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KYDC chapter 7

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“How on earth is everyone else acting so normal in this environment?”

Despite having a first-class seat with a bed and a small bathroom, it was still tough.

I wondered how the people in regular seats were managing, and I noticed they were all sitting on thick cushions or blankets placed on their chairs.

What a bit of life wisdom…

I hurriedly took the blanket from my bed, draped it over the chair, and sat down.

It made the journey a bit more bearable. Before that, even dozing off had been a struggle.

After what felt like an endless week, the journey finally ended.

My backside, now free from the torture, immediately got onto a carriage bound for the Duke’s estate in Yudenet.

The ride wasn’t much more comfortable, but at least I wasn’t confined to a cramped space for days on end like I was on the train.

However, what I couldn’t get used to was the cursed cold.

Already worn down by accumulated fatigue, my condition was worsening.

It was so cold that despite wearing a vest and a sweater under my coat, I couldn’t stop cursing internally.

“Am I crazy… It’s freaking freezing.”

Even inside the carriage, I was shivering so much that it felt like my body might give out.

Later, I found out that there was a different type of carriage equipped with heating, and that those who were sensitive to the cold or familiar with the climate only chose those.

“How was I supposed to know that!?”

It’s not like I could search for #BestPlacesToEatInVelon, #VelonWeather, or #HowToRideCarriagesInVelon on the internet like in modern times.

The journey was entirely dependent on the news, documents, and stories from other travelers.

By the time it was almost over, I was on the verge of tears.

I wanted to just lie down anywhere and say, “I can’t do this, I won’t do this, I refuse,” but I was an adult.

I had to do it, whether I liked it or not. I was the heir. I recalled the day I ended my life as Seongheon and became Jurgen.

I had to repay this favor somehow, considering I was saved from the fate of dying a bachelor ghost, having never even had a proper relationship because I was always helping with housework.

Ugh. I frowned as I looked out the window at the Grand Duke’s estate, which was getting closer.

Once I get there, I’ll beg and plead… I’ve prepared materials to persuasively argue for a delay in the repayment schedule for the dowry.

As long as the Duke doesn’t slam the door in my face, I might survive this ordeal.

“Ugh… But it’s just so damn cold.”

I suddenly felt a bad omen as my cheeks started to feel warm, like I was coming down with a cold.

“No, I can’t afford to lose my focus….”

I barely managed to shake my head to keep myself conscious.

When the carriage finally stopped in front of the massive gate, a servant came out to greet me as if they had been waiting.

I clicked my tongue at how the local servant, dressed even lighter than I was, didn’t seem bothered by the cold at all.

“If you had informed us in advance, we would have sent someone to pick you up from the station.”

The moment I struggled to pull my exhausted body out of the carriage and step onto the snow-swept ground, I saw a face I couldn’t read—Hernan’s.

I needed to apologize… but the thought alone was draining.

My body swayed as all my strength left me.

Someone caught me, pulling me into a firm embrace.

“I’m sorry…”

My tongue, twisted by the cold, barely managed to form the words when Hernan’s low voice fell over my head.

“Mr. Everdeen? Wait… You have a fever like this….”

A large, pale hand landed on my head, and it felt like the heat in my body was being sucked away, as if someone had placed a cold towel there.

A fresh yet warm scent began to thaw my frozen body bit by bit.

“So warm….”

I muttered unconsciously, and Hernan, seemingly flustered, held me without knowing what to do.

They say that when you’re really sick, you start seeing things.

Maybe that’s why Hernan’s cheek, which had looked like cold, clear ice, now seemed slightly flushed.

What kind of foolish thoughts am I having?

I can’t afford to be rude, so I need to get up quickly… but my body just wouldn’t obey.

I’m sorry. I feel like hitting myself for causing this trouble on top of my soon to be brother-in-law’s, but as my eyelids grew heavy, consciousness slipped away.

How much time had passed since I suddenly fainted in Hernan’s arms?

I woke with a start, jolted by the overly warm and cozy feeling.


As I let out a startled cry and opened my eyes wide, a servant hurriedly opened the door and rushed in, as if they had been passing by.

“Should I call a doctor for you right away, sir?”

I couldn’t cause that much trouble when I had come here to confess my sins and beg for forgiveness.

I immediately shook my head.

“No, I’m fine. I actually feel quite refreshed….”

Having to speak informally to a stranger just because of my status… The aristocracy is truly barbaric.

My rebellious nature flared up, but I quickly regained my composure.

“Where are my belongings?”

There wasn’t any time to waste. I needed to change into proper clothes and meet the Duke.

The embarrassment of being unknowingly dressed in pajamas passed quickly as I reminded myself why I was here.

“If you need anything, I’ll bring it to you right away.”

I roughly smoothed my disheveled hair and reached for the glasses someone had thoughtfully left beside me. My vision cleared, and my head felt sharper.

“Bring me indoor clothes. Nothing fancy, just a shirt and pants will do. I don’t need help dressing.”

If I didn’t refuse upfront, they’d naturally follow me all the way to the bath.

After preparing myself, I watched the servant head off to fetch my things and smacked my forehead.

If I could, I would have jumped out the window right then and there.

The gift bag I had brought was sitting by the bed.

Apparently, they thought the contents were too valuable for ordinary servants to handle because it was untouched.

The bag contained two things: the finest bath salts, made with wildflowers harvested from Nirvan’s vast plains and blended with hot spring salts, and wine.

The bath salts were a prized item from the Everdeen estate, typically supplied to the imperial family, and the wine was a specialty of Nirvan.

The Everdeen family receives a certain quantity of wine from the vineyards in their territory each year, and I had brought the finest 30-year-old bottle from my father’s wine cellar.

“It could fetch quite a price at auction, you know.”

Nirvan is famous for its tourism, so people don’t often think much of its wine, but it’s actually well-known among wine enthusiasts.

Since the yearly production is limited, it’s already rare, and with age, it becomes even more desirable.

Any noble with an interest in wine would be eager to get their hands on it.

Although the thought crossed my mind that selling this could be a better way to pay off debts, persuading Hernan first was the priority.

Even if Hernan didn’t particularly enjoy drinking, he wouldn’t be able to refuse this.

Since it was a drink from Nirvan, it could be useful later when entertaining high-ranking officials.

The clothes the servant brought soon were a shirt and cotton trousers made from Southern silk, a specialty of the region.

Unlike Northerners, who usually wore clothes made from leather, wool, or cotton, Southerners favored silk garments for their breathability and quick-drying properties.

Given how easily silk can be damaged, commoners often used a blended fabric of silk and cotton, but clothes without any silk weren’t considered formal attire.

It was as if the entire region took pride in their local specialty.

Seeing the servant subtly touch the fabric, it seemed he, too, had heard about Southern silk somewhere and was curious.

A strange region, a strange climate, and strange people.

All these factors were enough to make me feel small, but I had no choice but to muster up all the social skills I had and act shamelessly.

“Well, I suppose it’s time to go.”

It was time to apologize for my earlier rudeness and inform them about Berta’s disappearance.

“I’ve overcome even more oppressive situations than this.”

Even if you enter a tiger’s den, you can survive as long as you stay alert.

After taking a long, deep breath, I called the servant.

“Please check if the Duke is available for a visit now.”

Even though I was still just a young child, I had come here as the heir of the Everdeen family, so I had to maintain my composure even if I felt intimidated.

“Yes, I’ll deliver the message right away.”

How long had it been since the servant left in a hurried, quick step?

He soon returned with a stiff expression, impossible to read.

In the South, you could usually tell whether a situation was good or bad just by looking at someone’s face.

But Northerners believed that showing emotions meant revealing their weaknesses, and it seemed that was indeed the case.

“I will guide you to the drawing room.”

It seemed Hernan had granted permission for my visit.

The servant, whose short brown hair was neatly combed, led me to the drawing room.

How typical of a Northern castle.

The carpet that brushed against my shoes was much thicker than anything used in the South, and the walls were rugged without a single delicate decoration.

“Please, enter.”

Standing in front of the drawing room door under the servant’s guidance, I couldn’t help but swallow dryly at the sight of the luxurious curtain draped over the entrance.

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5 days ago

Dun, dun, duuuun! I’m nervous…

23 hours ago

here we go…

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