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10 rules of a Secretary chapter 37- Mature

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It was a heavy, clinging pheromone bath. He had no intention of hiding it, as he released his scent as if to smother me.

A short gasp escaped my lips as my rear twitched involuntarily, like it was eagerly anticipating something.

It was a strange sensation, as if it was waiting for something.

Even though I was an omega, I had never experienced getting this wet or feeling pheromones this strongly since I started taking suppressants.

This was the first time.

The was my first time for both the wetness and the overwhelming pheromones.

How should I deal with this?

How… on earth…

Trying to relieve my discomfort, I wriggled my hips but then gasped as another wave of pheromones gently enveloped me.

“Don’t be so impatient. I told you I wasn’t going to fuck you today, didn’t I?”

As I panted, trying to process his words, he pushed me down by the shoulder while holding onto my half-removed underwear.

The soft mattress beneath me shook lightly.

A short, involuntary sound escaped me, and through the suffocating mask, I could see his lazy smile.

He slid his finger under the strap of my underwear connected to my waist and slowly peeled it off, lifting my legs as he did.

Where the damp underwear had been removed, there was now only heat.

It was a situation that should have embarrassed me to the point of blushing, but I was burning up with impatience.

I wanted him to do something—anything—quickly.

“If you slice open a perpetual snow strawberry, the flesh inside is surprisingly red.”

As he spread my thighs and moved in closer, he lightly bit the thin band of my stockings with his teeth and pulled them off.

He kissed me before using his hands to remove the rest of the fabric.

Even though it was just a minor process of removing the stockings, the soft brush against my skin sent tension to my lower abdomen, and my once half-hard erection began to twitch again.

“You’re beautiful.”

He murmured as he nibbled on the tender flesh of my inner thigh. The warmth and tickling sensation left by his soft lips shook me to my core.

My toes curled up, and my fingertips tingled.

This didn’t feel like the CEO Han I knew. He didn’t smile like that.

He didn’t wear an expression so full of satisfaction and fulfillment.

He always smiled sharply and irritably.

So this man wasn’t the one I knew. He was not the CEO, but Han Doha himself.

My heart pounded heavily.


He grasped my fully erect penis, slick with pre-cum, and began to slowly move his hand up and down.

The wet sounds were annoyingly loud.

My eyes, heated with desire, started to tear up.

The sensation crashing over me felt like subtle anticipation.

As if he were drawing a picture, he circled the tip of my penis a few times before moving his hand down.

He slid past the shaft, then lower to tap my perineum.

At the same time, my rear twitched eagerly, as if waiting for something.

My face burned with embarrassment.

Despite the shame, I bit my lip and covered my mouth with my hand, overwhelmed by the urge for him to just get on with it.

As Han Doha began to rub the wet entrance with his fingers, my body jumped involuntarily.

Twisting his body and barely lifting his head, he caught sight of Han Doha’s neck, veins bulging.

The chest visible under his white shirt swelled like a beast’s before slowly subsiding.

As he rolled his eyes, Han Doha, grinning fiercely, pulled down his arm and whispered softly.

“I’m going to serve you until you hit your limit.”

As the pale blue dawn light filtered onto the bed, Han Doha let out a soft sigh.

He pressed a brief kiss on the round shoulder of the person in his arms and leaned back against the bed’s headboard.

The person nestled against him seemed exhausted from the night’s events, their tightly shut eyes showing no sign of opening.

On the white back that gently rose and fell, the marks left from the night were densely packed. It was only natural, considering how much he had bitten down on every inch of that skin, leaving no spot unscathed.

Han Doha raised his hand, gazing at the beautiful man who was still wearing the thin mask.

His fingers hesitated, as if to slip under the edge of the mask and remove it, but then he stopped. Instead, he smoothed out the man’s hair and kissed his head.

The sound of that dry kiss lingered briefly before fading away.

The dark brown wig was already thoroughly disheveled.

After straightening it, Han Doha slowly ran his hand down the man’s graceful waistline and then gave him a light pat.


The man squirmed slightly, perhaps tickled or uncomfortable, but soon fell back into a deep sleep.

Even that small movement tested Han Doha’s patience.

His arousal had already swelled to the point where it felt like his pants might burst.

“Damn, what timing…”

Just the night before, the man had felt feverish and had noticed the presence of pheromones.

Someone who had lived their whole life unaware had suddenly become aware.

Although Han Doha recognized it as a sign of pre-heat, he had let the man go without resistance.

After all, wasn’t this something he needed to experience for himself at least once?

For those with traits, heat was an unavoidable fate. The strange part was that it occurred on an unremarkable day, rather than during summer vacation as it should have.

So the fact that he appeared in such a state was beyond what Han Doha had anticipated.

The pheromones, accumulated through constant suppressant use since his manifestation, were more potent than Han Doha had expected.

Even though he had released a bit every month, when faced with it suddenly, he nearly lost control.

The pheromones were so thick that whether dominant or recessive, it was enough to make anyone drool and go wild.

He had heard the man was recessive, but he hadn’t expected such a build-up. The scent was suffocating, potent enough to drive insane any alpha fool who caught a whiff.

What if he hadn’t met Han Doha today and had gone out instead? What if the heat cycle had hit while he was out?

The thought alone was terrifying. Letting out a heavy sigh, Han Doha pulled the fragile body of the exhausted man closer.

At first, he had thought he was just some rag.

Seeing how he moved without asking for the location of the hotel bathroom, Han Doha had wondered just how much he had been around to know it so well.

Even as he walked out in clothes, the faint scent that wafted with each step made his face harden.

Pheromones meant to entice an alpha. The problem was the scent he was spreading.

At first, Han Doha thought he might have doused himself in some pheromone perfume that mimicked that scent, or perhaps he had come into contact with Secretary Seonyul.

Although it was unlikely that someone as meticulous as Secretary Seonyul would get caught by such a careless person, the thought had crossed his mind.

Or perhaps he was a moth drawn to some information he had picked up somewhere.

While Han Doha had indeed found him, he knew the world was full of all kinds of people, and a little suspicion was never a bad thing.

It wasn’t until he got closer that he realized the scent couldn’t be imitated by perfume.

When he lowered his face to the back of the neck, where the pheromone gland was, he realized.

The faint scars on the gracefully curving neck, the scent that couldn’t be imitated.

It was only then that he noticed the features hidden under that thin mask and the slender body. When he gently wrapped his arm around the waist, he was sure.

He was the same person.

The question of why this person was doing such a thing was pushed far away.

Whether it was by chance or design, this was a moment not to be missed. He had to seize it. No matter what, he had to create an opportunity.

He had let go once, but there wouldn’t be a second time.

The result was lying before him, but Han Doha was still thirsty.

Giving a single sip of water to a lost traveler crossing a desert wouldn’t be enough to quench their thirst.

He kissed the round shoulder again and again, holding the man tightly.

Yet the thirst persisted. It was a profound thirst, as if no amount of closeness would be enough.


Reminding himself of the need to hold back, he bit his lip for a long time. It wasn’t until his lip began to bleed that he finally stopped.

Letting out a soft sigh, he closed his eyes and gently stroked the shoulder of the person in his arms before patting him again like a child.

The once-white, now reddened buttocks were marked all over from being bitten throughout the night. It wasn’t just there; every exposed inch of skin was covered in bite marks and bruises.

Yet Han Doha felt a slight satisfaction rather than pity.

The unnecessary scar that had been on the shoulder was now completely covered by his own marks. It had been bothering him anyway, so it was for the best.

Burying his nose in the nape of the neck and taking a deep breath, he frowned at the lingering scent of coolness.

Despite all he had released throughout the night, it was still there.

“What on earth have you been doing?”

Hmm? Answer me.

He asked the man who was now fast asleep, breathing evenly, then pulled him closer again. The man frowned slightly as if uncomfortable.

Han Doha gently pressed his thumb against the furrowed brow to smooth it out.

Soon, the man’s face returned to a peaceful state.

Han Doha watched the man, who was sleeping like a child, and let out a sigh.

“I’m paying you well. Why are you doing this? What more do you need?”

He never accepted money that he hadn’t earned through his own efforts.

He always refused the excessive allowances and bonuses given to him. It was something that irritated people.

Most people would do anything to grab money that came without effort, but not him. Even a Confucian scholar from the Joseon era, wasting ink on calligraphy, would have more greed than him.

“Damn it.”

But this is different. After all the effort I put into fixing things.

‘How could he be in debt with all that money? Did he get scammed?’

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28 days ago

Update more

28 days ago

Pls update

26 days ago

As expect, he know

24 days ago

I use my points just to read this
Thank you 👍

21 days ago

Oh mi gawdddd

13 days ago


10 days ago

I knew it!

10 days ago

I need to read the whole novel🤤🤤🤤

7 days ago

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