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Due to Moon festival, some novels will not have any updates of new chapters between Sept. 17-19, 2024!

OMJFWTRAA chapter 2

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Siela, the former capital located in the southern part of the Orbis Empire, remains a bustling city due to its beautiful and prosperous lands that thrived during its heyday as the empire’s hub.

Among Siela’s many famed attractions, the most notable is Saint Ricerta Academy, affiliated with the temple.

The Holy Knights, who uphold the doctrine and order under the Pope’s command, are almost all alumni of this school.

Siela wasn’t the ideal location for an academy. It was close to the Papal States and long dominated by prestigious families, making it hard to secure the vast lands needed for the academy.

Nevertheless, the establishment of Saint Ricerta Academy in Siela was also a symbol of the temple’s mockery and provocation towards the imperial family.

The presence of an institution symbolizing the temple’s power in the empire’s proud old capital was enough to offend the conservative nobles.

It was no exaggeration to say that this almost sparked a civil war between the empire and the Papal States.

Despite this complex history, the weather on the academy’s entrance ceremony day was clear and sunny, befitting a city known for its gentle and pleasant living conditions.

Although Saint Ricerta Academy was not exclusive to nobles, the immense tuition fees made it difficult for anyone outside a certain class to afford.

Thus, the institution’s mission to educate those dedicated to the great god and the empire was practically a facade.

In reality, the academy was more like a small social circle where wealthy commoners who had made some money and now needed status and connections, or the siblings and collateral descendants of noble families, engaged in an invisible war at every moment.

In this place where every small incident became gossip, the biggest topic that day was the entrance of Pierre Gratiel de Lazurblanc, the heir to the empire’s only ducal family.

Pierre was the sole legitimate heir of the Duke’s lineage, which traditionally had few offspring.

His mother, the Duchess, was also the current emperor’s sister, making him the most distinguished young noble after the crown prince.

His enrollment in the academy, particularly in the knight department that trained the Pope’s army, became a major issue not just within the school but throughout the noble society.

Speculations ranged from the duke’s family siding with the temple to check the imperial family to the notion that they had finally rid themselves of their notorious heir.

Depending on which was true, the political landscape surrounding the empire could shift dramatically.

People addicted to gossip flocked to the chapel where the entrance ceremony was held, hoping to catch a glimpse of the famous young duke.

The ceremony that year was unusually crowded, with teachers, current students, and even school staff craning their necks. However, those who came out of curiosity were surprised by something else entirely.

The high-ceilinged chapel echoed even the smallest whispers mysteriously.

The interior, contrasting the bright outside, was filled with a heavy darkness, where even floating dust particles sparkled, creating a solemn and sacred atmosphere through the fragmented sunlight filtering in.

Among the tense new students dressed uniformly, there he stood, under the majestic statue of the God, Orthea.

His hair, reflecting light with a dazzling sheen, resembled finely spun silver threads.

His deep, intense eyes fell in a gentle slope, and his lowered lashes accentuated his noble gaze, making it hard to meet his eyes directly.

His high-bridged nose and firmly closed lips formed a perfect harmony with his features, drawing attention and adding an arrogant impression.

His tall stature, broad shoulders, and well-developed physique exuded a noble yet intimidating aura.

Yet, the sharpness of his cheekbones and strong jawline evoked a strange feeling of wanting to care for him despite his forbidding presence.

Pierre Gratiel de Lazurblanc was an incredibly handsome young man, like an angel sent to convey the will of the gods, though his inner nature seemed irredeemable.

Aina swallowed yet another sigh. Assigned the task of securing a marriage vow from the young duke, he had followed him to the school but felt overwhelmed before even starting.

Having never glimpsed his fiancΓ© before, he was surprised to be in the same place and see him in person. He looked more decent than he imagined, but that thought was fleeting.

As expected, Pierre ignored everyone approaching him all day.

He treated them as if they were air, completely disregarding them.

Aina had observed him throughout the long speeches and deduced that those trying to talk to him felt humiliated.

He remained calmly seated, his eyes lowered, seeming like the only devout student attentively listening to the speaker.

But Aina knew better than anyone that he wasn’t a sincere person.

During his time in the capital, Aina had frequently visited the temple blessed by the Duke’s family, hoping to meet his fiancΓ©.

But despite the bad reputation of the young duke, Pierre never set foot in the temple during the six months their families discussed marriage.

Thus, the grandeur of the chapel today was merely an illusion created by his appearance.

The Reinhard family was formidable. Had his fiancΓ© been anyone else, he would have long been married and possibly even had an heir by now.

The Reinhards had become intensely driven, pursuing their goals with meticulous calculation and persistence.

Now, Aina had to face this iron fortress alone.

His family had suggested using force to secure the vow if necessary, but Aina preferred a more peaceful approach. He aimed to become friends with the notorious young duke while studying how to be a Knight, his long-held dream.

Despite hearing much about Pierre’s bad reputation, he hoped the knight academy’s emphasis on a pure lifestyle might reform him somewhat.

He didn’t know much about romantic feelings as depicted in novels, lacking experience with a love interest.

To Aina, a spouse was a partner to lead the family with, someone to respect and strive for mutual benefit.

That’s why he left all the weapons, restraints, and mysterious potions Ines had packed for him behind.

Using force for a temporary victory was foolish, and Pierre didn’t seem like someone to be subdued by fighting.

Aina had come with the intention of slowly building a good relationship with him. But seeing how he treated those approaching him, he doubted his chances.

As he pondered his strategy while gazing at Pierre’s perfect silhouette, he suddenly moved quietly.

The gaze that lightly skimmed the tips of his toes slowly shifted diagonally toward the boy in the back.

The eyelids, which had been lowered without reacting to anyone, were barely lifted.


It was unclear how long they had locked eyes. It was a considerable amount of time for a first meeting, but even from a not-so-close distance, a glimmer was visible in his silvery-gray eyes.

His slightly widened eyes, which looked surprised, stared intently at Aina without blinking.

For a moment, caught in the gaze they finally met, Aina smiled slightly, thinking about making a good first impression. His eyes, reflecting the sunset’s hue, half-closed, and his lips curved into a smooth, graceful line.

His dark hair combined with her somewhat sharp features created a bright expression that anyone would find charming. It was the lovely smile Ines had praised.

However, it seemed that the young duke, who had been surrounded by beautiful things, was not impressed.

As soon as he saw Aina’s smile, he scrunched his face in disdain and abruptly turned his head away.

……Honestly, it hurt.

It felt awkward, and although he had endured countless rejections by thinking of his struggling family, being blatantly disregarded like this was deeply upsetting.

Aina also had a beauty that was a source of pride for his family and the local people. He was popular among relatives and not disliked in social circles, but his fiancΓ©, whom he should have impressed, was entirely unresponsive.

Another realization came from his ruthless behavior.

β€˜He recognized my face.’

The shocked expression upon seeing Aina and the calculated smile, combined with the coldness he showed, confirmed it.

After all, his family had sent countless portraits of himself to the Duke’s family, trying to win them over with his looks.

Pierre had grown fed up with this detestable fiancΓ© who had even followed him to his Academy.

From the very beginning, he had only encountered clear hostility, and there were no signs that things would improve. Aina couldn’t hold back the sigh that burst forth this time.

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1 month ago

Thanks for the update

1 month ago

Thanks for the update

29 days ago

AINAAAAA! CASATE CONMIGO! deja a ese feo huevo cocido

24 days ago

Ohh so our Mc, Aina, is the dark-haired uke on the cover. I see

19 days ago


14 days ago

I like the mc 😍

8 days ago

thx for the update!! and poor aina he’s just trying to say hello to his spouse πŸ™

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