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RHFTY chapter 30

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“Oh, Mr. Chaeyi! You look so dashing.”

“How can you be so handsome?”

“Mr. Chaeyi, I know it’s impolite to say this, but you’re adorable… Now I understand why Lord Leonard cherishes you so much.”

“Exactly, exactly.”

The attendants and servants Enoch had brought along were fussing over Chaeyi, who was now seated in front of a mirror after being dressed up by them.

All of his bangs were swept back, revealing a clean, pretty forehead. His lips were coated with a slightly sticky balm to make them look moist.

His outfit was a white ensemble with gold embroidery only on the vest, collar, and cuffs, while a silk cravat was adorned with a jade brooch, giving an elegant yet not overly flashy appearance.

The sight of Chaeyi, dressed up so meticulously, was a sight to behold—too beautiful to be seen alone.

If Leonard, with his sharp features, gave off the impression of a cold beauty, then Chaeyi, with his delicate features, gave off the impression of a charming handsome man.

Of course, Chaeyi thought the compliments were excessive and felt a bit embarrassed.


Chaeyi glanced up and looked at his reflection in the mirror with a renewed feeling.

‘Sure enough, I do look quite handsome this way.’

He was not someone who cared much about grooming, nor had he ever looked closely at his face, preferring to admire Leonard’s face if he wanted to see a handsome one.

So, he had neglected his own appearance until now.

‘Well, being handsome is better than being ugly. Although it’s a pity I’m shorter than I was in my past life.’

As Chaeyi looked at his reflection and offered a somewhat objective assessment, he felt satisfied.

“Are you ready?”

The door clicked open, and Leonard’s voice came through. It seemed like he had come to greet him.

“Yeah. I’m all done…”

Chaeyi was about to casually turn his head and get up.


The moment he saw Leonard peeking through the door, his mind went blank.

The servants and maids, who had also turned to look at the door, covered their mouths and gasped.

Was he really a human like them?

He was just wearing a more splendid outfit than usual and had his hair styled differently, but it felt like his already strikingly handsome appearance was shining even more.

This must be what they mean by ‘opening one’s eyes.’

Maybe it was because she was too shocked, but his heart was pounding so hard that she felt a bit disoriented.

Leonard, who was the center of everyone’s attention, just stood there, looking intently at Chaeyi with an unreadable expression.

“Let’s go, Chaeyi.”

“Oh, yeah. Okay.”

Feeling uncomfortable looking at his face for no reason, Chaeyi averted his gaze slightly and followed Leonard out of the mansion.

On their way to the Great Hall, where the banquet was being held, the two were unusually quiet, unable to continue any conversation.

‘This feels awkward.’

Why did everything feel so unfamiliar today?

He had admired Leonard’s looks countless times, and it wasn’t as if this was the first time.

When he first met him, it wasn’t even like this….

‘What’s different now?’

Was it because Leo was too young back then?

No, but even now, Leo was clearly much younger than him.

Unable to figure out a proper reason, he was lost in thought when suddenly Leonard’s finger reached out and lightly touched Chaeyi’s cheek.

At that moment, it felt like something was stirring inside his chest.

Simultaneously, an unknown fear arose, and Chaeyi slightly turned his head to the side, his eyes widening like a startled rabbit as he looked back at him.

Leonard, who had been glancing at Chaeyi, turned his eyes forward again and spoke.

“Chaeyi, you really don’t seem to age.”


“Yeah. You’re even more beautiful today than usual, Chaeyi. To the point where I want to keep you in my sight forever.”

“You’re no different… Thanks.”

Chaeyi, who had been awkwardly smiling, added playfully now that the conversation had begun.

“Look at me as much as you can now. You won’t be able to say such things when I get older.”

Leonard chuckled softly.

“I bet I’ll say the same thing even when you’re old and become a grandfather.”


“Because, to me, you’re the most lovable person in the world, Chaeyi.”


The conversation ended there.

It was such a delicate statement that Chaeyi, who was momentarily confused as if he had been confessed to, missed the timing to respond.

‘This guy is getting bolder with his jokes.’

His heart was also racing, almost out of control. Feeling like he was getting hot, Chaeyi shook his head.

And just as she was thinking about how to break this awkward silence, fortunately, their silence didn’t last long.

“Chaeyi, we’re here.”


As Leonard stopped walking first, Chaeyi also halted and turned around.

They had already come down far enough that the main gate was visible, and right in front of them was a building as large as the main house.

This building seemed to be the Great Hall used for the banquet.

Chaeyi entered the Great Hall with Leonard, through the arched entrance. The floor, covered in dark marble, was toned down and both clean and luxurious.

Various dishes and wine had already been set on the tables, filling the air with a rich and fragrant aroma.

The ceiling was very high, seemingly to better convey sound, and was designed with a continuous lattice pattern.

Could that be why?

The beautiful melody of the instruments that had been heard even before entering the hall resonated magnificently, pleasing the ears.

And numerous chandeliers hanging from the ceiling for decoration brightly lit up the dark interior of the building.


Chaeyi exclaimed in admiration, looking up.

Although quite a number of people had already gathered in the hall, it was such a vast space that it didn’t feel cramped.

“Hey, Chaeyi!”

At that moment, Ferdinand, who spotted the two from a distance, called out Chaeyi’s name.

Was it because his voice caught their attention?

The nobles, who had been conversing in groups here and there, began to glance over at Chaeyi and Leonard one by one.

As Ferdinand joined the two, even more eyes turned their way.

Those nobles familiar with rumors had already figured out that the man between Leonard and Ferdinand was ‘the Beta.’

“Is that man the Beta?”

“How did he earn such favor…?”

“Maybe he seduced them with his good looks.”

Some whispered in jealousy of Chaeyi’s presence, while others watched the trio with curious eyes.

But it was only for a moment. Leonard, annoyed by the unwelcome attention, subtly released his pheromones.

The frightened nobles quickly shut their mouths and turned their gazes away.

Likewise, Ferdinand, who felt Leonard’s fierce pheromones, glanced at him and let out a small chuckle before turning back to Chaeyi.

The amount of pheromones was just enough for only sensitive Alphas and Omegas to notice, so Beta Chaeyi seemed unaware.

“Who are you trying to mesmerize by dressing up so well? You’re going to cause a real problem at this rate.”

“There you go again with your nonsense.”

“Nonsense? I’m just worried about you.”

Ferdinand pinched Chaeyi’s cheek lightly while grinning.

He was quickly stopped by Leonard, who smacked his hand away.

“Ow! That hurts, damn it.”

Ferdinand rubbed his reddened hand while glaring with squinted eyes.

But Leonard was never one to back down.

“Don’t touch him recklessly.”

“Hey. Just go greet the guests already. Don’t you know it’ll be a disgrace to them if you don’t show your face after inviting them?”

Of course, Ferdinand wasn’t mentioning this out of pity for the nobles whose dignity would be tarnished.

He just thought any reason was good enough for “this guy to disappear somewhere” for a bit.

“Yeah, Leo. Go say hello.”

Chaeyi, on the other hand, was thinking differently from Ferdinand and agreed.

Certainly, as the legitimate heir to the Lancaster family, it would be necessary to make a good impression on them.

Though his power and authority as a dominant Alpha were so overwhelming that it might not mean much, it’s hard to win over people’s hearts through fear and oppression alone.

Chaeyi wanted Leonard to be someone admired by everyone rather than someone despised.

“That’s something the head of the family will handle, so I don’t need to do it. I want to stay with you, Chaeyi.”

“But isn’t that something you’ll eventually have to do as the successor? It’s important to learn and experience it now.”


Leonard bit his lip in dissatisfaction.

If Leonard’s family saw this, it wouldn’t be surprising if they fainted in shock.

They also shared Chaeyi’s thoughts, but they couldn’t nag Leonard like he could… Because the blood relatives who had wronged Leonard so much didn’t dare to tell him what to do.

“I’ll do it next time. I don’t want to now.”


“Hey. Chaeyi said you should go too. Go quickly.”

When Ferdinand abruptly interrupted their conversation, Leonard, who had been looking sullenly at Chaeyi, quickly glared at Ferdinand with sharp eyes.

Chaeyi lightly slapped Ferdinand on the back, who was starting to provoke Leonard again.

“Stay still, you rascal.”

They say children grow fond of each other while fighting, but there should be limits.

“Ouch! Why did you hit me?”

“Because you asked for it.”

Ferdinand’s lips protruded in a pout.

Seeing Leonard’s smug expression behind Chaeyi made Ferdinand even more annoyed.

‘Ugh. That fox-like brat.’

As Chaeyi turned around, Ferdinand, who saw Leonard quickly make a pitiful face like a baby deer, grimaced in disgust.

Unaware of this, Chaeyi was busy comforting Leonard, who didn’t want to be away from him even for a moment.

It was then.

Suddenly, the music stopped, and an elderly man, seemingly the head butler, announced the Duke’s arrival.

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