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How an Omega Villain Survive chapter 27

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As they set off again, Henry, seated in the carriage, rested his chin on his hand, lost in thought. Frustrated, he roughly tousled his hair and muttered to himself.

“You know all of Edwin’s weaknesses, right? Except… I don’t know… It doesn’t seem like he has any… I can’t find any?”

What nonsense!

How could someone have no weaknesses besides the obvious?

It was absurd to think that despite being an extreme alpha, he couldn’t emit pheromones or sense others’.

Henry scoffed at the ridiculousness of it all.

“No matter how perfectly the author crafted the protagonist, if he’s human, there should be a string of weaknesses.”

Whether it was swordsmanship, his solid position as the current heir, or his ability to command subordinates, all Henry ever heard was praise, not a single flaw.

“According to other information, he’s definitely capable, but it’s still disappointing.”

Except for the fact that the information on Edwin didn’t meet Henry’s expectations, the guild had no faults.

“No, I already know his weakness.”

Henry’s head shot up. He didn’t need to rely on the information guild because he already knew a weakness no one else did.

“It’s me.”

What a waste of money.

At that moment, the carriage jolted violently, causing Henry to lurch forward against his will.

The sudden stop of the carriage sent shockwaves through its interior.

The coachman, who had forced the horses to halt, and the knights guarding front and rear quickly surrounded the carriage, remaining vigilant.

Henry, too, raised his guard and watched through the window.

Suddenly, as if a shadow had been cast, everything before him turned dark. Henry looked up to see Edwin standing, blocking his view, and scanning the front.

“A group is blocking the road ahead.”

Edwin casually mentioned the situation, concerned that Henry might step out of the carriage out of curiosity.

But Henry, with no intention of leaving, merely leaned his arm against the window frame.

Henry already knew who the group ahead was.

‘They’re the ones targeting Crown Prince William.’

Two factions, both after treasure, were facing off. It was exactly the scenario Hook had warned him to be cautious of.

But Henry knew better—it wasn’t a mere confrontation.

This was a trap set by a trading group with a grudge against the royal family.

In the original novel, they had blocked Crown Prince William’s path during his journey, creating chaos.

Henry knew all the reasons behind their hatred for the prince and their methods of revenge, but one crucial detail was missing.

The name and detailed information of this trading group were omitted because they were extras. That’s why Henry had visited the information guild in the first place.

They intended to create an accident that would seem like an innocent person got caught in the crossfire during the conflict, and then kidnap Crown Prince William.

However, in the original, Henry ended up getting caught in the middle.

The underlings mistook Henry for the crown prince due to his conspicuously luxurious carriage and kidnapped him instead.

Although he was quickly rescued, the incident of being held captive for a day left Henry highly sensitive.

This event was what led Henry to cling to Edwin, desperate for his love and attention after being saved.

Though he wasn’t in a fancy carriage this time, and thus unlikely to be mistaken for the crown prince, it was still wise to be cautious.

Especially since Henry lacked physical strength, he had no intention of stepping outside the carriage.

Unaware of Henry’s thoughts, Edwin worried about something else.

He was concerned that Henry might feel his pride hurt by Edwin’s protective stance, or that he might demand Edwin, as a royal guard, keep his distance.

Without turning to look at Henry, Edwin said:

“Don’t come out.”

“Of course not. You just make sure they don’t get through. Since I’m your weakness, be careful not to let me get hurt.”


Did Edwin’s shoulders just tremble slightly at Henry’s brazen declaration that he was his weakness?

“You should turn back; you might get caught up in something if you come any closer.”

The man blocking the road advised them to retreat.

Behind him, the tense atmosphere made it clear that a confrontation was imminent, with both sides glaring at each other, seemingly indifferent to William’s group.

However, knowing it was all an act, Henry could feel the occasional glances towards the carriage, as if they were trying to figure out where the crown prince was seated.

Then, by chance, Henry made eye contact with one of them—a teenage girl standing at the back.

He was surveying his surroundings just like Henry when their eyes met.

Henry smiled brightly at his and raised his hand.

The girl’s face reflected a mix of surprise and curiosity as he saw the strange man smiling at his and waving.

Henry kindly pointed towards one of the carriages.

‘That’s it. That’s the crown prince’s carriage.’

In other words, if they were going to attack anyone, they should go after the crown prince, not him.

The girl’s eyes followed Henry’s pointing finger. He seemed to ponder why he was pointing at that particular carriage, then whispered something to the adult woman in front of her.

“Right, as long as it’s not me.”

Feeling that things were going smoothly, Henry couldn’t help but smirk.

Meanwhile, Crown Prince William, having been briefed by his guards, slightly opened the carriage window to survey the situation outside.

“This is problematic. If we don’t go through here, we’ll lose a lot of time.”

Crown Prince William voiced his concern.

Taking a different route would mean a significant detour, and time was short.

With that, he closed the window again.

He had deliberately avoided showing his face, instead communicating through his guards.

He must have been aware of the situation from the start, explaining why he hadn’t shown his face. Henry, who was sitting in plain view, clicked his tongue at the crown prince’s prudence.

‘His instincts are sharp.’

Knowing that revealing his face wouldn’t help the situation, he stayed hidden.

But it didn’t matter, as Henry had already spilled the beans to the girl, making the caution pointless.

Henry then looked confidently at the royal guards protecting Crown Prince William.

Though there were only six of them, he knew they were the elite of the elite, making the dozens of enemies outside no threat.

‘Still, it wouldn’t hurt to give Edwin a heads-up to avoid any mishaps.’


Edwin remained still, seemingly unaware of Henry’s call, but Henry continued speaking, knowing that Edwin could hear him.

“They’ll attack no matter what. They’ll likely focus on the prince’s carriage, but be wary of those coming out of the blue carriage.”

Just as William and Henry had a carriage, so did their opponents.

It was positioned perfectly to block the road, though its occupants were hidden from view.

Edwin’s gaze brushed past Henry rather than the carriage, reacting to his warning.

“How do you know?”

“Hook mentioned a group preparing to fight up ahead, so I asked around at the information guild. I’m more thorough and meticulous than you’d think.”

Though he was known for being meticulous only in work and careless in daily life, Henry continued to boast, covering up any unexplained parts of his actions with self-praise.

Since what Hook told him was true and he did visit the information guild, Edwin had no reason to doubt him further, and Henry was prepared for any questions the prince might ask later.

‘The prince will surely question and dig into this later. I’ll have to use Edwin as a shield then.’

Henry smiled confidently, thinking that knowing the original plot also had its downsides.

He was just working hard, after all, and it wasn’t like anyone could accuse him of anything.

Well, if they didn’t like it, they could send him back into the novel knowing nothing again.

Feeling slightly triumphant that everything was going according to his plan, Henry’s expression suddenly turned to one of surprise.

“Who are you people?”


Edwin, who was supposed to stay quiet and only join the fight according to the novel, was now speaking to them.

Wait a minute. Henry reached out to signal Edwin to stop, but it was no use. Edwin wasn’t looking his way.

“They are people with no relation to you. We warned you because we didn’t want you to get caught up in anything dangerous, so I advise you to turn back.”

“Do you really have the right to block the road?”

Edwin’s overwhelming presence and oppressive tone—his words and actions that crushed the other—made the merchant’s expression harden.

Sensing the unease and long-held frustration on the merchant’s face, Henry realized something was going wrong.

Edwin had only told them to leave, so what had made the merchant so agitated?

“Right? Right… There was a time when we had that right.”

The merchant, who initially planned to lure them in and only kidnap the prince, replied with a self-deprecating tone to Edwin’s words.

“That’s why we’re here. To reclaim that right and seize the treasure, with hopes of reviving our fallen family.”

The merchant turned his body, which had been standing at an angle to Edwin, to face him directly.

“Sorry, but we need you to achieve that. Our target is him.”

The man, seemingly the leader of the group, gave a signal, and everyone who had been standing across from each other turned to face Edwin.

This revealed that they were all in cahoots and had laid a trap.

“Damn it, seriously.”

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10 days ago

The novel is beautiful and fun

6 days ago

Things are going in the way you didn’t expect Henry

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