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KYDC chapter 18

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But even so, this isn’t right.

As I squirmed, the Grand Duke begged me, capturing my lips again with his soft, warm mouth.

Without time to resist the strange sensation that slipped between my parted lips, the buckle came undone.

With a slick sound, the belt slipped out of its loop and fell limply to the floor.

His movements were too quick. In an instant, I was left defenseless, barely able to grip Hernan’s arm with my weakening strength.

As he supported his weight with one arm, the sofa shook slightly.

His hand naturally slipped beneath my clothes, and all I could do was try to steady my ragged breathing.

For some reason, I couldn’t bring myself to punch the face that looked down at me with half-lidded eyes, as if it could pierce right through me.

Was it the alcohol?

My body felt drained of all strength.

“Haa… Ugh…”

“What part of me is turning you on? My face? Or my hands…?”

The answer was both. Hernan, still with tears in his eyes, smiled as he laced his left hand tightly with mine and licked my fingertips.

Beneath his softly curled lashes, I could see a faint tear mark. It was a terrifyingly beautiful face.

“Tell me, Mister Everdeen.”

His plump lower lip drew a long arc. Hernan’s gaze never left me.

His tear-stained eyes were filled with melancholy.

Somehow, I felt a strange sense of familiarity.

It was as if I had seen him cry before.

But when we met in the forest, Hernan wasn’t crying, was he?

I couldn’t figure out why.

There was just something about him that smelled so comforting and nostalgic, like the only scent of sunshine I could find in this cold, frozen city.

I reached out, wrapped my arms around the back of his neck, and buried my face in it, taking in his scent.

Warmth radiated from our touching skin.


A heavy sensation spread through me, causing my waist to twist involuntarily.

We both made mistakes under the influence of alcohol, but while he was an Alpha, I was just a Beta.

His engagement was already broken off, and it’s not like I could get pregnant, so one mistake shouldn’t be a big deal…

Thoughts like that, completely illogical, began to seep in along with my desire. It was a truly absurd reasoning.


I liked his scent too much to push him away.

“Please, accept me.”

In the face of his desperate plea, I had no choice but to nod.

Soon, an overwhelming pressure crashed down on me.

It hurt so much that it felt like the alcohol’s effects would vanish, but this time, it wasn’t the alcohol—it was like I was intoxicated by Hernan’s scent, unable to think straight.

My head spun as if I’d mixed various types of alcohol together.

My toes curled sporadically, my waist tensed, and then relaxed repeatedly.

As my legs dangled off the sofa, Hernan grabbed my ankle and draped it over his shoulder.

A sharp pain radiated through my entire body.

It was a strange sensation.

The more tightly Hernan held me, the more I wanted to hold him even deeper.


As I gasped for breath, Hernan swept my disheveled hair off my forehead and kissed me.

“I wish you would marry me, Mister Everdeen…”

Hernan whispered into my ear, and I responded, eyes dazed from the overwhelming sensation.

“Ugh… That’s, ha, impo-ssible…”

Even setting aside my duty as an heir to a noble family, he was an Alpha, and I was a Beta.

Even if I were a Beta woman, it would be an obstacle for succession, let alone being a Beta man.

If I weren’t swept away by the mood because I’m a Beta, I would have refused and run away long ago.

As I muttered a sentence of denial, Hernan smiled and kissed me.

“That’s something we can’t know.”


And whatever happened after that wasn’t worth remembering. I closed my eyes tightly and answered.

“Yesterday was a mistake. Both the Grand Duke and I were just briefly lost due to the alcohol.”

It wasn’t an excuse—it was the truth.

There’s no way I, a strong man who had never imagined being held by someone in my life, would have allowed it unless it was a mistake.

It was utterly bewildering. I really felt like I had been bewitched.

As I quickly denied it, Hernan responded with a firm expression.

“Mister Everdeen, I am not asking you for a favor. It would be wise to recall the terms of the pact made when you arrived in Veillon.”

The tone of his voice was almost threatening, and I frowned, trying to recall a memory from a few days ago. Let’s see…

“…All judgments and actions concerning issues that arise during the maintenance of the pact shall be based on the customs of the North.”

I suddenly remembered the toxic clause that we had no choice but to accept, as the root cause of the contract was our side’s fault.

When I muttered the sentence that had come to mind reflexively, Hernan slowly nodded.

“Yes. According to the strict customs of the North, those who experience their first time together are to become each other’s lovers and take responsibility for each other’s future as adults. Let me remind you once again that this is not a suggestion—it is your duty, Mister Everdeen.”

“No, wait a minute!”

What kind of nonsense is this? My mind went blank, and I just shouted anything that came to mind.

Why on earth would he insist on giving such an important thing to me!

This couldn’t be real. I’ve lived my life with such discipline, never doing anything improper in my first life or this one, and now I’m supposed to take responsibility for someone?

This was absurd.

Then Hernan calmly added,

“If you marry me, Mister Everdeen, we can also perfectly settle the dowry issue. I don’t think it would be a burden for you, considering the pact could be resolved all at once.”

What nonsense! I jumped up from my seat, slamming the table.

“But what if Berta returns?”

Their relationship was only tentatively broken off; until Everdeen’s family returned the dowry, things weren’t completely settled. If Berta, disappointed by life in Gehrt, decided to return, the family tree would become a mess. Yes, this was it! I could buy some time by sending someone to Gehrt to bring Berta back, and then I could settle my share and pay back the dowry, even if it meant taking a loss.

“Do you think things will go back to how they were before after you slept with your sister’s ex-fiancé?”

Of course, morally, it wasn’t right. But the contract was another matter.

As I stammered, pale-faced, Hernan let out a soft laugh.

“Even if Miss Berta returns, it doesn’t change the fact that you took my virginity, Mister Everdeen.”

That phrase was so absurd!

Technically, I was the one who got taken.

Even though it wouldn’t happen, if he freaked out and demanded responsibility, it would be me who would have to deal with it.

It wasn’t like something would wear out just because it’s been used, so treating someone like a thief who’s done something terrible was ridiculous.

“Wait a minute… But I’m a Beta. How do you plan to handle the succession? It’s in the pact, isn’t it? The Grand Duke must be able to produce an heir.”

I finally found a way out and shouted triumphantly.

Then Hernan smiled as if he had been waiting for me to say that.

“What if there’s a way that doesn’t matter even if you’re a Beta?”


I tilted my head in confusion, not understanding what he was talking about.

I was too flustered to think straight. I needed to organize my thoughts.

“What? I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what you’re saying…”

“You will understand soon.”

“No, Grand Duke, please keep your mouth shut. Just answer the questions I ask.”

When someone gets desperate, politeness and etiquette fly out the window.

I mean, how could I think of such things when I’m a Beta with two healthy testicles, about to get married to an Alpha?

I raised my right hand and asked.

“Didn’t you say that the custom of having to marry your first partner in the North is because they value the fidelity of the couple?”

Hernan looked down at me with an unreadable expression, touching his chin with his fingertips as he replied.

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“If the customs of your region place such importance on marital fidelity, does that not imply that concubines are also not recognized?”

In the southern regions, where people are generally more relaxed about their lower body morals, it was common to view the number of lovers a person had after producing an heir as a personal matter.

It wasn’t uncommon for couples to have children from outside sources if they faced difficulties in having heirs themselves, or for a husband to bring in a strong Alpha to impregnate his wife if necessary.

Thus, in the south, there were methods where an Alpha and Beta, despite facing harsh opposition, could still have children with the help of a third party.

However, in the north, marital fidelity was considered as vital as life itself, making such practices almost impossible.

When I assertively asked if my understanding was correct, Hernan nodded in agreement.

“That’s right.”

“Then how exactly do you intend to resolve the succession issue?”

Hernan responded with a very clear expression.

“I’m suggesting we go meet the one who can solve that for us.”


It was then that I recalled the words he had spoken last night, turning my insides upside down in more ways than one.

The words he had spoken were so obscene that I couldn’t repeat them.

Hernan had warned me, and I had boldly replied that there was no way that would happen, so he should try.

Wait, hold on… it wasn’t just… some dirty talk during intimacy…

My mind was spinning, and I collapsed onto my back, overwhelmed.

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28 days ago


25 days ago

Is this part of Hernan’s plan? Our MC getting drunk so he can accept Hernan’s advances? If so, shame on you Hernan! You know how our MC feels about taking advantage of drunk people.

Last edited 25 days ago by Kuro
13 days ago

What talk I m curious

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