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ETHTKE chapter 8

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“What? Your Highness has come all the way here at this hour… What brings you here?”

When we arrived in front of a woman with angular glasses, Baek Yigang pushed me forward.

She seemed to be the person in charge of managing the registration records.

“I’m registering this person as a royal wizard.”

“…Pardon? Ah, yes. May I ask your name?”

“Cheong Dowoon.”

The glowing blue orb I had seen earlier seemed to function as a magical device similar to a computer in this world.

The woman in charge tapped on the blue orb for a while, but then her brows furrowed as if something was amiss, and she repeatedly tilted her head.

“Hmm… Is there an error? It says Cheong Dowoon is not registered as an imperial citizen. Were you perhaps born in the North? The climate there is so harsh that sometimes the magic orbs lose connection.”

“The magic orb is fine. Cheong Dowoon is not an imperial citizen of Pendium.”

When I hesitated at her question, Baek Yigang revealed my status with a calm expression.

As expected, the woman’s face was immediately filled with confusion.

“What? But according to imperial law, non-citizens cannot be part of the royal household…”

Like others before her, the woman stammered her response while nervously glancing at Baek Yigang.

Even something as simple as answering seemed difficult for her, making it clear that I was the only one unaware of Baek Yigang’s influence.

In the original story, Baek Yigang wasn’t exactly known for his gentle nature.

As the seed of the dark forces, he killed anyone who crossed him and eliminated any obstacles without hesitation.

Above all, being the Crown Prince meant that no one could really restrain his recklessness, which only fueled his rampage.

As a war hero with many enemies both inside and outside the empire, Baek Yigang was constantly under threat from not only domestic nobles but also foreign powers.

As a result, few who lingered around him with sinister intentions survived.

Perhaps it was the harsh environment that made him so sensitive.

“Baek, no, Your Highness. It’s fine, let’s just go. There’s no need to get certified today, is there? We can look for another way…”

Feeling sorry for the woman who was clearly troubled by this out-of-procedure request, I suggested backing off, but Baek Yigang shot me a cold glance and pulled something out of his pocket, handing it to the woman.

At a glance, it appeared to be a certificate full of forged and altered details about my identity.

Even though he’s the Crown Prince, is it really okay to blatantly forge documents like this…?

“I vouch for Cheong Dowoon’s identity.”

“Your Highness… I’m terribly sorry, but even you cannot override imperial law…”

As expected, it wasn’t okay. The woman began sweating profusely, her face a mask of panic, as she struggled to voice her refusal.

Just then, a chilling, ominous energy began to seep into the surroundings.

Startled by the sight of the looming darkness, I looked around, but unfortunately, it seemed that no one else could see the eerie black aura.

As if that wasn’t enough, an unsettling and unfamiliar sensation crawled up my spine, sending a cold shiver across my skin.

My heart began to race as the thought crossed my mind that this might be an attack by someone.

“Baek Yigang, just now…”

Just as I was about to grab Baek Yigang’s shoulder, the ominous energy that had been lingering vanished in an instant.

All that remained where the black aura had been was Baek Yigang, faintly smiling.

“I understand, Your Highness. I’ll process it immediately, so please wait just a moment.”

The woman, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke up.

It was a completely different attitude from the way she had nervously refused just moments before.

What’s this? She suddenly changed her tone.

How could someone who was so adamantly against it just change her mind like that in an instant?

The woman, who had been in a difficult position and hesitant to respond, now swiftly tapped on the magic orb, her fingers flying as she worked diligently.

“Cheong Dowoon’s registration as a wizard is complete. Congratulations on becoming the 4th royal wizard of the prestigious Dirzio royal family.”

Before I knew it, the situation had completely turned around.

The registration seemed to be done, and the woman, now with a bright smile, congratulated me.

“It’s done.”

Baek Yigang looked at me, who was still bewildered, and smoothly curved his lips into a smile.

His smile was kind and composed, but it filled me with a deep sense of unease.

There was no way Baek Yigang hadn’t sensed what I did. As my thoughts reached that conclusion, a realization struck me.

If it wasn’t just my imagination, Baek Yigang had just used dark magic.

Though it was brief, it was a feeling that chilled me to the bone. I was certain, even if it was my first time experiencing it.

That unpleasant aura was definitely the characteristic cold energy that accompanies the use of dark magic.

“Baek Yigang, did you just…”

“No need for thanks.”

When I cautiously began to speak, Baek Yigang cut me off with a sharp tone.

Thanks? I was going to ask if you just used dark magic!

After completing his business, Baek Yigang, still holding onto me, swiftly exited the registry, just as he had entered.

“Wait, Baek I-”

Before I could finish, I was dragged out, and by the time I regained my composure, the doors of the registry had already closed firmly behind me.

There was no denying it—Baek Yigang was as forceful as they come.

I didn’t really have any other options, but I knew full well that using dark magic to solve problems like this wasn’t a great idea.

Forcing a solution using status or power would only bring more harm than good to Baek Yigang, who was already known as a tyrant.

If we had taken our time and looked for alternatives, we might have found a more suitable method.

But the reason I worried about him using dark magic was something else entirely.

“You should take better care of your life.”

The real issue was that every time Baek Yigang used dark magic, his life force dwindled.

Thankfully, using it sparingly for minor things like this didn’t drain him too much, but it was still a significant problem, directly tied to his life.

Extracting dark energy instead of using the natural magical power required a high level of life force, and despite knowing this, Baek Yigang preferred dark magic because it was stronger than regular magic.

After being betrayed by the second prince and losing the position of crown prince, he delved deeper into dark magic to handle it more freely, eventually becoming a dark wizard.

Baek Yigang, who had just completed the tumultuous certification process, stopped in his tracks as he returned to the office, reacting to my words.

“…You’re quick to notice things like this.”

Only now realizing that I had caught on, Baek Yigang spoke with a somewhat softer gaze than before.

“Don’t waste your life force on unnecessary things. Dark magic gives you power at the cost of your lifespan.”

“You’re right. But this wasn’t unnecessary. It was to fulfill a contract.”

His violet eyes looking at me were firm. Whether it was necessary or not, nothing would change by arguing over something that had already happened.

In the end, I slowly turned my head and asked a different question.

“By the way, is it really okay for me to become the imperial wizard? I heard that once you’re certified, you belong to the wizard Tower.”

“It’s fine. Imperial wizards are solely under the authority of the imperial family, not the Wizard Tower.”

“What? If I belong to the imperial family, doesn’t that mean I have to work for them? I’m not interested in using my talents for anything that doesn’t involve you.”

At that, Baek Yigang stopped walking again. This time, he didn’t turn around, so I couldn’t see his face.

“You belong to me. So only I can command you.”

His tone was both affectionate and somewhat stern, a mix that now felt oddly endearing.

At first, his way of speaking was just irritating, but now it seemed endearing… This was undeniable proof that I was getting used to Baek Yigang.

And saying “only I can command you”? It was as if he was treating me like his property.

Of course, I preferred being with Baek Yigang, who had something to offer, rather than being used by others.

Thinking about it, Baek Yigang, despite his indifferent personality, had been taking good care of me in his own way.

Even when I asked to stay by his side, he had fulfilled my request, though not in the way I liked…

“Yeah, I’m yours.”

Realizing this made me feel a strange awkwardness, almost ticklish.

I lifted the corners of my mouth slightly and, laughing cheerfully, draped my arm over Baek Yigang’s shoulder.

“Move your arm, that’s disrespectful.”

“What’s the big deal? I’m yours.”

Oddly enough, though Baek Yigang voiced his displeasure, he didn’t bother to push my arm off his shoulder.

He’s cute, really.

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28 days ago

So heartwarming 🥰 but you know, DoWoon you might need to be careful of your words. It might bite you back in your arse someday 🤭

28 days ago

Bro your words…

28 days ago


20 days ago

Aw cute

16 days ago

“I’m yours” is a free ticket to him doing anything he wants to you 😭 he’s not going to let you go

16 days ago

Oh my hearteuuu

4 days ago

The novel is beautiful and fun

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