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How an Omega Villain Survive chapter 15

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After finishing his swordsmanship lesson and washing up, Henry was surrounded by attendants.

As he was receiving service with a fair amount of familiarity while looking at himself in the mirror, Sir Teher approached from behind, holding a letter.

“This is a letter from His Highness the Crown Prince.”

Henry looked at the pink envelope reflected in the mirror.

‘Quite the taste…’

The envelope, which felt like a love letter, made him hesitate.

Knowing the sender’s penchant for such tricks, Henry closed his eyes for a moment before reaching out to accept the letter.

He opened the envelope and pulled out the contents.

The letter was a single sheet adorned with floral patterns, and for a moment he frowned at it.

When he noticed the characters on it were numbers, he unfolded the letter.

It contained only two lines: the departure date and the meeting place.

“The message is straightforward, which is good.”

Although there were no instructions on how to get there, Henry was well aware of that himself.

Considering the companion was the Crown Prince, the journey would be as safe and comfortable as possible, so he only needed to adjust to it.

“All is ready.”

As the attendants all withdrew, Henry looked at his reflection in the mirror.

Though still ornate, it had become less decorated and the colors had toned down compared to before.

The blonde hair seemed particularly striking, but it was gradually aligning more with his original taste.

Henry was now satisfied with his appearance, feeling that it looked somewhat ordinary, though handsome, without being overly extravagant.

He could sense that his body was slowly adapting from the original Henry to better suit himself as he glanced back at the letter.

While there were plenty of people to take care of him simply because he was the Crown Prince, Henry himself was not in that situation.

At most, he could expect an increase in escort knights and a sturdy carriage.

But what Henry needed wasn’t limited to that.

As he recalled the process of acquiring the treasure, Henry’s eyes narrowed. Several unique and unexpected items came to mind.

“I’ll need to visit him sooner than I thought.”

He remembered someone who could obtain all the items he wanted. Henry organized his thoughts and asked the attendant whose eyes met his.

“Where did I put my red cord?”

If someone were to ask what kind of cord it was, it might be a bit awkward to explain, but there was no immediate way to describe it.

Fortunately, the attendant understood at once and brought out a small box that wasn’t a decoration.

The attendant opened the lid in front of Henry, showing him what was inside.

The moment Henry saw the item inside, he let out a snicker.

“What is this?”

Henry looked down at the cord brought by the attendant. He immediately recognized it as Hook’s.

“A cord made from braided hair—definitely not ordinary.”

The ends of the cord, which hung down across his palm, were finished with meticulous decorations, tightly binding the hair.

Seeing it as a small rope, Henry lifted his head.

“It was said that it would appear wherever it was hung, right?”

Doubting whether it would be able to enter the Duke’s residence since Hook’s ability had only appeared in fragments, Henry decided to climb a nearby hill.

He liked the view from the hill overlooking the city, so he tied the cord to a branch that was easily within reach.

Though he worried whether the cord would be visible among the dense leaves, that was not his concern.

While waiting for Hook to appear, Henry made himself comfortable and sat down. Sir Teher, seeing his master sitting directly on the ground, twitched his eyebrows but ignored it.

Waiting for Hook while enjoying the pleasant scenery made Henry content to stay here.

“Perhaps I could live my entire life just looking at this view?”

He didn’t know how to return to my original body, so he was somewhat resigned to the situation.

Therefore, he was desperately trying to adapt and live in this world, but accepting everything naturally wasn’t easy.

First and foremost, the fact that the setting is not modern was crucial.

In a world without electronic devices, there are no cell phones, and information that was easily accessible through searches now requires a lot of time and effort to obtain.

The completely different food and the presence of a class system only added to the difficulties. But the hardest part to endure was the worldview.

Even though he is now no different from an ordinary man, he still have to embrace his existence as an Omega, which is not easy.

“Am I never going to be able to have a normal marriage?”

Even meeting an Alpha woman didn’t seem like it would lead to a better life.

Henry sighed, resting his chin on his hand. Living as someone else was already a challenge, and now he couldn’t even control his own marriage.

‘Well, what if I live alone?’

Since he would live without lacking anything anyway, maybe marriage wasn’t necessary.

Perhaps finding a way to suppress the changes brought by being an Omega and leading a normal life might be good…

“You can just leave it there. I’ll find it myself.”

The first to react to Hook’s silent presence was Sir Teher.

In an instant, Sir Teher had positioned himself between Hook and Henry, gripping his sword sheath with a sharp demeanor as if he were about to draw his sword.

Hook raised his empty hands as a sign of not intending to do anything in response to the hostility.

“Sir Teher, you can step back. And Hook, don’t do that next time.”

Henry soothed Sir Teher while only tilting his head back to meet Hook’s eyes.

Hook, recalling Henry’s non-surprised reaction upon his appearance, brightened his eyes.

It seemed he found the different reaction amusing, and he licked his upper lip with pleasure.

“I have many requests, but the preparation time is short. Is that alright?”

“Is there a reason?”

“I’ll be leaving here briefly.”

Since Hook would figure out what items I needed anyway, he had no need to hide anything and told him the departure date. He then calmly listed the necessary items to Hook, who was waiting.

As Henry mentioned each item, Hook’s customer-service smile gradually faded into a frown.

“You must bring them all before I leave. Is that possible?”

“It doesn’t seem easy.”

Instead of confidently declaring he could find everything, Hook showed a slightly embarrassed attitude.

“It would be troublesome if even one of them was missing.”

Henry firmly warned Hook to ensure that none of the items were missed.

“In exchange, I won’t be stingy with the payment.”

“I will risk everything to procure them.”

Henry was unsurprised by Hook’s immediate change in attitude upon the mention of money, merely nodding in agreement.

“By the way, do you no longer need information about His Grace Edwin?”

Previously, Henry had often requested Edwin’s schedule, and when Hook obtained it, Henry would appear in front of Edwin under the guise of coincidence.

Henry waved his hand as if to say it was not necessary anymore.

“If you’ve found another informant, I’d be disappointed. I could have found out if His Grace Edwin was going to the tailor just as well.”

“That was truly a coincidence. I wasn’t going to meet His Grace Edwin… Could it be that Edwin thinks so too?”

Thinking about it, Edwin always encountered Henry whenever he appeared. Even if it was a coincidence once or twice, it might seem like it was deliberately arranged afterward.

But this visit to the tailor was truly a coincidence…

“Isn’t that the case? You excluded that tailor shop because you didn’t like it. If it weren’t for Edwin, you wouldn’t have had a reason to visit it.”

Henry’s expression grew increasingly pale as he listened to Hook’s explanation.

What was once a simple choice of a large tailor shop now seemed to be influenced by Edwin, making him suspect even the smallest of obstacles was due to Edwin’s involvement.

Henry wondered why Edwin seemed so sharp. He forced himself to stifle a sigh.

Regardless of the reason, dwelling on past issues was a waste of time.

“Alright… Will half of the advance be enough?”

Henry threw the prepared pouch.

Hook caught it lightly as it flew through the air and, after inspecting the amount inside, whistled.

“This is a truly generous amount. The pouch is large, and you know that Sir Henry is one of my most valued clients, right?”

“If you do a good job, I’ll hire you again next time, so make sure you do well.”

“I won’t disappoint you.”

“Feel free to come by anytime, but don’t be late.”

“Understood. Until we meet again.”

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1 month ago

Hook is a really good informant.

20 days ago

The novel is wonderful

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not work with dark mode