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RHFTY chapter 8

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After confirming that Leonard was still asleep, Chaeyi went out to the living room.

He put on several layers of outerwear to keep warm and opened the front door.

The ground was covered in a thick layer of snow, sparkling in the white light.

‘Wow, it’s a stunning sight.’

It was as if he were looking at a pristine canvas since there were no footprints from passing animals or people.

He was considering whether to leave his footprints on it when Leonard, seemingly awake now, rubbed his eyes and came into the living room.

“Chaeyi… what are you doing?”

“Oh, you’re awake? Look outside. A lot of snow fell overnight.”

Chaeyi took off one of his coats and draped it over Leonard, then pointed outside. Leonard’s eyes widened as he gazed out at the snow-covered landscape.

Soon, Chaeyi and Leonard stepped outside, leaving their footprints on the freshly fallen snow.

The crunching sound of snow under their feet lifted their spirits.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”


Chaeyi lightly blew the fog forming in his breath and looked off into the distance.

Leonard quietly gazed at Chaeyi’s profile.

Noticing Leonard’s gaze, Chaeyi raised an eyebrow as if asking what was wrong.

“What’s the matter?”

At that moment, Leonard’s eyes trembled slightly.

His startled gaze wandered briefly before calming down as if to say it was nothing.

He turned his head and looked away.


Chaeyi wondered if Leonard was hiding something again.

He discreetly observed Leonard, who seemed deep in thought as he slowly walked around, taking in the scenery.

Suddenly, an idea came to Chaeyi, and he crouched down to pack some snow into a ball.

“Leo, do you know how to have a snowball fight?”


Leonard turned his head, confused. Chaeyi, seizing the opportunity, threw the snowball at Leonard, hitting him on the shoulder before he could react.

Chaeyi burst into laughter. Leonard, who was initially caught off guard, soon began to pack snow into a ball as well.


He threw the snowball at Chaeyi, just as Chaeyi had done, but it missed its mark.

He tried again to hit Chaeyi, but Chaeyi easily dodged it and teased him with a laugh.

“Do you really think you can hit me with my five years of snowball fight experience?”

“Stop saying weird things….”

Determined, Leonard packed another snowball.

He carefully shaped it with his small hands and threw it again, but once again, Chaeyi dodged it with ease, laughing as he did so.

But in a moment of carelessness, he got hit on the back of the head.

“Ouch. Running around like this is tiring.”

“Chaeyi, you’ll catch a cold if you keep doing that.”

When Chaeyi lay down on the snow, Leonard crouched down beside him and scolded him.

Leonard’s way of scolding him with such proper words at times like this made him seem mature and cute at the same time.

Chaeyi grinned mischievously.

“Rolling around in the snow feels so good. Come on, you should try it too.”

Leonard sighed deeply and shook his head, but before he could react, Chaeyi grabbed him and rolled him over in the snow.

They tumbled together, ending up lying side by side, and Chaeyi let out a hearty laugh.

Though Leonard initially widened his eyes in surprise, he soon pouted but didn’t seem to mind.

He lay there quietly, gazing up at the sky.

“How is it? Feels good, right?”

Chaeyi asked softly, turning to look at Leonard.

“…Yeah, it’s nice.”

Leonard replied in a low voice.

That day, the two of them ended up catching a nasty cold from playing in the snow.

Chaeyi got scolded by Leonard, who said he knew this would happen, and when they went to the monastery for medicine, they got scolded again for coming in with a cold after having just been treated for injuries the day before.

But despite it all, Chaeyi was satisfied that he had created yet another unforgettable memory with Leonard.

‘We’ll have to make lots more memories like this.’

Until the time comes when they must part ways.

And so, four years had passed since he first met Leonard.

That year, winter arrived once again with its cold northern winds.

Four years.

It had already been four years since I started living with Leonard.

Now, only a few months were left until the fifth year.

Thanks to the good care and regular meals, Leonard, who had been shorter than his peers, had grown significantly and was now of average height.

The saying that children grow up quickly really was true.

“It’s snowing.”

Leonard, who had woken up early and was sipping warm tea while looking outside, muttered to himself.

The sight was picture-perfect. Leonard, who had finally turned thirteen this year, was becoming more handsome with each passing day.

He had always been good-looking, but now he was the epitome of someone who grows more attractive as they age.

Of course, since Chaeyi had seen that face so often, it didn’t make much of an impression anymore.

After lighting the fireplace, Chaeyi glanced out the window as well.

Suddenly, memories from this time four years ago came to mind.

“It was around this time that you got hurt by a monster, wasn’t it?”


“You were so much smaller and more delicate back then. How did our Leo grow up so much?”

Chaeyi playfully rubbed Leonard’s cheeks with the palms of his hands.

Leonard frowned and rolled his eyes at Chaeyi’s teasing, as if he were treating him like a little child.

“…Sometimes, you’re like an old man, Chaeyi.”

“Am I?”

Chaeyi laughed playfully and then patted Leonard’s head.

“Keep growing like this.”

Feeling the warmth spreading through his rosy cheeks, Leonard suddenly looked back at Chaeyi.

“When are we going to the market today?”

“Oh, I was just about to go.”

I need to buy a few things anyway.

“I want to go too.”

“Really? Then get ready to go.”

As Chaeyi patted his back, Leonard quickly put down his teacup, got up, and put on his outerwear.

As usual, he wrapped the scarf that Chaeyi had knitted around his neck.

Despite being worn and frayed from long use, Leonard still cherished it like a precious treasure. But seeing it made Chaeyi feel a bit uneasy.

After all, it was a poorly made, crooked, and shabby scarf.

“Should we get you a new scarf?”

Chaeyi subtly checked the condition of the scarf and brought up the idea again, just as he had before….


It wasn’t going to be easy.

“I like this one.”

Leonard’s voice lowered in a warning tone, and he glared fiercely.

It wasn’t like Chaeyi had suggested throwing the scarf away, but Leonard clutched it tightly as if he’d heard something like that.

Chaeyi squinted at him.


“No. I like the one you made, Chaeyi.”


Who knows where this stubbornness and attachment come from?

As Leonard grew older, those traits became more apparent.

Maybe it was the onset of adolescence. Of course, Chaeyi was grateful that Leonard cherished the old, frayed scarf so much, but….

‘I should practice my knitting.’

Still, Chaeyi’s desire to provide Leonard with the best prompted him to think about knitting a new scarf soon.

But just as they were leaving the house and heading down to the village….

Leonard, who had been quietly following behind, hesitated before speaking up.

“…Chaeyi, can I ask you something?”


“Can I hold your hand?”

Chaeyi turned around. Leonard’s cheeks were rosier than usual, probably due to the cold.

Without hesitation, Chaeyi took Leonard’s hand and smiled nonchalantly.

“Why ask for permission all of a sudden?”

As Leonard gazed at Chaeyi’s smile, he held on tightly and lowered his gaze.

Something flickered in his expression amidst the misty breath, but Chaeyi didn’t notice.

“Are you two going down to the market?”

At that moment, as they were walking through the farmlands to reach the market from the forest, an old woman who recognized them called out warmly.

She was the same woman who had once revealed Chaeyi’s true identity to Leonard.

There had been some tension between them after that, but over time, her watchful eyes had softened, and now they exchanged friendly greetings.

Seeing Leonard and Chaeyi living well together over the years seemed to have changed her mind.

In fact, she now had a favorable opinion of Chaeyi.

She believed that Chaeyi had repented and turned away from his past misdeeds.

Plus, Chaeyi was polite, fit, and handsome. There was no reason to dislike him if he wasn’t involved in anything bad.

“Lachini. Have you been well?”

“Oh, yes, yes.”

When Chaeyi bowed, the old woman, Lachini, waved her hand and naturally continued the conversation.

“Chaeyi, you’re getting more handsome by the day… and look at how well you take care of yourself.”

“Lachini, you still look young and healthy. And you’re as beautiful as ever.”

“Oh my, you!”

Lachini smiled proudly at Chaeyi’s flattering words, a smile reminiscent of the youthful emotions she once had.

Leonard, who seemed annoyed by this, glared at the two, but the two were engrossed in conversation.

“Chaeyi, you’re at the age where you should be getting married. Isn’t there anyone interested in you?”

“Hmm. I’m not sure yet.”

“If you don’t mind, how about meeting my granddaughter….”

As Chaeyi scratched his head, Lachini tried to set him up with her granddaughter. But Leonard, quick to catch on, urged Chaeyi to leave before the conversation could continue.

“Chaeyi! Hurry up!”

“Wait… Ah, alright!”

“Oh dear….”

In the end, Lachini’s attempt failed again, and she could only wave at them with a hint of disappointment.

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4 days ago

It looks interesting

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