a faint trace of his scent behind, while the mischievous grin he had worn earlier was gone.

‘…He’s so selfish.’

Seo Woohyun glared at the spot where Erdian had stood moments before.

He had spoken to him for quite a while, but most of his questions remained unanswered.

Despite repeatedly asking why he’d been brought here, the only answer he got was that Erdian couldn’t tell him.

At least Erdian had promised him a comfortable, jobless life and assured him that lying wouldn’t put him in danger.

‘Seriously, what am I supposed to do?’

For now, Erdian was showing him one-sided kindness, but the future was uncertain.

In such a world, sharp intuition and a healthy dose of resignation would be his best tools.

The problem was that Seo Woohyun wasn’t exactly skilled in either.

‘I’ll just have to adapt somehow. He won’t send me back to my world, no matter how much I ask.’

Although he didn’t get the answers he wanted, staying here wasn’t such a bad option for Seo Woohyun.

He didn’t have a family to support, and he had been struggling with the loan he took out to get a one-room apartment near his company.

On top of that, he was burned out from work.

As much as he hadn’t wanted this dimensional shift, if he looked at it positively, it could be a second chance.

Your mindset shapes your reality. If he only focused on how frustrating it was, it would remain frustrating forever.

But if he treated it as an opportunity, it could turn into one.

Seo Woohyun willingly chose the latter. He had come to realize that no amount of grumbling would change the things beyond his control.

‘But seriously, wasn’t he stalking me? How did he know I cursed my company?’

Seo Woohyun lay down on the bed. His body felt stiff from the tension that had built up during his conversation with Erdian.

“…I don’t know anymore.”

His body may have been brought to an unfamiliar place, but now he had to keep his mind sharp.

Gods usually had many secrets, and the people here worshipped such gods.

‘Instead of denying reality, it’s better to figure out what to do next.’

Seo Woohyun decided to do the best he could in his current situation.

He wasn’t particularly good at studying, but all he could do was try his hardest.

That’s when it happened.

[Main Quest: ‘Meal’ has arrived.]

[Understanding the situation is important, but a meal comes first. Let’s fill that empty stomach.]

[Reward: Basic knowledge for adaptation, 1 Erdian’s Praise Stamp]

A hologram, much like something out of a game, appeared before his eyes.

It was shocking enough to wake up in another dimension, but now a strange window had appeared in front of him—not in a game, but in real life.

Before he could fully grasp the situation, there was a knock at the door, and a group of priests cautiously entered.

“O Your Grace, in accordance with Erdian’s revelation, we will first serve the meal for you. Is there any specific dish you desire? Let us know, and we will prepare it immediately.”

“Uh, excuse me, but do you see this? This thing floating in front of me, like a window in the air.”

Seo Woohyun, flustered, grabbed the man closest to him and pointed at the holographic window.

“I apologize, but I cannot see anything.”

It seemed like the window was visible only to him. If he wasn’t careful, he’d end up looking like a madman.

Swallowing nervously, Seo Woohyun responded that he didn’t mind eating anything. He had never been picky with food anyway.

The man, after giving instructions to the others, knelt down by Seo Woohyun’s feet again.

Watching someone kneel for no reason made Seo Woohyun squirm uncomfortably.

“Please, sit comfortably. Why do you keep kneeling on the floor…?”

“Allow me to formally introduce myself once more. I am Sihero, a humble servant of Lord Erdian.”

Listening to Sihero’s serious introduction triggered a forgotten memory for Seo Woohyun.

When he first woke up in the crowd, this man had kissed the back of his hand, just like Erdian had done.

‘Don’t tell me he’s planning to kiss the back of my hand again?’

Just as his fingers began to twitch nervously, Sihero lowered his lips to the hem of Seo Woohyun’s robe and kissed it respectfully.

Then, with an awkward smile, he added, “No one in the church will be allowed to kiss the back of Your Grace’s hand from now on. I was severely scolded by Lord Erdian for that. It was the first time I had ever seen him so angry. I deeply regret my actions, and I hope you will forgive me.”

What in the world was going on?

Transmigration, a cult-like church, status windows—now this?

Seo Woohyun felt like he was climbing one mountain only to find another behind it.

‘Maybe I should’ve just gone crazy and grabbed Erdian when I had the chance?’

If Erdian had been in front of him now, Seo Woohyun would have grabbed him by the collar.

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