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RHFTY chapter 34

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Tap… Tap.

The tip of the fountain pen in Delion’s hand tapped the paper at regular intervals. It was a habit that always surfaced when he was deep in thought.

Currently, he was lost in various thoughts while looking at the documents containing information about Chaeyi.

“He recently issued a status tag. His name is Chaeyi. Age thirty-five, Beta commoner. Nothing notable. But why was he using a forged status tag until recently?”

Information related to the past was as clean as if someone had deliberately erased it, so this was all the information Delion could obtain.

Furthermore, since he had been using an untraceable forged status tag until now, there were almost no other routes to gather more information.

  • I was once called by that name. To make money, selling the corpses of monsters was the quickest way, so I did it out of necessity.

Tap. Delion put down the fountain pen and propped his chin on his interlaced fingers.

“A hunter, huh.”

Delion had seen a few people who called themselves hunters in the past.

The techniques they used to capture monsters were almost like crude tricks.

They were things one learned instinctively and physically, just to survive….

But Chaeyi’s movements, while unfamiliar, were extremely precise, with no superfluous actions.

He demonstrated calm judgment as if he had experienced it many times.

Although it was a very brief moment, it wasn’t enough to make a full assessment, but… he was undoubtedly a ‘trained’ person.

Of course, it wasn’t to imply he was related to the assassins who stormed the banquet hall a few days ago. Delion was simply curious about where Chaeyi had learned such techniques.

Knock, knock.

At that moment, someone knocked on the office door a few times. Then, without waiting for permission to enter, they flung the door open.

At first, Delion wondered who would be so rude, but… upon seeing the face, it was Leonard.

Though Delion didn’t show it outwardly, he was quite surprised.

This was the first time Leonard had sought him out without being called.

“…Why are you here to see me?”

“Did you think I wouldn’t know?”

But his first words were quite aggressive.

His eyes, usually emotionless, now carried a clear look of disgust and displeasure.

“If you intend to do anything foolish with Chaeyi, you’d better stop now. This isn’t a request; it’s a warning.”

Despite this, Delion couldn’t help but chuckle.

Since Chaeyi had arrived at the mansion, seeing Leonard’s increasingly varied expressions was quite fascinating.

The change was even somewhat welcome.

It is said that indifference is the most frightening thing when dealing with people.

Delion suddenly thought that might be true.

“Is that Beta so precious to you?”

Leonard did not reply. Delion continued, unbothered.

“Is it admiration you feel, or is it love?”

For a moment, a slight crack appeared on Leonard’s face.

‘That’ Leonard was shaken.

Even without saying it, Delion could guess.

He could roughly tell what the relationship between the two was.

‘To have a crush on the Beta who raised him since childhood, that’s a tough path to take.’

Delion wore a faint smile on his seemingly indifferent face.

Though he hadn’t realized it himself, he had softened significantly since Leonard’s return.

It was undoubtedly because Leonard’s presence had caused him to question many of the fixed notions and harsh practices of his family that he had taken for granted and had perpetuated.


This time, it was a different matter.

“Leonard, you understand, right? As the official heir, you must also consider having an heir.”

When Beta blood is mixed, most children born will have Beta traits.

The chances of having an Alpha or Omega heir from a Beta-Omega or Beta-Alpha pairing are as low as the odds of a Beta being born when both parents are Betas.

Moreover, a Beta male cannot bear children at all.

While there’s no intention to prevent love entirely, if there’s no solution to this issue, you would have to forfeit the position of heir.

Even so, Leonard could not be allowed to cut off the Lancaster family’s lineage.

Most importantly, the elders of the Lancaster family would not remain idle.

“There is a method.”

Leonard, who had been blinking and looking down, responded with a somewhat subdued voice. Delion, who had seen through Leonard’s thoughts, sighed briefly.

“Yes, there is.”

Just one method. A way to change a Beta into an Omega.

“But it requires luck.”

The unique pheromone known as ‘excitement scent’ that only dominant Alphas possess.

A Beta exposed to this pheromone for a long time may change their traits to that of a recessive Omega.

The problem is that while some people can change easily, others never change, no matter what.

“If this method can change traits, of course, that’s good… But what if it doesn’t?”

There’s a limit to how long one can wait.

Time is finite.

The most Delion could wait was until Leonard turned thirty.

Leonard, who had been staring at the ground, eventually looked up with clear eyes and gazed at Delion.

“If not, then I will give up the position of heir and leave the family again.”

Leonard’s resolve was firm.

To give up Chaeyi.

To give up the family.

If he had to choose between the two, he would naturally choose to give up the family.

Chaeyi had become an essential part of Leonard’s life, something he could not do without.

“If there’s nothing more to discuss, I’ll take my leave.”

With those words, Leonard left the place, seemingly no longer wanting to stay.

Delion, who had silently watched Leonard’s retreating figure, furrowed his brow with a worried expression.

“I suppose I have to hope that things will go as planned. If Leonard leaves the family, that would be a problem in itself.”

The elders might foam at the mouth to separate the two, or they might pressure Delion and Bennett to produce more dominant Alphas.

It could go either way.

Well, that’s one thing, but…

“If they go too far and provoke Leonard excessively, it could endanger the entire family.”

Delion, recalling the incident when Leonard had returned on his own after his manifestation, lowered his eyes.

Leonard’s unique ability…

It is dangerous.

While his ability to control magical beasts is typical of regular types, the problem lies in the range and intensity of its effect.

Leonard’s ability affects not only grade-one dangerous magical beasts but also high-level species with stronger mental fortitude.

No wonder they say it’s like a mutation despite being a regular ability.

His power was enough to annihilate an entire territory.

So, while it’s uncertain how long it can be kept hidden, the fact that Leonard is in love with Chaeyi must be kept from the ears of the elders as much as possible.


Thinking about the troubles ahead made Delion’s head already ache.

About a week after the party had ended, Ferdinand visited again. It wasn’t unusual for him to show up, as he had been visiting regularly since the party to see Chaeyi. However…


It was indeed unexpected to see Bennax alongside Ferdinand.

“Oh, hello, Chaeyi.”

Bennax, who had shyly lowered his gaze and fidgeted with his fingers, gathered his courage to greet Chaeyi.

As Chaeyi and Enoch turned to Ferdinand for an explanation, Ferdinand exhaled through his nose and clarified.

“He came back last night. It seems he’ll be staying here for a while. So now, he’s using the same estate as me.”

“Thanks to Duke Combest’s indulgence and convenience, I was able to stay here for the time being…!”

Bennax clasped his hands together, his gem-like eyes sparkling. His face, looking at Chaeyi, was filled with pure emotion and happiness.

Meanwhile, Chaeyi, who had been wondering why Bennax needed to return, suddenly had an epiphany.

‘Oh. He came back because he wanted to see Leo!’

Just thinking about meeting Leo again made him wear such an angelic expression… Chaeyi couldn’t help but smile contentedly.

‘Moreover, he even went out of his way to show up for me.’

How could someone be so kind and lovable? If this child were to bring Leonard along, Chaeyi would be completely convinced.

Thus, Chaeyi continued to operate under a firm delusion today.

“Bennax, thank you for coming to see me. Since you’re here, would you like to join me for tea?”

Since Leonard had mentioned he would be busy until evening… Chaeyi wanted to take this opportunity to get to know his future son-in-law a little better.

“Oh, of course, there’s no pressure. If you have other plans, we can always talk another time…”

At Chaeyi’s modest invitation, Bennax’s eyes sparkled even more brightly as he smiled widely.

Naturally, the option of rejecting was not on Bennax’s mind.

“No! Let’s talk, Chaeyi!”

Instead, Bennax was happy thinking that Chaeyi was showing interest in him. And then….



The perceptive Enoch and Ferdinand glanced between Bennax and Chaeyi, who seemed to be dreaming different dreams, and let out a sigh full of meaning.

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57 minutes ago

But leonard’s father seems like an okay guy, not a good father certainly but an okay dude nonetheless

Last edited 57 minutes ago by Alreign
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