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How an Omega Villain Survive chapter 36

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Returning to the rear had caused a significant delay as they had to climb quite a distance.

Since the path was too rough for horses, one knight was left behind to guard the horses while the rest ascended the mountain.

After climbing for a while, Crown Prince William was the first to stop.

Others followed his lead, and Edwin looked down the mountain in the direction William was gazing.

Although the trees were somewhat obstructive, there was no major issue with seeing the entrance.

“It will be hard to get closer like this.”

Crown Prince William crossed his arms and looked at the commotion ahead.

Clearly, people from various places were fighting over the entrance.

The two strongest groups were guarding each other at the entrance, while those less powerful or who had come alone were voicing their discontent.

It was impossible to tell how many had managed to enter or how much time had been wasted in mutual vigilance, but from a distance, it resembled a farce.

“Well, it’s not a tourist spot, and if we told them to enter one by one, they’d all just laugh.”

There were ways to break through.

As the Crown Prince of the Empire, if he simply commanded everyone to step aside, they would have no choice but to comply.

However, Crown Prince William only squinted his eyes and did not issue any decisive orders.

“Shall we turn back?”

The knight, who had spent several hours just reaching the entrance, couldn’t hide his surprise at the Crown Prince’s first directive.

After all, it was said that what lay within was a hidden arrangement set by the great mage.

Although they had come to find it, it seemed difficult to accept the order to retreat from the entrance.

Of course, the knight quickly closed his mouth and stepped back.

“Maybe I should have rested and slept like Henry did.”

Crown Prince William stretched and thought of Henry, who was likely enjoying a good night’s sleep in the mansion by now.

Henry awoke as if pulled from a deep swamp, pressing his stiff eyelids.

How long had he slept?

In his dazed state, he couldn’t gauge the passage of time, floating aimlessly in his thoughts.

Then, as he glanced outside through the half-drawn curtains, he blinked in surprise.

He had fallen asleep watching the sunrise.

But now, with darkness outside once more, it seemed he had slept an entire day.

Henry pushed himself up against the bed, his body feeling both refreshed and slightly stiff from lying in one position for too long.

“How long have I been sleeping?”

Shaking his head, Henry got up and pulled the bell cord nearby.

The servant promptly entered, as if expecting the summons.

“Prepare some washing water and a light meal,” Henry requested.

“Yes, Young Master.”

As the servant departed, Henry glanced around the room, picking up the pocket watch on the nightstand.

If he hadn’t slept for two days straight, then it meant he had simply overslept through the morning and afternoon, with nightfall upon him once again.

He ran a hand through his hair and set the watch down.

“No need to rush.”

He decided to think of it as just a good, long rest.

Though his sleep had reversed day and night, it was something he could gradually adjust back.

After washing up and having a meal, Henry called for Sir Teher.

“Has His Highness the Crown Prince returned?”

“He returned this morning, Young Master.”

“And how did it go?”

“I didn’t hear all the details, but I was told that there were many people gathered at the entrance. His Highness observed for a while before withdrawing.”

Henry nodded in understanding as he continued eating his stew.

He could easily imagine the scene at the entrance without needing to witness it firsthand.

There would have been people desperate to get inside, and in the tense atmosphere, fights likely broke out.

“His Highness made a wise decision.”

It was commendable that the Crown Prince, given his status, hadn’t forced his way through such a chaotic place.

If Henry had been in that situation, unaware of the full circumstances but determined to retrieve something valuable, he might have tried to push his way in by any means necessary.

After finishing his meal, Henry stood up.

“Sir Teher, you should rest now as well.”

He noticed that Sir Teher hadn’t even changed out of his clothes yet, likely staying alert in case Henry decided to leave suddenly.

Despite accepting Henry’s order, Sir Teher appeared somewhat puzzled.

Although he didn’t voice it, Henry kindly explained.

“We’re not going to that mountain range.”

There was no point in advancing into a place where they had nothing to gain and could suffer losses.

“Instead, I’ll set a date for another destination, and I’ll call for you then.”

After dismissing Sir Teher, Henry walked to the window. The night was deep, and it felt odd to be awake at this hour, something he wasn’t accustomed to.

“How should I spend this time?”

He regretted not buying a few more books. Muttering like a bored idler, Henry half-turned, sensing someone’s presence even before hearing their footsteps.

The door opened, and Edwin entered, stopping as their eyes met.

Henry sniffed the air, checking if there was a scent of pheromones, then frowned at Edwin.

“Don’t you know this is my room?”

He was being careful now, knowing he had to keep his pheromones in check, but still, he didn’t appreciate Edwin entering without permission.

He was about to scold him for his rudeness when Edwin looked at him with a strange expression.

“Why aren’t you sleeping?”

“That’s… none of your business.”

Henry started to reply that he had just woken up, but changed his mind mid-sentence.

What’s with him, barging into someone’s room and then asking why they’re not asleep?

Yet Edwin kept watching Henry’s face, as if trying to gauge if something was wrong, or if he was truly okay.

“What’s your problem, Edwin?”

Henry was about to snap when a sudden heat surged through his body, making him stop speaking.

It was a fleeting sensation, but strong enough to freeze him in place.

As Henry fell silent, Edwin stepped further into the room and closed the door behind him.

Henry wanted to tell him to leave, but he was too busy holding onto his racing heart, missing the chance to speak.

He was too preoccupied with what was happening inside his body. Placing a hand on his chest, he glanced at the table.

He wanted water. His throat felt dry, his mouth parched as if that earlier surge of heat had burned all the moisture out of him.

Henry made his way toward the water bottle, but Edwin stepped in front of him, forcing him to stop.


He wanted to tell Edwin to move, but the heat returned, more intense this time.

It wasn’t just a spark like before; now it felt like someone had gathered firewood and lit a full blaze inside him.

‘What’s happening… Why is this happening?’

Henry, in a panic, checked his body.

Outwardly, he seemed fine, but internally, everything was in turmoil. He couldn’t understand why, but a fire continued to burn through him.

Henry stumbled and collapsed to the floor, his vision spinning as he touched his forehead, unsure if he was feverish or not.

All he knew was that cold sweat was now seeping from his pores.


Henry tried to speak to Edwin, who was undoubtedly witnessing his condition.

He couldn’t even tell if his voice had reached Edwin, but surely he could see how serious the situation was.

“Call a doctor, or Sir Teher… just someone passing by….”

Henry, realizing he needed help urgently, changed his request. He just wanted Edwin to leave and bring someone else.

He didn’t want Edwin to keep seeing him like this. But whether Edwin hadn’t heard him or didn’t intend to leave, he stepped closer instead of exiting.


“Edwin, please, go get someone….”

“No one else can solve this.”


Henry tried to understand what Edwin was saying, but with his head burning, it was hard to comprehend.

Regardless, it seemed Edwin wasn’t planning to leave, as he knelt before Henry and leaned in closer.

The sudden rush of Edwin’s pheromones made Henry desperately cover his nose and mouth.

He was already in bad shape, barely keeping his pheromones under control, and now they might react to Edwin’s and start leaking out.


Henry tried to push Edwin away, but instead of being pushed back, Edwin caught his hand. Feeling the cool touch of Edwin’s skin, Henry realized he wanted to hold on tighter and bit his lip hard.

‘Get a grip.’

He needed to push Edwin away, not lean on him for comfort. If he had full control of his body, he might have slapped himself to snap out of it.

Henry struggled to pull his hand away from Edwin, flailing to find something to support himself.

Since Edwin wasn’t leaving, Henry decided he’d have to get up and find Sir Teher himself. But as he grasped at the air around him, Edwin caught his hand again.

“What’s going on?”

Henry tried to shove Edwin’s hand away, but unlike before, Edwin’s grip didn’t budge. Edwin’s hand entwined with his fingers, holding on as if it were hooked in place.

Henry tugged at his hand a few more times, but it was no use.

In the midst of it all, Henry felt a surge of frustration at the contradictory desire to keep holding onto Edwin’s hand, which cooled his burning fingers.

“Let go!”

Henry lashed out at Edwin, releasing his pent-up anger on him. Why couldn’t he just leave him alone and pretend not to care?

“Stay still.”

“If you just back off, I wouldn’t be doing this.”

Henry struggled to push Edwin away, glaring at him. But it was like trying to move a boulder—there was no escaping unless Edwin moved.

“You’re only making it worse by resisting.”

“Whether I’m suffering or not, just…!”

Henry was about to tell him to back off but abruptly inhaled. He was startled by the firm grip on the back of his head and the pheromones that were even more intense than before.

Even though he saw Edwin’s face getting closer, Henry couldn’t move, trapped in his hold. The confusion only deepened.

The next moment, when Edwin’s lips, soft and cool, touched his own, Henry’s eyes widened in shock. A kiss in this situation…?

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Maria Lulu
Maria Lulu
27 days ago


16 days ago


9 days ago

I was waiting for this.!!

8 days ago

At last! The moment we were waiting for has come!

4 days ago

Yeah. Like I wanna Edwin to know that Henry’s omega and their mated, but ain’t this going to fast? Or is it just me??

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