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ETHTKE chapter 5

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It has already been three days since I possessed this body.

In that time, I’ve spent all day following Baek Yigang around like a secretary, handling all sorts of miscellaneous tasks.

As if to prove he’s the crown prince, there was so much to do that I haven’t had a single peaceful night of sleep.

Forget being a strategist, I’ve basically been turned into a pack mule and a dedicated assistant for all the grunt work.

If I had known it would turn out like this, I would never have uttered such absurd words as ‘let me stay by your side’…

Whenever I secretly tried to sneak away, Baek Yigang would somehow sense it and coldly shove the contract in my face.

Thanks to Baek Yigang’s insistence that I be within his sight at all times, I really ended up staying by his side all day long, just like I wanted.

Ah, I really wish I could break this contract and find another kind protagonist…

“Hey, Yigang.”


‘Baek Yigang’ was the name his mother, the former empress, gave him.

Even though he has a real name, ‘Hail Dirzio,’ both the readers and the author preferred to call him Baek Yigang because it just felt right.



He, too, preferred to be called ‘Baek Yigang,’ the name given by his mother, rather than ‘Hail,’ the name given by the emperor.

I suddenly remembered a passage from the original story that mentioned how the name Baek Yigang held a special power.

Though I was curious about the nature of that power, it seemed like something to ask about after we got a little closer.

Someday, when Baek Yigang no longer hesitates to talk about the late empress…

“Yigang, Yigang, Yigang, Yigang.”

“My name is ‘Baek Yigang,’ not ‘Yigang.'”

“Same difference.”

“Not at all. Don’t go changing people’s names without permission.”

Because his name had a distinctly Korean feel, I took it upon myself to call him ‘Yigang.’

Unfortunately, it didn’t seem like he liked it very much… but that’s the prerogative of the one doing the calling.

Since I’ve already been tricked into signing a fraudulent contract, I figured I’d take small revenge by calling him what I wanted.

The only problem was that it didn’t seem to affect him at all.

“Yigang, I have a question… How do you know about the Demon Realm?”

I hadn’t had a chance to ask because he had been so busy these past few days, but now that his desk was a little less cluttered, I decided to ask right away.

It didn’t sit well with me to think that Baek Yigang knowing about the Demon Realm was just a coincidence.

Before he turned to the dark side, Baek Yigang didn’t know anything about black magic, so it’s strange that he knows about the Demon Realm.

Could it be that he’s returned from the future? Or maybe, like me, he’s possessed?

“I read about it in ancient texts. A long time ago, demons from the Demon Realm invaded the continent.”

“Oh… a book.”

If someone other than Baek Yigang had said those words, the claim of believing in the existence of the Demon Realm—a being regarded as a mere legend just because it was mentioned in a book—would have lacked credibility.

However, the original Baek Yigang had a peculiar hobby of deciphering ancient texts that others didn’t even bother to look at.

Baek Yigang was not only a natural genius but also excelled in acquiring knowledge through effort, nearly as much as his innate talent.

Considering these factors, it was hard to dismiss his words as mere lies when he claimed that the book made him believe in the existence of the Demon Realm.

“Deciphering ancient texts, huh? That’s impressive.”

“Not really.”

The casual remark was spoken in a voice that somehow sounded low and subdued.

Baek Yigang, who seemed to have finished his work for the day, was already sitting on the sofa, reading a thick book bound in red leather.

Suddenly, Baek Yigang closed the book and lifted his head to meet my gaze.

Underneath his snow-white hair, his violet eyes shimmered like a calm pond.

“Cheong Dowoon, you said back then that Ken was a traitor. Do you know something?”

I wondered why he hadn’t asked until now.

This was a very important question.

The reason being, depending on my answer, the course of the original story could change completely.

Normally, my personality would have led me to avoid getting involved in the story, brushing it off with a laugh and saying, “Nah, I was just kidding. He just looks like a traitor.”

But I had signed a contract to make Baek Yigang the emperor, so the answer I had to give was already decided.

“‘Ken Verdo,’ that guy is the second prince’s confidant. He’s been ordered to spy on the crown prince and report every move he makes.”

“He has to be killed.”

Without a moment’s hesitation, Baek Yigang swiftly reached a deadly conclusion and immediately stood up, drawing his silver sword.

The blood-red ruby embedded in the hilt emitted a dizzying hum as it glowed crimson.

Wow, so this is Baek Yigang’s signature sword, ‘Full Moon.’ It shone brilliantly in the webtoon, but seeing it in real life, it’s even more dazzling.

Just by looking at it, the blade was clearly top-tier, extremely sharp and sleek.

The sight of ‘Full Moon’ in reality was on a whole different level compared to how it was depicted in text or illustrations.

“Hey, Yigang, calm down for a moment. Put that down first.”

Even if he went to decapitate Ken right now, it would only further solidify Baek Yigang’s reputation as a tyrant.

It would be wiser to apply the appropriate charges and deal with him legally or find a safer alternative method.

“How can I calm down when the person closest to me is a traitor? And it’s ‘Baek Yigang.'”

“Well… Technically, he’s not really a traitor. He wasn’t your man to begin with.”

It was a bit sad, but it was the truth.

Ken had been the second prince’s confidant from the start; he didn’t betray Baek Yigang and switch to the second prince.

Of course, from Baek Yigang’s perspective, he was a traitor, but in terms of their relationship, that was the reality.

“A pointless argument. I have no intention of keeping a dog with two masters.”

The Full Moon in Baek Yigang’s hand vibrated with anger.

Uh-oh, he must be really mad.

Well… I guess he has every right to be, considering he trusted Ken for four years.

But there’s a catch here.

Just as Baek Yigang trusted Ken for four years, the second prince also trusted Ken for a long time.

So if I play my cards right, Ken could become a valuable partner…

Though I doubt Baek Yigang will like that idea.

“You know, Ken is quick with his work. If you give him a task, he’ll handle it efficiently, even if he’s a bit sneaky. Plus, he’s pretty sharp.”


“Oh, I mean, he’s smart.”

I tapped my head lightly and grinned, causing Baek Yigang’s brow to furrow deeply.

“Watch your language. You’re not a child.”

“Anyway, I don’t recommend killing him. It’s not like he follows the second prince’s orders because he enjoys it. I’ll reform him.”

“Reform? …Do you have a plan?”

“Yeah, but I need to borrow that first.”

I pointed at Baek Yigang’s Full Moon with a naive smile.

His violet eyes gradually filled with deep suspicion and wariness.

“Full Moon isn’t something just anyone can handle.”

“Don’t worry. There’s no weapon I can’t use.”

“If Full Moon rejects you, it will bring immense pain. You could even die.”

“Well, don’t worry about it.”

When I patted my chest confidently, Baek Yigang narrowed his eyes and, with a skeptical look, tossed Full Moon to me.

I caught it effortlessly, and as soon as I gripped the hilt, the ruby that had been emitting a menacing glow gradually became transparent and finally calmed down.

“To think you could calm an enraged Full Moon in an instant… What did you do?”

Baek Yigang’s eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected sight.

“I told you, don’t worry about it.”

This is the power of someone who’s been through many fantasy stories!

In the past, I’ve handled all sorts of weapons in different incarnations.

I’ve even played the notoriously difficult fairy’s lamp, so I’ve mastered almost every kind of weapon. So, a demon sword is nothing.

“What do you plan to do with it?”

“Yigang, do you know? There’s a special remedy that works wonders when it comes to reforming someone.”

“A remedy?”

Baek Yigang’s violet eyes turned to me, filled with confusion.

No wonder, considering His Highness, the crown prince, who excelled in every aspect of life, had no idea what this remedy was.

“Yeah. It’s a magical cure that can straighten out even the most disobedient child in an instant.”

A faint smile tugged at my lips as I spoke cheerfully.

As I gleefully stepped out of the room with Full Moon in hand, I heard Baek Yigang mutter, “This feels ominous…” but I pretended not to hear it.

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1 month ago

1 month ago

Lol what?!

28 days ago

Oh, ain’t our MC quite cool. I really thought he’s nothing and weak since he don’t have any perks, but would you look at that. He can even wield any weapon 👏🏻

28 days ago


20 days ago

Its giving power couple

17 days ago

“This feels ominous…” I just know the main character will beat Ken up till he submits to any demands hahah (⁠✷⁠‿⁠✷⁠)

16 days ago

Oh hooo

11 days ago


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