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RHFTY chapter 9

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Having passed through the village and arrived at the marketplace, Chaeyi stared at the back of Leonard’s head as he continued walking straight ahead.

He seemed to be in a hurry or perhaps angry about something. Chaeyi couldn’t figure out why Leonard was acting this way.

“Leo… is there something you want to buy? The market won’t disappear if you take it slow.”

“You don’t know anything, Chaeyi.”

Well, how would I know if you don’t tell me? I’m not a mind reader. he kept that thought to himself. Saying it out loud might make things worse. Anyway, he’ll eventually get over it on his own.

“You might get lost. Let’s go together.”

As Chaeyi grabbed Leonard’s hand, he paused momentarily, then displayed a more relaxed expression.


He was already feeling better.

Chaeyi chuckled and began exploring the bustling marketplace with Leonard.

While Leonard was engrossed in a performance by a wandering minstrel, Chaeyi took the opportunity to look around for something he wanted to buy.

‘I think it should be at a place that sells odds and ends.’

He scanned the display stands nearby and stopped in front of a store selling miscellaneous goods.

What he was looking for was tucked away in a corner of the display.

‘Found it.’

It was a “scent paper.”

Although it appeared to be just a plain white square, it was actually a special paper that changed color when it detected the pheromones of an Alpha or Omega.

For Alphas, it would turn to a monotone color.

For Omegas, it would display a variety of colors.

In particular, a dominant Alpha’s scent would turn the paper pitch black, while an Omega’s would become bright and colorful.

This paper was useful because it could identify not only the manifestation traits but also the precise genetic traits of the individual.

Noble families with Alpha and Omega children often used it to determine their children’s traits.

“Are you interested in scent paper, sir? I brought this from the capital recently.”

The merchant, noticing Chaeyi’s interest, started a conversation with a lively tone.

“Not many people outside the noble district look at scent paper… Do you have an acquaintance who might be a manifested one?”

Chaeyi responded to the merchant’s pointed question with a slight smile, avoiding a direct answer.

“I need it for something. Please give me one.”

“Yes! There are two sheets in this small box, and it’s usually priced at 3 cents, but I’ll give it to you for 2.5 cents.”

As Chaeyi had researched, the merchant was correct that the scent paper was usually priced at 3 cents.

Considering that the cost of living in this area was lower than in the capital, the discount was reasonable.

Still, it was quite expensive for just two sheets of single-use scent paper in a small box.

When compared to the price of regular high-quality paper, which was around 1.2 cents, it was certainly costly.

However, given that the primary users of scent paper were Alphas and Omegas, mostly from the noble class, it wasn’t surprising.


2.5 cents from Chaeyi’s wallet dropped into the merchant’s hand.

The merchant, rubbing his hands together, continued his flattering remarks until the transaction was completed.

“Chaeyi, what did you buy?”

Leonard, who had quietly approached Chaeyi, asked suddenly.

Before Chaeyi could answer, Leonard had already recognized the item.

“It’s scent paper.”

Leonard raised an eyebrow and looked at Chaeyi with a puzzled expression, as if questioning why he would buy something typically used by Alphas and Omegas.

Chaeyi rolled his eyes momentarily and gave a pre-planned excuse.

“In case you manifest someday. It’s good to have it in advance.”

However, Leonard still looked unconvinced.

The usual “manifestation period” was around 5-7 years old.

Being already 13, Leonard found the sudden mention of manifestation unconvincing.

‘If I didn’t know about future events, I wouldn’t believe it either.’

Though there were cases, Leonard’s late manifestation was undoubtedly unusual.

“Chaeyi, do you want me to manifest?”

Leonard, who had been sulking, suddenly asked in a quiet, murmured voice.

Chaeyi was taken aback.

It wasn’t just the question but the slightly resentful tone he used.

He had once expressed a desire to manifest, to take revenge on his family…

Chaeyi couldn’t help but find it puzzling.

However, the reason for Leonard’s question became clear with his next words.

“If I manifest… we might have to part ways.”

This cute little guy was expressing that he was more concerned about parting from Chaeyi than seeking revenge on his family.

That was quite significant.

Knowing what the ‘novel Leonard’ was originally like, Chaeyi felt the weight of his words even more.

‘He must have thought about this a lot.’

Since it was the first time Leonard expressed this sentiment, Chaeyi felt both surprised and happy.

But still…

“It’s not for me to decide. It’s up to you.”

If he chose to leave, he would let him go. If he chose to stay, he would be happy to be with him.

Even though he said that, knowing Leonard’s personality, the chances of him not leaving were low.

If he returned to his family and assumed the role of the sole dominant Alpha heir… the likelihood of him not being able to meet a common Beta like himself would be high.

Originally, they wouldn’t have interacted much.

Even if he volunteered to be his godmother, after his manifestation, Leonard would decide whether to maintain their relationship.

At one point, he intended to use their bond to maintain connections in times of emergency, but that was no longer the case. For Chaeyi and Leonard, that was essentially the end of their relationship.

Nevertheless, if that was the path Leonard wanted, he was willing to support him. Chaeyi had no intention of hindering Leonard’s decisions with his desires.


Leonard remained silent, deep in thought. With his little head, Chaeyi couldn’t fathom what he was contemplating.

‘I wonder how much I’ve saved by now.’

Thinking about the time after Leonard’s departure, he suddenly recalled.

To buy a house in the city and move, he would need at least 2,000 cents.

Eventually, when Chaeyi suggested they head back, Leonard quietly followed his.

Once they arrived home, Leonard hung his coat and scarf on the wall and went to wash up.

While Leonard was in the bath, Chaeyi decided to check the safe after a long time.

‘Hmm. I’ve saved quite a bit.’

Though depositing money in a bank would be safer, the nearest bank was in another city, so he had been keeping the money she’d saved since possessing this body in the safe.

The amount was quite substantial, thanks to his ability to sell materials obtained from defeating monsters in the forest with ease.

“So, you were planning to move alone. I was wondering why you hadn’t mentioned it.”

As he closed the safe door, Leonard’s voice startled Chaeyi.

He hadn’t said it aloud, so how did he know?

His low voice seemed to accuse his, as if his thoughts were apparent.

“I overheard you muttering the other day. You were saying it would be nice to move to a certain city or have a house that’s not too small.”

Though he couldn’t recall precisely when, it must have been when he was muttering to himself while reading a book about city living costs.

“You were already assuming I’d leave. I might not even manifest… liar.”

Leonard’s face was dark. He felt that Chaeyi wanted to send him away.

Otherwise, how could he have suddenly bought scent paper and not even mentioned his plans to move out?

Leonard didn’t know that Chaeyi had never even considered the possibility of living together because he was convinced he would leave once his manifestation occurred.

“Leo, it’s not like that… I just didn’t expect you to say something like that. That’s why I acted that way. If you decide to stay, let’s find a place where we both can live comfortably.”

Chaeyi spoke soothingly to Leonard.

The problem was that he didn’t realize his words were based on the premise that he would eventually leave, except for the ‘if that doesn’t happen’ scenario.

Leonard felt a bit hurt by this.

He wished Chaeyi would hold onto him more strongly.

Yet, he was no longer the little boy who was swayed and hurt all the time.

“Go ahead and try to sneak away. I’ll chase you to the ends of the earth.”

Even if he were to manifest and leave someday, he had no intention of leaving Chaeyi for good.

If Chaeyi ever tried, he would search the entire empire to find his.

Leonard was serious.

However, Chaeyi, thinking it was just a playful remark, simply responded without much thought.

“Sure, sure.”

As always, he gently patted his small head. Leonard, who had been quietly receiving the patting, looked up and added,

“Someday, I’ll be taller than you, Chaeyi.”

Chaeyi couldn’t hold back his laughter and chuckled.

To Chaeyi, unaware of Leonard’s true intentions, he was just an adorable little kid.

“Go ahead and try.”

As time passed, early spring arrived.

Finally, the day of Leonard’s manifestation came.

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