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ETHTKE chapter 16

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No matter how much we managed to sway Ken, who was a major loss for Piel, to our side, it didn’t seem like someone as greedy and burdened with inferiority as him would easily give up the throne just because of this. He wasn’t that kind of person.

He’d probably try to find Baek Yigang’s weakness by any means necessary and ultimately bring him down.

Fortunately, Piel still didn’t know that Baek Yigang was using dark magic.

Moreover, it was somewhat reassuring that Baek Yigang wasn’t the type to recklessly use dark magic all the time.

But that doesn’t mean we can let our guard down. Just like with the last time at the registry, we needed to be careful about using his power in public.

Above all, since Piel knows how to handle monsters, even the slightest hint could tip him off to Baek Yigang’s power.

That’s how it was discovered in the original story too.

Although it happened before the timeline of the original story, there was a brief mention that Baek Yigang’s dark magic was easily exposed.

Judging by that, he must have used it carelessly without much caution, leading to its quick discovery.

So, the one thing we need to address here is… Baek Yigang’s lack of caution when using dark magic.

Looks like I’ll have to teach him through some intense, hands-on training.

“If you ever need anything, just call for me.”

“Ken, see you next time.”

As I deliberately spoke loudly to see Ken off, I glanced back at Baek Yigang.

Lost in thought, he paid no attention to Ken leaving and was absorbed in his own world.

See? He never really intended to kill Ken in the first place. He just talks big.

“What are you thinking about so deeply?”

His violet eyes, reflecting a strange depth like an abyss, finally looked up when I waved my hand in front of him.

“Can those monsters be killed?”

A subtle glint flickered in his tired pupils as he asked.

“…No, they can’t be completely killed. They don’t actually exist here; they’re only present due to a summoning. You have to send them back to where they came from.”

“Back to where they came from… You’re talking about the demon world.”

“That’s right.”

Just as I nodded, a knock sounded on the door.

“Your Highness, it’s Anna. I’ve brought your meal.”

When Phillip opened the door at the voice outside, Anna came in with a large tray and slowly began placing all sorts of food on the table.

“What’s with the sudden meal?”

Baek Yigang’s eyes widened with confusion at the unexpected timing.

Ah, did I forget to tell him we were going to eat here?

“I figured you hadn’t eaten yet… so I arranged for us to have a meal here together.”

It was only then that I realized I had forgotten to mention it because of Ken’s interruption earlier, so I gave an awkward smile.

Uh-oh, am I going to get scolded? Knowing Baek Yigang’s meticulous nature, he might criticize me for setting up a meal during work hours…

“You did well.”


But his response was unexpected. Did he just praise me? For setting up a meal?

“If you want to have a meal with me, you don’t have to be so abrupt. Just let me know in advance next time.”

His tone was strangely gentle and kind, and his expression seemed a little softer than before.


Wait, is he misunderstanding again…?

He seemed to have already reached his own conclusion, and denying it now would just be a waste of breath. I might as well just go along with it…

“Uh, yeah… Let’s eat first and then talk…”

I barely managed to suppress my frustration before sitting down to eat.

Maybe because I was hungry, but everything tasted amazing.

Especially this pasta, it’s incredible! I definitely need to get the recipe from the chef before I leave.

But why is he just watching me eat?

The way he’s staring at me is making me uncomfortable…

This doesn’t feel like just my imagination.

“What? Do you have something to say? Why aren’t you eating?”

“Just watching you eat fills me up.”

Baek Yigang, with a languid smile, tilted his head slightly and continued to gaze at me.

He looked genuinely content just watching me eat.

“…What, are you my mom? You think watching me eat will make you feel full?”

Even as I snapped back at him with a dumbfounded expression, Baek Yigang just raised the corners of his mouth slightly and didn’t say anything else.

Seriously, Baek Yigang is a total prince syndrome case. Well, I mean, he is a prince, but still… He’s so annoying.

“For dessert today, we have dark chocolate pudding and spoliaatine glassate.”


“It’s a crispy pastry topped with meringue and apricot compote. It’s the dessert chef’s latest masterpiece.”

The dessert Anna brought in after the meal had a name that was as flashy as it could get. But this spolia-whatever thing just looked like a fancy version of a common Korean dessert…

I guess it’s considered a luxury dessert here.

Anyway, after finishing the dessert, everything felt perfect.

The palace food always leaves me in awe. With all the top chefs gathered here, it’s no wonder everything tastes amazing.

“Cheong Dowoon, since you’re here, why don’t you review the minutes of the meeting? As a strategist, you can handle that, right?”

As soon as I finished eating, Baek Yigang quickly shifted back to work mode, clearing away the remnants of the meal.

Already seated at his desk, he tapped a small table beside him, gesturing for me to join.

Wait, hold on. This isn’t why I came here—how did it come to this? I already have so much to do!

I need to go to the library to memorize coordinates for teleportation, explore the palace to familiarize myself with the layout, maybe even run into another protagonist… I’m really busy!

“I’ve told you many times before, this is a clear case of employment fraud.”

“You complain a lot for someone who’s going to do it anyway.”

As I grumbled and took a seat beside Baek Yigang, he gave me a sidelong glance and let out a brief, mocking laugh.

Well, if I don’t do what you ask, you’ll just wave that old contract in my face and threaten me…

“You’re the worst boss ever.”

I muttered quietly, but since Baek Yigang was right next to me, he definitely heard it.

After spending a few days together, there was no point in hiding my frustrations from him anymore.

At first, he seemed to want to make a good impression and even extended a friendly handshake. But now, that’s all in the past.

And besides! It’s always more infuriating to say something to someone’s face than behind their back!

“Thanks for the compliment.”

Baek Yigang, his eyes still focused on the documents, responded simply.

What, what’s with that lukewarm reaction?

And he took that as a compliment…?

Baek Yigang, this guy really isn’t easy to deal with.


Thanks to Baek Yigang, who spent the entire day working like a machine, I was stuck in the study with him.

Wait, hasn’t this happened before? I thought I escaped that dreadful routine, but here I am again!

Sensing danger from the stiffness in my back, I quickly stretched and glanced over at Baek Yigang.

He was still sitting in the same position as before, silently working.

How did someone who works so diligently get involved in dark magic…?

“You… could get everything you want if you just lived like this.”

It wasn’t criticism or advice. It was just what I wished for him.

But Piel won’t let Baek Yigang live that way, so… this isn’t something he can control.

Maybe I should take out Piel first, who’s likely to be the biggest obstacle to Baek Yigang achieving his wish…

Or, you could just switch completely to a PL who knows exactly what they want.

…Oh, but there was Ash.

I should endure it. No matter how indecisive I am, I can’t just throw away my life…

‘Do you know that sometimes you say strange things?’

For once, Baek Yigang’s gaze was directed at me.

Even though he often talks to me while working, like now, it’s rare for him to react this way.

Maybe it means that work is more important than indulging my nonsense, but today was different.

‘It’s not really intentional. There’s no other meaning… I just said it as it is.’

His violet-colored pupils, meeting in the air, melted away with the usual fatigue.

‘I’m starting to wonder what his true intentions are.’

As I stared blankly at the smooth curve of his eyes, I belatedly noticed the warmth on my cheek.

The night sky outside the window behind him was so black it seemed endless.

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17 days ago

He already fell in love didn’t he 😔

17 days ago

Uno reverse comments??? Yigang truly is infatuated with Cheong… 😔 Not that I can’t blame him, 195cm built dude with magic 😍

4 days ago

It looks interesting

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