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Villain wants to live as a commoner chapter 15

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“Do you know what Baekmyeon Sect’s goal is?”

Tapping the steering wheel to the beat, Kwon Sahyeok asked me. I replied indifferently.

“How would I know something like that?”

“They’re searching for God.”


“Yes, God.”

Not the ‘shin’ in shoes, but God (神) in Chinese characters, or God in English, that kind of God.

Searching for God? This is outright cultish. The problem is that it smells familiar.

“That’s the same as the Black Sea Guild.”

The ultimate goal of the Black Sea Guild was also to find their God.

I don’t know exactly what they mean by God.

At this point, there must be some connection between the two. I’m curious, but…

I don’t want to be involved with a cult.

Even if I’m curious about the Black Sea Guild, my life is already filled with enough misfortune.

I don’t want to get entangled in unnecessary matters.

……No, is this current situation part of the misfortune brought by my attribute?

Yeah, without it, things wouldn’t have gotten this complicated.

“Don’t you want to get back at them? They’re part of your traumatic past.”

“Isn’t it usual to worry about trauma in such cases?”

“Oh, come on, what trauma do you have?”

What does he know about me?

“You’re friends with Baek Gunho. If you can handle his temper, you’re not ordinary.”


He doesn’t get that Baek Gunho isn’t that temperamental with me.

But trying to explain would only lead to annoying questions like, ‘Are you two dating?’ So, I stopped.

“Did I insult you too harshly?”


“Saying you and Baek Gunho are birds of a feather isn’t exactly a compliment.”

That makes me angry in a different way.

What’s wrong with Baek Gunho?

Sure, he’s got a nasty temper if things don’t go his way, but he’s competent and capable.

Only I get to insult my dog; I can’t stand others doing it.

Kwon Sahyeok grinned irritatingly at my pouting face.

“You two are close. Like newlyweds.”

I silently pulled a gun from my inventory and aimed it at Kwon Sahyeok’s side.

“Should we die together? Huh?”


“Are you really thinking about dying together?”

Kwon Sahyeok twisted his body while driving and laughed.

This crazy bastard.

In the end, I had no choice but to put away my gun quietly, realizing I wasn’t really ready to die together.

Kwon Sahyeok laughed for a long time, clearly enjoying himself.

“So, why did you start raising a monster?” he asked, finally calming down.

I didn’t really want to engage in small talk with this guy, but since we were in the same boat, I decided to cooperate for now.

“I didn’t raise it on purpose.”

“You can be honest. I’ll keep your secret.”

“I’m serious. During the last dungeon break, it must have snuck in on its own.”

“And you just let it be?”

“I thought it would naturally disappear…”

I felt the dust stir within the shadows. It had survived even though Baek Gunho had recklessly probed into other people’s shadows.

I thought it would die within a few days, but I was too naive.

“Do you want me to kill it for you?” Kwon Sahyeok offered, as if doing me a favor.

Even knowing that monsters were meant to be defeated by hunters, the image of Dust flashed in my mind, sending chills down my spine.

Was it too late to just treat Dust as a monster?

Thinking that I was probably already screwed, I replied nonchalantly, “I’ll handle it.”

“It’s still a monster, even if it seems calm now. Aren’t you being too complacent? It could attack suddenly.”

“I’m an awakened one too. I have weapons.”

“Oh, really?” Kwon Sahyeok responded, teasingly.

I ignored him and said nothing more, ending our conversation. His heavy voice singing a cheerful pop song assaulted my ears all the way.

When the car finally stopped in front of my house, I felt a strong urge to escape.

However, instead of letting me go immediately, Kwon Sahyeok handed me something.

“Take this.”

Opening the small box he gave me, I found an item that looked somewhat familiar.

“…What is this?”

“A tracker.”


“You’ll need it so I can find you when you’re involved with the cult.”

Don’t S-rank hunters in our country understand the concept of privacy?

First Baek Gunho, now Kwon Sahyeok too. What’s wrong with them?

I crushed the tracker in my hand in front of Kwon Sahyeok.

“You broke my heart,” he said, in an exaggeratedly hurt voice, pulling out another small box from his inventory.

Again, it was a small box. When I didn’t take it with a reluctant expression, Kwon Sahyeok opened it instead.

Inside was a ring, a simple band with a small magic stone embedded in it.

He grabbed my hand and tried to figure out which finger it would fit on. I yanked my hand away, creeped out by his actions.

“What is this?”

“A tracker with a bit more consideration for your rights? If you press the magic stone part of the ring, it will send a signal to me, so I can know your location.”

“How thoughtful.”

“But you need to have this to know and move. Otherwise, should I stick with you 24/7?”

His suggestion was truly creepy. Though I didn’t like it, now was the time to shut him up. I decided to compromise.

I put the ring on my right ring finger.

The ring finger, of all places.

It felt uncomfortable, though at least it wasn’t the left one.

Seeing the ring on my hand, Kwon Sahyeok smiled contentedly.

“You can only call me once with this, as per our contract, right?”

“Yes, but if you call me unnecessarily, it’ll be a date.”

A creepy joke.

“Don’t take it off. Press it if anything happens.”

“Got it.”

Today’s fortune must have been about receiving a valuable item. Not that I wanted this kind of item.

I hurried into my house to avoid more of Kwon Sahyeok’s nagging.

Once inside and alone, the dust peeked out from the shadows. Its innocent, blinking eyes seemed somewhat annoying.

If it weren’t for this guy, I wouldn’t have had to listen to Kwon Sahyeok.

Still, I couldn’t bring myself to kill it as Kwon Sahyeok suggested.

I wasn’t heartless enough to kill a creature that had already shown affection towards me.

I decided to live with it for a while, but not to get too attached. No matter how much it endured, it should naturally disappear in a month or two.

Just as I was about to sleep, I heard the front door open. Thinking it was my uncle, I went out to see Baek Gunho entering.

“Why are you here at this hour?”

“To check if you’re doing well.”

He’s such a creepy bastard. He seemed to have come straight here after leaving the dungeon. His hair was slightly wet, probably from showering.

Baek Gunho grabbed a can of cola from the fridge. Just as he was about to open it, he paused and put it down on the table, pointing at my hand.

“Is that a ring?”

“Oh, yeah.”

“You don’t usually wear things like that.”

That’s right. I hate wearing things that bother me.

Baek Gunho’s gaze became serious, staring intently at my ring.

“You, could it be…”

Baek Gunho murmured with a serious face.

What’s this about? Does he know something?

Sometimes, Baek Gunho would randomly uncover hidden truths like he was possessed. Today might be one of those days.

Should I tell him if he asks?

He’d probably freak out, asking why I’m wearing someone else’s tracker when I refuse to wear his.

Slowly, Baek Gunho’s lips moved.

“Is it a couple ring?”


His words made me relax instantly, feeling both relieved and dumbfounded.

How could he think it’s a couple ring with that magic stone in it?

Even before I could explain, Baek Gunho’s eyes lit up as if he had already drawn his own conclusions.

“Who is it? Have you been seeing someone?”


“Are you finally dating?”

This idiot, this dumbass…

Do you think I’d be dating someone?

When I can’t even give up on my first love, who’s also my unrequited love?

Why is he so perceptive about everything else but a complete idiot when it comes to us?

I was frustrated enough to grind my teeth.

“Mind your own business…”

“Good for you. Treat your girlfriend well.”

Despite my deadly tone, Baek Gunho smiled warmly, like a parent who just found out their kid is dating.

His face, usually devoid of manners, now looked annoyingly cheerful.

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1 month ago

Not mc calling Baek Gunho a dog💀😭

Reply to  enibae
22 days ago

He is worse then a dog tbh😓😭

21 days ago


11 days ago

heewon keeps calling gunho a dog omg 😭 and oof it has got to hurt seeing ur crush congratulate u on seeing someone

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