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OCMG chapter 2

* * *

At the end of Jiyeon’s message was a note that read, ‘Thank you, Assistant Manager Yoo! I’ll treat you to coffee!’

Junhee glanced around the office over the partition before cautiously pulling a gray phone out of his drawer.

It wasn’t a phone registered under Junhee’s name, but rather an unregistered phone he was using as a secondary device.

After entering the password and unlocking it, the screen revealed only a sparse set of apps, barely more than the default ones.

There was just one unusual icon, shaped like a tightly knotted cord, which somewhat resembled a crumpled heart.

Junhee tapped on the icon. It contained the profiles of all the members he was responsible for.

In other words, it was Junhee’s treasure trove, and the key to his current position.

No one knew about the existence of this app, nor could they. It wasn’t something that could be downloaded from any market.

After skimming through the profiles Jiyeon had sent, Junhee tapped the screen a few times to add a new profile, checked a few items, and pressed confirm.

The screen displayed ‘matching…’ before a percentage appeared moments later.

  1. ♥……12%

  2. ♥……43%

  3. ♥……31%

  4. ♥……89%

‘Found it.’

Among the four profiles Jiyeon had sent, the person with the highest matching rate was the fourth one.

An 89% match was quite high. If they met, not only would the couple likely be successful, but there was also a very high chance that wedding bells would soon follow.

After confirming, Junhee hurriedly put the phone back in the drawer just as Jiyeon approached from the other side.

“Assistant Manager, did you check? I’m sorry, but I think I might have given you the wrong profile for one person. Excluding that one, among the other three….”

“Set up a meeting with member number four.”

“Huh? Member number four?”

Jiyeon looked at him in surprise, her eyes widening as she asked again.

“Uh… well, you see, I accidentally included member number four’s profile by mistake. My client is a devout Christian, but member number four is non-religious.”

‘Leeum’ also had its own matching program, developed in-house.

Given the sheer number of members, after conducting personal interviews and entering the information, the program would filter out members that met the given conditions.

Of course, this was just a preliminary filter; there was still a long list of candidates.

From the filtered list, the couple manager would then select a match and arrange a meeting with the other member’s manager.

Thus, the couple manager’s insight, understanding, and rapport with their client were crucial.

‘The problem is, I have no idea why it’s coming up with 89%.’

The app Junhee had was strangely accurate at finding matches, almost eerily so.

It frequently produced different matching rates from the company’s program, which was supposedly developed with a budget of several hundred million won.

Since he couldn’t figure out how the algorithm worked, he was initially skeptical, but now, he couldn’t trust anything other than the matching rate from that app.

“Just set up a meeting with member number four. According to the preliminary interview, member number four is the closest match to your client’s ideal type in terms of appearance.”

“Hmm… but aside from appearance, the job, the family background, nothing else matches….”

Jiyeon trailed off, her expression still uncertain.

She seemed worried that if she set up a meeting recklessly, she might get a complaint about why she arranged a match that didn’t fit.

“Jiyeon, just listen to Assistant Manager Yoo. You know how spot-on he is, right? It’s like going to a fortune teller. No, he’s even better than a fortune teller!”

Supervisor Baek, who had been making coffee across the room, chimed in, having overheard their conversation.

“Oh, right? I should do that. I’ve never had a bad outcome from taking Assistant Manager Yoo’s advice. His intuition is just so amazing, it’s almost uncanny! Thank you, Assistant Manager Yoo!”

Jiyeon nodded enthusiastically and returned to her desk, immediately dialing a number.

Meanwhile, Junhee discreetly checked if anyone was watching him before pulling out the phone from the drawer again.

He let out a soft sigh through his clenched teeth.

Whenever his team praised him like that, instead of feeling elated, his anxiety only grew.

Since he had no idea when the app might suddenly stop working, all he wanted was to transfer to another department before his secret was exposed.

“Ki… Taeryu. Ki Taeryu.”

To do that, he might have to drag that damned director by the collar and get him married off.

For now, as long as the app was still functioning properly, he figured it would be enough to just set up a meeting with a high matching rate.

Junhee unlocked the phone and began entering Ki Taeryu’s profile.

Normally, a member’s profile would be created through consultations with a couple manager, but anyone could tell that this person’s profile had been put together purely from documents handed over by a secretary.

‘Even his profile is annoying.’

He clicked his tongue inwardly as he filled in the blanks roughly.

‘That should be good enough. This should suffice.’

After skimming through the entered information, Junhee tapped the [Complete Entry] button.

The secret matching app had exactly two drawbacks.

First, you had to manually input the information of the person you wanted to match.

It had a surprisingly analog side, making it impossible to transfer profiles from the company program or scan paper profiles.

The second was that you could only match a maximum of five people at a time.

For example, if you were trying to find a match for ‘Ki Taeryu,’ you could only set up candidates numbered one through five.

‘Of course, you can try again after a week, so it’s not a big deal.’

Although there was a limit of five people per week, it wasn’t a significant drawback since he was usually inputting profiles already filtered by the company’s program.

Plus, since he typically set up two meetings per month per member, there was plenty of time, not too little.

In any case, after using the app for three years, this was all Junhee had figured out.

After saving Ki Taeryu’s profile to the app, he then turned to his computer to start filtering potential matches using the company’s program.

“If it’s for a company like Samjin….”

Even though he wasn’t too picky about the details, there was a certain level of prestige involved, so he prioritized the children of corporate executives and business people.

It would be fine if it’s an Omega, but it would be better if it’s a dominant Omega.

After narrowing it down, he selected five candidates.

Junhee took his phone and went into an empty consultation room.

Leaning on the table with snacks on it, he turned on the matching app.

He input the profiles of the five selected candidates and started matching with Ki Taeryu.

The “matching…” message on the screen seemed to linger much longer than usual.

“What’s going on? Is it broken?”

Feeling uneasy, Junhee stared at the screen until his eyes grew tired, and then he squeezed them shut before opening them again.

When he looked again, familiar heart symbols started appearing one after another on the screen. At that moment—


A breath of disbelief escaped Junhee’s lips.

He blinked again, but nothing had changed.

“Damn it. What is this?”

  1. ♥…0%
  2. ♥…0%
  3. ♥…0%
  4. ♥…0%
  5. ♥…0%

Only the insane parade of hearts drifted hazily before his eyes.

A couple of hours later, he finally resolved the question of whether the app had malfunctioned.

After several experiments, he confirmed that the app was “working normally.”

The matches for other members appeared just as usual.

Nevertheless, the trembling in his fingertips didn’t stop completely.

With trembling hands, Junhee dialed a number.

“This is Assistant Manager Yoo Junhee from the Couples Team 4. Please connect me to the CEO’s office.”

  • Ah, the CEO is currently in a meeting.

After leaving a request with the secretary to be contacted as soon as the meeting ended, Junhee steadied his anxious heart.

“Everything at 0%? That can’t be right.”

In the three years he had been using this app, there had never been a case like this.

Sure, there were times when the match rate was in single digits, but even those were extremely rare.

“The app must be malfunctioning, or…”

Junhee was only able to speak with the CEO as the end of the workday approached.

  • Assistant Manager Yoo, what’s the matter?

“CEO, I’m calling about the VIP…”

Junhee quickly corrected himself as he almost blurted out the member’s name.

Some team members were still around, and it seemed they didn’t know Junhee was handling such a high-profile client.

  • Assistant Manager Yoo, we’ve already finished discussing that earlier. You’re not backing out now, are you?

“CEO, is the information in that member’s profile accurate?”

  • What? The profile? Well, I entered it exactly as it was received from their secretary’s office. Why, is something wrong?

“…You haven’t met or spoken with them directly, have you?”

  • No, they’re an extremely busy person. Why? What’s the issue?

“No, I’ll… check again.”

  • Sure, Assistant Manager Yoo, do your best.

Junhee swallowed down the bitterness that rose to his throat and ended the call with the CEO.

“Right. The profile must be wrong. It must be inaccurate, which is why it’s not working.”

He refused to even consider that the app might be broken, no matter what.

After all, matches for other members were appearing normally.

That meant there had to be something wrong with Ki Taeryu, that damn Alpha’s profile.

Having returned to square one, Junhee reluctantly decided to gather the profile information himself.

“…But to do that, I’ll need to make contact with them first.”

The real issue was whether such a busy person would even agree to meet with a mere matchmaker.

The 0% hearts kept floating in Junhee’s mind as he finally made up his mind and dialed another number.

“Yes, this is Assistant Manager Yoo Junhee from Leeum.”

With a slightly stiff expression, Junhee added an appointment to his schedule after finishing a call with the secretary’s office of Taesan Group.

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1 month ago

Haha he’s got no b–ches lmao

11 days ago

It’s an interesting cp thanks❤

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