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GTLTGIDES chapter 10

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Smack, smack, smack!

The sound, like a movie sound effect, kept resounding.

Eunsoo was staggering, clutching his hat, swaying like a scarecrow in a storm each time he got slapped.

The moment I saw and recognized what was happening, sparks flew before my eyes.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!”

Even as I shouted, the man continued to slap Eunsoo’s face.


Luckily, the man’s unfocused eyes turned to me in the next moment. But he still had Eunsoo by the collar.

“Who are you? Don’t play the hero and get lost while I’m being nice.”

“You better let him go. That’s a warning.”

“And who are you to tell me what to do?!”

Fighting this man wouldn’t end well.

He was much bigger than Yang Heewoon’s body, and even if he was smaller, ‘Yang Heewoon was clearly weaker.

“I’m with the Esper Management Bureau.”

I immediately pulled out my ID and shoved it in his face, conveniently covering the part that said “B Grade Guide.”

The man’s expression changed instantly as he confirmed my ID.

“Special A Team…? No way, the team with those S-Class Espers…?”

There was no need for me to say or do anything more. The man let go of Eunsoo, hurriedly gathered his things, and ran away at an incredible speed.

“Thank you…”

Eunsoo bowed his head towards me as I put away my ID.

I almost cursed out loud out of sheer frustration. I consciously took a deep breath.

I needed to act like an adult.

“Make sure to report this to the police. There should be CCTV installed. These days, even with a hat and mask on, Espers can quickly identify the culprit.”

“No, it’s fine. I don’t want to make a big deal out of it.”


“Really, it’s fine. Thank you, customer.”

Saying it’s fine probably doesn’t mean this incident didn’t bother him. He’s likely worried about losing his refuge if things escalate.

Knowing how important this place is to Eunsoo, I understand his feelings, but… deep inside, I can’t help but feel anger at his choice.

‘Ah… this kid… why are you making me so upset… really.’

Up close, Eunsoo looked even more pitiful.

His cheeks, pale from lack of sunlight, were now red and swollen with clear handprints.

‘This is so heartbreaking…’

Seeing his condition made my chest tighten and tears welled up in my eyes.

That damned bastard. Just because the kid wore a hat, was there a need to beat him like this?

What’s so wrong about wearing a hat that you’d hit a kid who doesn’t even resist…

I couldn’t hold back. Tears burst forth, and I had to turn away from Eunsoo.

He wouldn’t see them because of his hat, but still…

‘That bastard… how dare he hit my kid…’

I wanted to chase after the guy who ran off and kick him in the head until he was a pulp.

But I’m just a guide. Physically, I’m no different from an ordinary person.

Moreover, Yang Heewoon’s body is frail and barely functioning. Even if I fought seriously, I’d probably just get beaten up.

In the worst case, I could collapse and die from a sudden cardiac arrest.

‘This is so frustrating… If I had to possess someone, why couldn’t it be one of those three…’

Whether I could exert force privately is not the issue. Espers with offensive abilities are typically field agents. They have the authority to arrest various criminals. Especially S-Class ones, no question.

But guides are generally non-field agents. Me, with little experience, certainly has no arrest authority.

Even though it was an active crime scene, I had to let him go…

“I’m fine. Customer, please come here. I’ll ring you up.”

Despite everything, Eunsoo began to work. The customers, who had been scared and just watching, hesitantly approached to pay.

‘Those people just watched you get beaten and now you’re helping them…’

I felt a surge of anger and retreated to a corner of the convenience store. I covered my face with both hands and took deep breaths.

Only after all the customers had left could I lift my head.

Crying out of frustration wouldn’t help. It’s not going to solve anything. Maybe Eunsoo is right. In times like these, doing what we normally do is best.

I decided to act. I went to the shelf with emergency supplies and grabbed some medicine and a bunch of food.

“Would you like me to bag these?”

“No. They’re all for you anyway.”


“Just take them. Please, just accept them. If you don’t, I’ll report that bastard. So, take them, use them, and eat.”

I shouldn’t be speaking to a kid like I’m threatening him.

But my chest was tight, and my head was pounding. I couldn’t control myself.

Without saying anything more, I rushed out of the convenience store. I hadn’t taken more than five steps before I couldn’t hold back my anger anymore.

“That fucking bastard, I’m going to kill him!”

I was full of determination, but I was powerless.

The guy who harassed Eunsoo wasn’t a character from the original work, “Cheongawool.”

I spent the entire night trying to figure out who he was, going over the original work, but nothing came to mind.

How could an ordinary reader like me know an extra or even a minor character? Maybe even the author wouldn’t know.

Time passed fruitlessly, and the morning sun rose.

I got up, having not slept a wink, and headed to the Management Bureau.

“What the… what are you doing here? You never come unless you’re called. Do you have something you need to do?”

As soon as I entered the Special A Team office, Rex awkwardly stood up.

Maybe he instinctively sensed that I came voluntarily to cause trouble, like yesterday.

Anyway, his familiar face was a relief. For the first time, I was glad to see that big guy.

If it had been Elliot or Cha Junseong, my visit might have been pointless.

“Oh, right. Hello, Yang Heewoon.”

I briefly smiled at Rex’s awkward wave, but my mood quickly soured again.

“Rex, do I have access to civilian data?”

“Why would you? It’s a miracle you’re even on our team with your lack of skills and experience.”

“And you?”

“Of course I…!”

Rex began to boast but changed his expression when he saw my face.

“Did you… cry?”


“Is it something to be proud of? What’s so great about a grown man crying? What happened?”

“…Do you have access to civilian data?”

Ignoring Rex’s question, I repeated mine.

“Answer my question, please.”

“Yes, I do! Now you answer!”

“It’s just…”

I’m upset because I saw Eunsoo being beaten so horribly, and it broke my heart.

I’m angry at this harsh world that treats a young kid so cruelly.

And I’m frustrated and pathetic because I can’t help him properly…

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

If I even uttered a single word about my current emotions, it felt like I would collapse.

I had a foreboding feeling.

“May I ask you to do a search for me?”

“Wow, you’re really pushing it today. Asking politely but it feels like a demand, doesn’t it?”

“A man, in his late 30s to mid-40s. He had unkempt hair, so he might be unemployed or working from home. Residence……”

Rex clicked his tongue in disbelief but didn’t let it bother him.

I recited the specific details about the man that I had thought of throughout the night.

Reflecting calmly on yesterday’s memories, I remembered something else.

The smell of the convenience store when the man had made a purchase.

“He might also be an alcoholic.”

“Damn it. You never listen, do you?”

In a situation like this, Elliot would have dragged things out, making guesses and probing me for information.

Cha Junseong would have interrogated me with a fierce gaze to extract the details.

But Rex was just a simple guy.

Despite grumbling, he eventually listened to me.

“Hey, a few came up.”

I peered over Rex’s shoulder at the screen. A few faces flashed by, and I brightened up.

‘That’s him.’

I was certain.

Even though I had only seen him once, I had been fixated on those eyes, those dazed eyes I had glimpsed briefly throughout the early morning.

My fists clenched tightly the moment I saw him. I had to restrain myself from punching the screen.


“This is the guy? So why are you looking for him?”

I turned on the device and transcribed the details about him.

Step one was clear.

Next, I needed someone to help me.

“Rex, is there any way I can hire you?”

“What? Getting cocky, aren’t we?”

Rex was basically a moody person.

He had been accommodating so far because he was in a good mood from hearing me say “I like you” yesterday.

He enjoyed receiving favors.

But if I crossed the line, his attitude would change in an instant.

How should I persuade him?

‘Can’t think of anything……’

Every time I tried to think of something, all that came to mind was Eunsoo’s flushed red cheeks.

I pressed my chest hard to hold back tears.

“I’ll do anything.”


“Except paying money.”

Money was out of the question.

Even if I wanted to, I didn’t have any to give.

Rex let out a sound of exasperation, as if he couldn’t believe it.

“Hey, do I look like someone who’s desperate for money?”

“Uh, handing over my life or organs on the spot would be difficult too.”

“Damn it. What kind of nonsense is that! What image of me do you have?”

“Please help me, Rex.”

I closed my eyes.

I truly felt powerless. I didn’t want to rely on others.

Especially not Eunsoo; I wanted to help his with my own hands…… but all I could do was ask others for help.

“Please help me……”

After a moment of grumbling, Rex suddenly fell silent.

Then, out of the blue, he said something unexpected.

“Your expression…… it looks a bit lewd.”


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1 month ago


1 month ago

Um, Mr. Yang that Rex person seems kinda weird like a pervert. I advice you to ran away from him🏃🏻‍♂️ 💨

26 days ago


26 days ago


10 days ago

Huh…. YH get outta here this guy’s crazy

7 days ago

😭😭 This is really funny.

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