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How an Omega Villain Survive chapter 24

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“Here it is.”

Henry took the pouch that Hook offered and felt it in his hand. Even without opening it, he could tell by the hard and flat objects inside.

“You’ve done well.”

Since he had obtained everything, Henry nodded to Sir Teher without hesitation. Sir Teher then tossed the remaining payment he had promised. The pouch made a small arc before landing heavily in Hook’s hand.

Like Henry, Hook didn’t bother opening the pouch, instead gauging the amount by feeling it, and whistled as he tucked it away.

The deal was done, and their business concluded. Henry cHookled at the sight of Hook’s belly protruding from the pouch inside his coat.

“Any other jobs?”

“Well, that’s a personal matter, so it’s hard to answer.”

Hook scratched the back of his head, still wearing his hat. That action made him seem more naive, but it also provided a convenient excuse for his vague response.

After all, Henry had overstepped into someone else’s business territory. Even as he apologized, Henry explained why he had asked.

“If you don’t have anything else going on, why don’t you come with us?”

“Is that an assignment?”

“Not exactly, but I figured it would be useful in various ways if you joined us.”

“Thank you for treating me as a valuable item.”

Hook smiled brightly, showing no signs of being offended.

However, his lack of a straightforward answer was as good as a polite refusal.

As Henry waited in silence, Hook finally sighed and lowered his head.

“Staying with you the whole time would be difficult, but I can check in occasionally.”

“That’s not because of me, is it?”

“The more time I spend with a generous customer, the more I benefit. But I have personal matters to attend to.”

When Hook pulled his hat down, it hid his eyes.

Although Henry couldn’t see part of his expression, the way Hook’s usual smile straightened into a tight line conveyed his feelings.

“Hook’s personal matters…”

Henry nodded slowly as he recalled the information he knew about Hook.

Since the story didn’t delve deeply into the side character’s personal life, Henry didn’t know everything.

But he guessed it probably had to do with Hook’s status.

“There’s nothing to be done. But since you’ve brought the red thread, I’ll call on you whenever I need you.”

“Feel free to use my services anytime.”

Hook exaggeratedly bowed, then suddenly raised a finger.

“Ah, there’s a major conflict brewing not far from here. It seems they’re already jostling over the treasure, so I hope you don’t get caught up in it.”

Even though the location was still a fair distance away, the fact that there was already tension suggested the treasure’s influence was extensive.

“That’s good information.”

Especially for Henry, who had somewhere else to be tonight. Hook probably guessed Henry’s intentions through the items he had acquired, which was why he shared the tip.

After Hook left, Henry immediately summoned Sir Teher.

“Would it be possible for just the two of us to quietly leave tonight?”

“I’ll make preparations.”

Sir Teher bowed without question and left the room. He followed Henry’s wishes but didn’t seem annoyed.

If Henry had suggested going alone, Teher would have been concerned, but since they were going together, he showed no further objections.

Henry smiled and relaxed on the bed, placing his hands behind his head.

“I knew bringing him along was the right choice.”

“Planning to sneak out?”

The voice that interrupted Henry’s relaxation made him tense up instantly.

He jumped up from the soft bed that had been supporting him just moments ago and saw Edwin standing in the doorway, blocking the exit.

He had suddenly disappeared from in front of the inn earlier, and Henry had wondered where he had gone.

Now, with a sheepish tone, Henry asked,

“You heard?”

“You do realize who would be held responsible if you act on your own, right?”


Only if something goes wrong. Henry had genuinely intended to sneak out quietly.

If he planned to tell Crown Prince William, there would be no need to sneak out at night.

Whether Edwin understood Henry’s reasoning or not, he remained strict.

“If it’s something you can’t confidently explain to His Highness, it’s best not to do it.”

“Can’t I just slip out quietly?”

“Even if I hadn’t known, now that I do, I can’t pretend I don’t.”

Henry felt a brief illusion that Edwin had erected a barrier around himself. If he hadn’t been caught, he might have managed to leave.

Henry bit his lower lip, pondering how to deal with Edwin. As if reading his thoughts, Edwin didn’t relent.

“Really, how shortsighted. Even if you hadn’t been caught now, since we share the same room, you wouldn’t have escaped my notice. How did you think you’d leave without me knowing?”

“Well, I was going to wait until you were asleep.”

“It’s impressive how foolish that sounds. Anyway, since His Highness has just arrived…”

“Want to come along?”


At this point, there was no other choice. Henry had to go out tonight, no matter what, and there was no way William could find out about his movements.

So, Henry decided to turn Edwin into an ally with a tempting offer.

“I’ll take you with me if you keep it a secret from His Highness.”

Henry’s teasing whisper wrapped softly around Edwin’s ear.

Two men’s shadows emerged in a dark alley. The silence of their steps made the sound of their clothes brushing together seem louder.

The slender man in front bit his lower lip multiple times, exhaling through both sides of his mouth to suppress his ragged breathing.

The man following behind, despite having to stay on guard, showed no signs of faltering in his steps.

“Should we take a short break?”

The slender man’s soft voice reached the man on guard, who gave a small nod.

Although he didn’t let his guard down, simply standing still was less exhausting than walking.

Since this was an area with poor security, both Henry and Sir Teher were more on edge than usual, making even a short walk quite taxing.

Even now, people were watching Henry and Sir Teher from various corners, their greedy eyes openly coveting the pouches the two men carried as they ventured into the alley.

“Let’s go.”

Henry gave Sir Teher an apologetic look before resuming his steps. Just then, someone blocked Henry’s path.

The man was tall, like Henry, with his head wrapped tightly in a coat, making him seem imposing.

“This way.”

Henry immediately recognized the familiar voice, despite not being able to see the man’s face, and turned in the direction the man pointed. With the man leading the way and carefully scanning for danger, Henry followed, watching him with a strange expression.

‘My father used to treat other people’s children as armor…’

Though unintentional, Henry was indeed using Edwin as a shield. Edwin, however, was leading because it was safer that way, not because Henry insisted.

In any case, with Edwin joining him, Henry now had the unexpected protection of two formidable companions.

“By the way…”

Henry poked Edwin’s back as he initiated a conversation.

Edwin’s pheromones flared, as if irritated by being spoken to while they were still in a danger zone.

“Even though you said we should go together, I didn’t expect you to agree so easily. What’s the reason?”

“You can ask me that later.”

“What am I supposed to do with my curiosity?”

Moreover, having walked continuously, he was getting restless.

Although all he could see was Edwin’s back, Henry stared intently at it, as if trying to gauge his emotions.

Though all he could really tell was that Edwin’s back was broad and solid.

“It’s unlike you.”


Henry tilted his head in confusion, not immediately understanding.

“Lately, you don’t seem like yourself. The Edwin I’ve known since childhood wouldn’t have secretly devised a plan to sneak out… It’s something the old you would never have even imagined.”

“How could anyone remain the same forever?”

Since it was true that he had changed, Henry didn’t dwell on comparing the past with the present. It was long past the time for such surprises.

“Is that the only reason?”

“So you’re curious about what I’m going to do?”

“Is that why you agreed to come along on the condition that you wouldn’t tell His Highness? What’s your thought now?”

“I don’t know.”

Edwin, unable to discern what Henry was thinking or where he intended to go, admitted his uncertainty.

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19 days ago

The novel is wonderful

19 days ago

It looks interesting

19 days ago

The novel is wonderful It sounds exciting and weird

7 days ago

Thanks Translator-nim 🥰

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