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10 rules of a Secretary chapter 20

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When I first heard it, I thought he was crazy, but later I understood.

In this context, “I missed you” meant he was disappointed that he didn’t have me around to easily boss around.

I moved my hand toward his disheveled shirt buttons and spoke.

“Yes, me too.”

Nonsense should be met with nonsense.

As I glanced at CEO Han, still half-asleep and floundering, I buttoned up his shirt meticulously.

What a mess.

Why was he unbuttoning it again?

As I grumbled inwardly and moved my fingers, my gaze nearly caught on his firm chest muscles glimpsed through the white shirt, but I managed to avert my eyes.

I envied his well-built body.

“Did you stay at the office all night?”

“Secretary Seonyul.”


In response to my answer, he made a dismissive gesture for no apparent reason.

As I looked at his smooth, white hand, I let out an involuntary “Ah.”

This made one of CEO Han’s eyebrows shoot up, a sign of irritation. The sleep that had filled his face moments ago was gone.

Feeling a pang of regret for the good times gone by, I looked into his face and then slowly stood up.

My legs were numb from crouching for so long, but I didn’t let it show.

“There’s nothing today.”

“Why don’t you say you gave it all to the cats again?”

“…It wasn’t a cat this time, but a person.”

Saying this, I stood silently in front of the sighing CEO Han.

He took a deep breath, covering his eyes, and exhaled.

His back, hunched like an animal, rose dramatically and then settled down.

“Damn, what am I supposed to do with this…?”

Pretending not to hear it was a secretary’s virtue.

I deliberately counted the wallpaper patterns behind him while waiting for his next words.

When he raised his head again, his eyes were as sharp and cold as I always knew them to be.

“Get out.”

“Yes. Ah, and regarding the matter you mentioned four days ago, I’ve organized it and placed it on your desk. I’d like to give you additional explanations, so please call me when you’re ready.”

After finishing my report, the man in front of me looked at me blankly.

His eyes, staring without blinking, made it difficult to understand what he was thinking.

His slightly narrowed pupils looked like those of a predator about to hunt.

My breath tightened. Instinctively, I quickly reviewed if I had done anything wrong.

No matter how much I thought, there was nothing specific.

A bitter smile curled on CEO Han’s lips as he opened his mouth.

“Your lover must have been quite passionate last night. Leaving marks in visible places.”

Only then did I realize his gaze was on my neck.

I reached up to touch the bite mark left by Cha Chiyeon the night before.

I should have covered it up; this was indeed my fault.

Although his comment about my lover being passionate annoyed me, I didn’t feel the need to explain, so I just roughly agreed.

“In bed, he’s particularly wild. I prefer it gentle, though.”

“Secretary Seonyul, stop with the cuteness. You might lose a hand.”

“Does that come with extra pay?”

As I blinked at him blankly, CEO Han grabbed my arm and pulled it down.

Then he traced the wound on my neck with his fingers.

The scab made the touch feel a bit dull.

“You seem to be getting overly greedy for extra pay.”

He pressed the wound hard with his fingernail, making it sting sharply.

“Did you really have a passionate night?”

His eyes, gleaming like those of a beast, were fixed on me.

Watching his pupils narrow like a hunting dog tracking its prey, I held my breath.

I tried to pull my arm away but hesitated and stiffened.

I recalled how he once broke a subordinate’s molar with his bare fists for disobeying orders.

The pressure increased gradually, causing sharp pain. It hurt enough to make tears well up.

“Ugh… No… No, I’m sorry…”

Quick apologies were the best strategy. I immediately bowed my head and apologized.

“I’m sorry for causing you concern. I’ll take care of it right away.”

My shoulders stung. I didn’t dare check and kept my eyes lowered, showing a submissive posture.

“I’m sorry, CEO.”

I expected a scolding about always maintaining a neat appearance since a secretary reflects their boss, but CEO Han silently stood up.

I looked up to see him moving towards the small bedroom without a word. I could hear his tired sighs clearly. I watched his back until I heard the door slam shut, then finally stood up.


Despite having numerous lovers, he would always throw a fit over any mark on my body, regardless of the truth.

I took a deep breath, roughly raked my hair back, and closed my eyes lightly.

Patience is a virtue. I needed to endure.

The person who pays has no faults.

Money is powerful.

I had to repay the principal this month too.

Thinking this calmed me a bit.

I opened my eyes and tidied up the messy sofa, reflecting on my duties.

Pondering over what clothes he should wear today, I went into the temporary dressing room in the office, chose a suit and accessories, and hung them neatly on the hanger next to the bedroom.

Exactly one hour later, CEO Han called for me.

When I opened the door to his office, I saw him sitting with his back to the sun-filled window.

Instead of the neat clothes I had prepared, he was wearing a blue Glen check three-piece suit.

Even the tie pin was not what I had chosen. It seemed he was quite upset.

He glanced at me as I entered, then propped his chin on his hand and placed the paper he was reading on the desk.

It was my report.

“Neither your face nor your voice works. How am I supposed to close the deal then?”

“I’ll agree to the contract. If it’s not necessary for this specific model… I’ll try to scout someone else.”

That would be even better.

If he gave up here, I swore I would become the perfect doormat, even more so than now.

But CEO Han completely dismissed my resolve.

“Let’s meet them and then decide.”

He said irritably, flipping through the report I submitted, then tapping a part in the middle with his fingertip.

Why give me hope just to mess with me?

Why does he insist on this model?

With just a flick of his finger, he could hire models or celebrities worth billions, yet he insists on an unknown model.

As a common citizen, it was hard to understand. I listened carefully to CEO Han’s words with a glare.

“Why is the amount blank?”

“He said he’ll take whatever you offer.”

“Did he have no pride? What if I offer 10 won? How can he say that with such ambition?”

Even though his words weren’t directed at me, I felt a pang in my stomach.

The statement “take whatever you offer” meant I couldn’t dare decide my worth.

Cha Chiyeon told me to boldly write 1 billion, but it wasn’t as easy as it sounded.

Ordinary people tend to miss big opportunities and struggle with them.

“Is he not confident in himself? Or is his face horribly ugly?”

According to CEO Han, I was in the “horribly ugly” category, so I couldn’t think of any retort.

Isn’t it unfair to bring up my looks here?

Instead of clutching my aching heart, I decided to shift the conversation.

“…Shall I schedule the appointment according to your empty slots, Representative?”

“The sooner, the better.”

He responded, pushing aside the report I submitted and pulling out another document folder.

Despite the trend of electronic approvals, some documents were still processed on paper.

“Pass this to the city development team, and when is the next available slot?”

Holding the document he handed over, I flicked through the tablet screen.

I had most of the schedule memorized, but I checked just in case.

Meeting today was difficult… so tomorrow seemed suitable. I quickly ran through Cha Chiyeon’s schedule in my mind and replied.

“There’s an open slot tomorrow at 4 PM.”

“Book a place near the office. Somewhere we can have a quick coffee or tea instead of a meal. I don’t plan to meet for long.”


As I filled in the schedule, I looked up and met CEO Han’s gaze.

It seemed he had been watching me from the start.

He slightly distorted his face in apparent displeasure.

Contrary to my expectation that he would soon voice the reason for his expression, he remained silent.

In the awkward silence, I realized the reason belatedly.

I had forgotten to cover the mark on my neck with a bandage.

Such compulsiveness bordered on a disorder. If I appeared with a hickey, he’d probably foam at the mouth.

How can someone without a lover survive such scrutiny?

Time didn’t stop just because my schedule was messed up.

If I had such an extraordinary ability, I wouldn’t feel so unfair, but unfortunately, I had the very reasonable perspective of accepting reality.

In other words, I obediently went to work.

Why couldn’t it be Friday?

If it were Friday, I could drown myself in alcohol and not think, but unfortunately, today was Wednesday.

The week felt unusually long.

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1 month ago

“As I looked at his smooth white hand, I let out an involuntary, ‘Ah’.”
What is this referring to? Is there something I’m missing?

Reply to  Transweaver
1 month ago

Thank you! Lol

12 days ago


3 days ago


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