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How an Omega Villain Survive chapter 16

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After Hook bowed deeply and left, Henry stretched with a relieved expression, waving his fingers in a casual farewell.

“Is he trustworthy?”

This was Henry’s second encounter with Hook, after their first meeting at the tailor shop.

It seemed he could no longer ignore the suspicion about Hook’s identity.

At Sir Teher’s question, Henry recalled Hook’s recent departure.

“He does have a tendency to be money-focused.”

“It wasn’t a modest amount.”

The pouch Henry had given was prepared at Sir Teher’s request.

To give such a large amount as an advance—half of what was prepared—it was hard to imagine how much money Hook received.

“He’s someone who goes to great lengths to earn money.”

A person who spares no means to make money.

Such a person might be underestimated, but no one knows Hook better than Henry does.

“He’s trustworthy for the price.”

“But the advance you provided is quite substantial. He could disappear with it…”

“He’ll show up. Or would you like to make a bet?”

Henry showed his confidence.

The fact that Hook was a fallen noble’s offspring was likely a secret known only to him.

The more someone knows, the stronger their position in a bet.

“How much do you want to wager?”

Sir Teher, with a serious look, put his own money on the line in response to Henry’s playful but serious demeanor.

The result of the bet…

“The carriage is ready.”

Henry, who had his arms crossed, remained unmoved as if he hadn’t heard Sir Teher’s words.

His gaze was fixed on the front gate, and Sir Teher gave a barely perceptible shake of his head.

Seeing the stubborn refusal to give up evoked a slight pang of sympathy.

However, the outcome of the wager was already decided.

Sir Teher continued to silently prepare the luggage, not showing any sign of having won against Henry.

“I… I lost?”

Henry exhaled several despondent breaths, casting an incredulous glance around the gate.

Even though the day of departure was approaching and Hook had yet to appear, he had come to accept it.

He knew that Hook was a person who would keep his promises no matter what.

But by the day of departure, Hook had not shown even a single strand of hair, and Henry realized completely that he had been wrong.

“You said you would keep your promises no matter what.”

Despite the significant amount of money involved, Hook’s principle was to provide absolute trust and never break a promise.

He had believed in the noble image of someone who would never lose their pride even while standing in the mud, only to have that trust betrayed.

“If you show up now, I’ll forgive you…”

Henry had promised that he would forgive Hook if he showed up, even if it was late.

But a person who would show up after failing to come when expected was not likely to appear at all.

Accepting his defeat in the wager with Sir Teher, Henry mentally cursed Hook.

“I won’t let this go. Even if you do well ten times, I’ll show you what happens if you mess up just once.”

Muttering to himself, Henry ground his teeth.

Hook, who had always done everything right when Henry asked, had failed just once, causing him to completely lose his trust in Hook.

When he could no longer wait, Henry turned around without any lingering attachment.

He decided that even though he was leaving now, he would definitely come back to find Hook.

He then glanced disapprovingly at Sir Teher, who was quietly putting away the received pouch, and asked, “Has His Highness the Crown Prince departed?”

“Not yet.”

“Then there is still time.”

Even if there was a scheduled time, it didn’t make sense to leave later than the Crown Prince.

Thanks to instructing someone to observe the Crown Prince’s movements, Henry approached the carriage leisurely without hurrying.

As Sir Teher opened the carriage door to match Henry’s pace, he sensed another presence and turned his head first.

Noticing Sir Teher’s reaction, Henry looked back to see Hena approaching with her skirt held up and walking quickly.

“Henry oppa.”

Hena had hurried out, fearing that Henry might leave without her.

She was so rushed that it looked like she might trip over her skirt.

Once she safely reached him, Henry waited until Hena’s breathing steadied before speaking.

“Why did you come out?”

He had told his family at dinner the night before that he would leave alone in the morning and asked them not to come out.

But, it seemed that Hena had already forgotten, as she had come out to see him.

It wasn’t just Hena—Henry sighed as he saw his parents approaching from behind, unable to stop them.

“It’s the first time you’re leaving so far away, so how could I not come out?”

Hena shot him a sulky look, as if to say she was asking something obvious.

Her pout and genuine disappointment indicated that she was hurt by her brother’s departure without expecting any farewell.

“I’m not going far; it’s just an outing.”

“You’re not coming back today, and you’re going to a dangerous place. Aren’t you worried?”

“His Highness the Crown Prince is going too, and Sir Teher is here as well.”

“Even if strong people are around, that doesn’t make you strong.”

Hena’s sincere concern, despite her scolding tone, made Henry close his mouth.

He had asked them not to come out because, strictly speaking, they weren’t really family, and he didn’t want to burden them.

It was enough that they didn’t confront each other, yet they kept giving him unexpected support.

“Hena is right. Even if you had been training with sword a bit lately, I’m still worried.”

As the Duke approached, he anxiously scanned Henry and gave a heavy glance to Sir Teher.

Understanding the implication, Sir Teher bowed his head in response.

The Duchess walked over to Henry and directly took his hand, placing an object into it.

“If you ever find yourself short of money, take this token.”

The Duchess handed Henry a token usable at banks across the continent.

By presenting it, he could access any funds saved by the Duke’s family.

Despite providing him with more than enough money, she worried about him enduring hardship.

Henry exhaled deeply as he looked down at the token.

The feelings of despair he had when he first became Henry were gradually dissipating as he spent time with his family.

“I’ll be back.”

Henry whispered as he embraced the Duchess, promising to return after finding the treasure, knowing his family was waiting for him.

“You must return before my birthday. Don’t forget the promise.”


Henry stared intently at Henna. She had mentioned she would make sure to prepare him nicely for a confession to Edwin on her birthday.

It seemed Henna was emphasizing this point intentionally.

Upon arriving at the meeting place with Crown Prince William, Henry looked up from his book at the sound of hooves.

Seeing a carriage surrounded by guards front and back, he clicked his tongue.

While the carriage itself was unobtrusive, the conspicuous guards and horses were quite noticeable.

Well, he understood that being somewhat visible was better for traveling than hiding one’s status entirely.

Henry set aside his book and got out of the carriage to greet the Crown Prince.

“Have you arrived?”

“Did I come early?”

“I’ve only just arrived myself.”

William, seeing the book behind the open carriage door, smiled faintly.

“Though, it seems you’ve made quite an effort for this trip.”

William gave Henry a look of surprise as he examined his attire.

Pointing out the clothes explicitly, Henry glanced down at his outfit.

The dark blue clothes, made of high-quality fabric, were plain yet elegantly fitted to accentuate Henry’s physique.

Comfortable to move in, the clothes shimmered in the sunlight and had a subtle luster at night, which Henry had liked upon seeing them.

The seamless coordination of the outfit was evident.

“How did you expect me to dress?”

“I thought you would dress more aristocratically than anyone else. Your taste has always been consistent wherever you go. Remember when we went to the night market? Everyone else was bundled up in coats, while you appeared in a white ceremonial outfit with ruby decorations from neck to toe, I believe?”

“Was that how I was before?”

“You’re speaking as if it’s someone else. What’s with the sudden change in attitude?”

“No particular reason. Just thinking that it’s time to be different now.”

Henry responded smoothly to the Crown Prince’s probing question. Ignoring William’s genuinely puzzled stare since his demeanor had changed from before, he cont


“Is that so?”

“Do I need to lie?”

Henry looked at the rising sun in response to William’s subtle gaze.

“Shouldn’t we be leaving soon?”

“Just wait a moment.”

Prince William had already missed the departure time but showed no signs of boarding the carriage, continuing instead to engage in a dull conversation.

As Henry was pondering whether he had forgotten something, a horse appeared in the distance, galloping swiftly toward them.

The rider on the sturdy brown horse came into view as they approached at a rapid pace. Despite wearing an overcoat, the wind revealed the black clothes underneath.

When Henry glanced up slightly, he saw a strikingly handsome man with an indifferent, somewhat cold demeanor.

It wasn’t just the appearance.

Even from a distance, a faint scent of pheromones was emanating from the man, making Henry’s fingertips tingle as he sensed the man’s presence all over his body.

A familiar face, and increasingly overwhelming pheromones.

“Could it be…?”

Henry looked back at Sir Teher, his eyes questioning whether he knew about this arrival.

Sir Teher shook his head slightly.

If that was the case, then it meant someone else was aware.

Henry looked at William, demanding an explanation with his eyes.

Why was Edwin arriving?

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1 month ago

See…he’s gonna wreck your plans. But where’s Hook?? Did he really betrays Henry’s trust?

1 month ago

jajajajjaja la indignación loco. Además Hook más te vale aparecer sino te espera una…

20 days ago

The novel is beautiful and fun

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