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ETHTKE chapter 29

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The firm tone in which he said he didn’t dislike me buzzed in my ears, leaving me dizzy.

Because of that, it felt like all the strength was drained from my body, which had been awkwardly clinging to him.

They say sick people become like children, and now he’s acting like one.

Honestly, it’s tough if you don’t get comfort when you’re sick…

Maybe I should just go along with it for now.

“Fine, I won’t go. So let go of me. I need to move this towel.”

“You really did a lot.”

Baek Yigang, who seemed unaware of the towel on his forehead, finally realized it and released me.

Then he watched my actions intently, his long, narrow eyes slightly narrowed.

Occasionally, a sharp remark would follow.

Sometimes, when I see the relaxed, human side of Baek Yigang, I start to forget that he’s the villain.

But then he always snaps me out of it, reminding me of who he really is.

Seriously… should I be grateful for this, or not?

“At times like this, a simple ‘thank you’ would suffice, you unsociable crown prince.”

“You have a duty to protect me. So, it’s not something to be thankful for—it’s what’s expected.”

“I knew you’d say that.”

Despite being a frail patient who occasionally coughed, Baek Yigang’s complexion, though pale, matched his stubborn attitude.

He’s acting like he’s on death’s door with a late summer cold.

If he catches it again, he’ll definitely end up hospitalized.

It doesn’t look like a simple cold, but the way he’s stubbornly clinging to consciousness is impressive… and a little absurd.

If only he would just admit he’s sick and ask for care, it would be easier. But knowing Baek Yigang’s personality… that’s never going to happen.

“Enough, come here.”

Baek Yigang glared at me and patted the spot next to him.

Is he seriously asking me to lie down next to a cold patient?

Does he even know what a cold is? It’s like he’s determined to get me sick too.

Not that I could lie next to him anyway. To be precise, there was no room for me.

The bed was already full of… those things, so how could I…

…Wait a minute.

Is Baek Yigang planning to sleep in my room? In that crazy bed full of those things?!

No way, absolutely not! That must never happen!

“If you’re awake, go to your room. It’s bigger and more comfortable. If you want to sleep, sleep there.”

“Just come here.”

“No, wait, you can’t! If you lift the blanket…!”


Before I could stop him, Baek Yigang suddenly yanked the blanket up.

What followed was a dreadful sound I didn’t want to hear, a world-ending noise that echoed through the room with a heavy thud.

Thud… thud…

“I told you not to lift it…”

Damn it…

The silence was brutal.

Baek Yigang, who saw the things that spilled out from under the blanket, didn’t say a word.

See, this is why you should listen to people until they finish speaking…

“You did this last time too.”

“No, no I didn’t.”

As soon as Baek Yigang opened his mouth, I frantically waved my hands, denying the accusation.

Baek Yigang, it’s not what you think. Whatever you’re imagining, it’s not that!

“I didn’t know this was your taste.”

“No, no, it’s not like that! Some crazy person just left them at my door!”

I’m innocent!

Baek Yigang watched my desperate protest with a hazy expression, then finished shaking out the blanket.

Thud, thud…

More of those things, still hidden under the blanket, tumbled to the floor.

“Geez, they left a lot. What’s this?”

In the midst of it all, Baek Yigang spotted something and reached for it.

A dark pink envelope was caught in his hand.

What is that? Whatever it is, it doesn’t feel good.

“……Cheong Dowoon.”

“What? Why? Whatever you saw, it has nothing to do with me. I have no idea about it!”

I quickly tried to defend myself, but out of nowhere, Baek Yigang shoved a letter right in front of my eyes.

[We present you with Cheong Dowoon’s secret preferences.
– From someone who wishes to get closer to you.]

“It really doesn’t concern you, huh? Seems like you two are close enough to know even the secret preferences.”

This is insane…

What on earth is he talking about?

Secret preferences?

What kind of ancient pick-up line is this?

Even my great-great-grandfather wouldn’t have used something this cheesy!

“Yigang, seriously? Are you really going to be like this? I don’t even know who that person is! I’m being framed here!”

“How flirtatious have you been that you’re getting gifts like this?”

Then, the letter in Baek Yigang’s hand suddenly burst into black flames, burning completely without leaving a trace.

The fact that there were no remnants and that the flames were black meant it was definitely black magic… Wait a minute.

Since when have I been flirtatious?

And why does this feel so strange?

Why am I the one getting scolded here?

“Hey, hold on a second. Why are you the one getting mad? I’m the one who received the gift, so shouldn’t I be the one angry?”

Baek Yigang silently listened to my outburst, then suddenly burned all the remaining letters scattered on the floor in one go.

Wow, each of those had multiple layers of protective magic on them, and they all disappeared in an instant.

It must be black magic… Wait, what?

How can he use black magic so casually?!

I told him not to use it! I almost let that slide!

“Can you stop using black magic so recklessly?”

“Then stop doing things that make me worried.”

Baek Yigang glared at me with eyes that flashed dangerously, as if blaming me.

Ugh, why does he always have to be so stubborn?

Ignoring my nagging, Baek Yigang’s eyes glinted with a cold light.

Plus, telling me not to worry—what does he think I am…?

Baek Yigang slowly tilted his head while staring at me, his chin resting on his hand, his gaze unsettling.

“Why… Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Why are there so many nuisances around you? It’s annoying.”

His words were harsh, but his tone was surprisingly gentle.

“How should I know? Anyway, if you’re going to sleep, go to your room. Don’t do this in mine.”

I turned my head, trying to avoid Baek Yigang’s gaze.

Since everything had already been exposed, there was nothing left to hide.

It looked like his illness had somewhat subsided too.

“Cheong Dowoon, you—”

Baek Yigang suddenly coughed violently, cutting off his sentence.

Ugh, he starts coughing as soon as he tries to talk.

There’s no way he’s already better.

“Come here, I’ll take you to your room. You don’t need to stay in mine anymore.”

When I suddenly offered my hand, Baek Yigang surprisingly took it quietly.

Actually, Baek Yigang’s bedroom was right next door, so there was no need for teleportation.

“Yigang, close your eyes for a moment.”

But I couldn’t just let him walk when he’s coughing like he’s about to die…

“Cheong Dowoon, you’re coming with me.”

“No. I’ll just sleep in my room.”

After seeing you coughing like that, where am I supposed to go?

Unfortunately, I have zero interest in sharing a bed with a patient who’s about to die.

“Your fever has mostly gone down, so you just need to rest a bit more, and you’ll be fine. So just rest alone—”

“It would be better if you came along.”

With a brief, threatening tone, Baek Yigang smiled at me.

Ah, I seriously want to switch to a nicer protagonist. How can someone’s smiling face be so terrifying?

I’m scared out of my mind!

“…Fine, just close your eyes.”

Sigh, in all my time possessing different people, this is the first time I’ve met someone so stubborn and prideful yet only beautiful on the outside.

By the time Baek Yigang opened his eyes, we were both in his bedroom.

“Cheong Dowoon, come here.”

“You… You’ve been making people come and go a lot recently, haven’t you?”

No, wait, what’s with the ‘recently’?

He’s blatantly ordering me around.

Does he think I’m some kind of dog who comes running whenever he calls?

Well, I do go, but still.

But anyone who’s seen those crazed eyes would have no choice but to obey.

I think I can finally understand why Blue and Reggie were so terrified of Baek Yigang’s purple eyes.

With those wide, wild eyes glaring at you, how could you possibly not listen…?

Suppressing all the complaints I couldn’t voice, I slowly approached him.

Baek Yigang even went so far as to personally offer me a spot next to him.

“Even if you don’t like it, just endure it. It would be nice if you didn’t mind, though.”

In the end, he just wants me to do what he says!

But does he really not realize he’s sick?

Why is he so obsessed with having me by his side?

“Baek Yigang, do you know you’re sick?”

“I know.”

“Right, you might not… What? You know?”


Behind Baek Yigang, who turned to look at me with a carefree expression, I could almost see the invisible wings of a demon spreading wide.

This crazy dark schemer—what did he just say?

He knows?

He knew all along?!

They say demons are out of work these days, but it seems the culprit is right here.

He’s blatantly trying to infect me with his cold!

“So, are you saying that you’re deliberately trying to…?”

I really didn’t want to realize that he’s a dark schemer like this!

So all this time, I was worrying and taking care of Baek Yigang without knowing his true, sinister intentions?

Wow, seriously, damn you, Baek Yigang!

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1 day ago

And he’s gonna make you come in the future too 😏

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not work with dark mode