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GTLTGIDES chapter 30

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To me, whose life was a battlefield of illness and poverty, death was a form of rest.

I wouldn’t need to struggle anymore, I wouldn’t need to try so hard anymore. I could rest in peace.

Letting go of the lifeline I had been desperately holding onto felt like putting an end to long and endless suffering.

My second life. It wasn’t much different either. Both my body and mind were worn out.

So, I had no regrets even as I closed my eyes. I thought, as long as everyone could have a happy ending, it wouldn’t matter if I stepped away.

Just as I was about to let go of everything, I heard a voice.


It was Eunsoo’s voice. Could Eunsoo be by my side?

Suddenly, a desire arose.

Even though I had been by that child’s side many times, I had never done anything significant for him.

I had always hovered around but never had a proper conversation with him or even touched him.

Before leaving, I wanted to see Eunsoo one more time. Just once, I wanted to touch him.

I opened my eyes. My eyelids were heavy, and my vision was blurry.

But vaguely, I saw black hair.

That small frame. And if it was the voice I just heard, it must be Eunsoo.

‘Thank goodness.’

It seemed the Agency had protected the child safely.

Although I couldn’t see well, it seemed they weren’t seriously hurt.


I called the child’s name. The child approached me. I wished they would hold my hand, and they really did.

It felt like a dream.

The hand holding mine was warm.

I couldn’t hear what the child was saying beside me, but the warmth they conveyed was enough.

My desire grew. The desire to hold this hand a little longer.

Let’s live a little longer. Let’s stay with Eunsoo until he become an adult.

I may have grown old working all the time, but for this child with no family, no relatives, no friends, maybe I can teach him something.

I opened my eyes.

‘I’m alive…….’

I stared blankly at the ceiling of the hospital. I was really alive. Thank goodness. I thanked God.

I wanted to live, I wanted to live, but life and death aren’t things one can control by will.

Still, I survived. Whether it was my willpower, modern medicine, or superpowers, I didn’t know.

‘My body still feels heavy…….’

It was still hard to lift my eyelids. But seeing my toes and fingers move, it seemed I wasn’t paralyzed.


As I slowly regained feeling in my body, I noticed something unusual.

My left hand was warm. It felt like I was holding something soft…….

And as I lowered my gaze to identify the soft object, I gasped.


It was Eunsoo.

Eunsoo had fallen asleep, lying on my bed. He was holding my hand tightly with one hand.

My mouth dropped open.

‘What’s this? Am I still dreaming?’

Could it be that I actually died and this is heaven?

Is this a world created according to my wishes?

My heart raced so hard it hurt. Blood rushed to my face.

What should I do? If I get labeled as a dangerous adult because of this…….


But I couldn’t take my eyes off Eunsoo.

The mumbling voice from his sleep was so adorable.

His peaceful sleeping face. Long eyelashes, clean and white skin, shiny hair, tightly closed lips…….

Everything about Eunsoo was lovely. No wonder he was the main character of a popular novel.

How could anyone not love this face…….

‘But why are they sleeping like that!’

I was happy to see Eunsoo’s pretty face, but his position looked too uncomfortable. It would be better if they slept in the bed, not like this.

I should just move to the floor so Eunsoo can sleep in my place.

Damn it.

Isn’t there anyone to take care of the child? Why are they letting him sleep like this?

What if they hurt his back?

Remembering the case from “Escape No. 1” where someone died from a rib piercing his lung while sleeping on a desk made me more uneasy.

My mind was in turmoil. Should I wake him up? But he is sleeping so peacefully…….


My dilemma didn’t last long.

The intense gaze I had on him woke the child up.

Eunsoo, who woke up drowsily, opened his eyes and looked at me.

Eunsoo’s pale blue eyes widened.


I tried to call Eunsoo in my surprise, but before I could finish, they sprang up.

They seemed to want to move away from me.

However, his movement stopped abruptly as they couldn’t move far.

Because we were holding hands. They stopped at the distance his arm could stretch. It was quite a comical sight.



I wasn’t forcibly holding on.

I couldn’t grip his hand with enough strength to keep him close. It was Eunsoo who was holding on.

Why are they doing this? Did his hand cramp from sleeping like this? Or did they get a cramp…….

Eunsoo, with a flushed face, looked at our clasped hands but didn’t let go.

Instead of letting go, they returned to his seat. Still holding my hand.

‘What’s going on? What’s going on?’

I was the one flustered.

Why aren’t they letting go?

I stared at the child’s face in a daze. Eunsoo, as if trying to explain, opened his mouth.

“Uh…. Mr……. No. Well…….”

“Did your hand cramp?”


At my words, Eunsoo seemed to ponder for a moment before nodding his small head vigorously.

It was a touching, heartwarming scene.

‘So cute…….’

If my body was fine, I might have kissed those white cheeks without realizing it. Thankfully, I was in pain.

Slowly, I lifted my other hand and held Eunsoo’s hand with both of mine. Then I pressed his hand gently.

Cute. Warm, white, and soft. Seeing no signs of hardship on his hand was a bit of relief. Jake wasn’t entirely heartless.

A smile spread across my face. It was worth coming back to life.

“There. Feel better now?”



Eunsoo just looked at my face. With his unique emotionless expression.


The child repeatedly opened and closed his mouth.

At this age, Eunsoo only worked part-time and had no social activities.

He didn’t even go to school. It was understandable that they took a long time to find the words they wanted to say, having almost no experience in personal conversations.

There was no need to rush an answer, so I waited with a smile.

After a while, Eunsoo finally spoke, his cheeks and eyes slightly flushed with embarrassment.

“Mr. Heewon…….”

“Hey, kiddo. The investigator keeps begging me to eat, saying I don’t need to come for questioning……”

  • Click.

The sound of the door opening interrupted. Instinctively, I turned my head.

The person who came in, grumbling loudly.

He stood tall at 186 cm, with a lean yet well-balanced build rather than muscular.

His legs were exceptionally long, so much so that even when compared to models, they seemed superior.

With his shimmering silver hair and bangs pinned back to reveal a smooth forehead, Elliot looked particularly cute.

Elliot hadn’t finished his sentence. He had noticed me with my eyes open while trying to speak to Eunsoo.

He closed his mouth, sighed, and called my name.


Seeing Elliot’s face twist into a pained expression, I felt a strong certainty that this place wasn’t a dream or paradise.

If it were the world I wished for, Elliot would have been smiling brightly instead of grimacing.

He greeted me with a smile.

“I’m back.”


Elliot, who always considers appearances, seemed particularly shocked by this incident.

His white, slender hand cradled my cheeks, and his face came close.

Then, our lips met.


Even though it was just a touch of lips, a chilling sensation emanated from Elliot.

As my body trembled, Elliot quickly pulled away, stepping back.

“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to guide you like this…”

“It’s okay.”

This much is acceptable. In fact, I felt a deep sense of relief that I was truly alive.

Smiling, I stretched out my arms. Elliot helped lift my upper body and hugged me tightly.

Leaning against him, I slowly stroked his back, swallowing the chill that seeped into my body.

It seemed like Elliot was trying to comfort me, but the cold that had built up during my absence was unavoidable.

Each time I shivered, Elliot would stop and apologize, but I held him tightly with all my strength, reassuring him.


Despite the cold sweat pouring down my body, I had made it. I felt Elliot’s stability and lifted my head.

Elliot’s face was flushed red, and he trembled as he mumbled.

“Stubborn as ever…”

“But you liked it, didn’t you?”

“…I hate it.”

Yet, he kissed me again. It was unusual for Elliot to act like this, showing how much he was glad for my survival and how grateful he was for the guidance.

Laughing together and sharing in the joy, my heart suddenly sank.

I had overlooked a very important fact.

Only then did I feel the stinging, piercing gaze.


Eunsoo was staring at me with round, startled blue-gray eyes.

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28 days ago

My guy can’t get a glimpse of rest

28 days ago

I hope hewoon and eunsoo’s relationship stays as guardian-child rather than turning romantic at some point ..

23 days ago

When is Heewon getting a vacation at this point?

22 days ago

Bro needs some alone time

3 days ago


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