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ACTSV chapter 38

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Jinwoo looked at Jingyeom with concern, and Jingyeom added his resolve.

“I wanted to earn money through work, but… things happened. Still, this should be enough for now, right?”

“Why are you so determined to make money? Do you hate living here?”

He had mentioned moving before, but he hadn’t realized Jingyeom was so serious that he would deposit money.

Jinwoo’s expression grew more somber. He could have bought clothes or shoes for Jingyeom, but moving was not something he could do immediately.


Jinwoo had worked tirelessly. He never stopped because he knew that if he didn’t earn money, everything would fall apart.

From early morning until night, he worked to pay off the principal and interest on his debts every month. But there was no sign of the debt decreasing. Life was too busy to feel despair.

After paying for everything from his salary, the remaining money was just enough for a month’s living expenses.

Jinwoo’s salary alone couldn’t cover Jingyeom’s extravagant lifestyle, so Jinwoo began working even harder.

“Even if we don’t want to live here, we have no choice… We can’t just move…”


Jinwoo’s shaky voice and unfocused eyes showed how flustered he was.

Jingyeom was also startled. He didn’t intend to make Jinwoo react this way. He just wanted to help.

He didn’t know why the topic of moving came up, but he needed to correct the misunderstanding and calm Jinwoo first.

Jingyeom placed his hand on Jinwoo’s arm, which was gripping the phone tightly. The warmth and slight trembling of Jinwoo’s arm were felt through his palm, making his presence known.

“I’m not saying we should move. How could we move with that money? I just… wanted to help since you’re the only one earning money.”

In reality, he wanted to tell Jinwoo to use the money to pay off the debt, but Jinwoo hadn’t told him about the debt.

Since it seemed like Jinwoo wanted to keep it a secret, Jingyeom didn’t press the issue.

Jingyeom slowly caressed Jinwoo’s arm, covered in band-aids and trembling from the weight of his exhausting life.

It was as gentle as when Jinwoo patted his head.

“I don’t know what kind of situation we’re in. The hospital bills and the money spent on those things weren’t small amounts… I didn’t work, right?”

“I’ll handle the living expenses. You just focus on your health…”

“How can I do that!”

Jingyeom’s voice rose.

“You’re the only one struggling. We’re family…!”

Jingyeom’s outburst made him tear up. He didn’t know why he was about to cry in this situation. He just felt so sorry for Jinwoo.

Why did Jinwoo try to handle everything alone?

Did he think he had to continue like this because it had always been this way?

“I may not be very reliable, but I’m still your brother. I might not be able to make a lot of money right away, but once I have my surgery and get a proper job, I can help pay off the debt too. I just want you to have an easier time.”

Tears mixed with his words, and his voice trailed off. He knew Jinwoo wouldn’t easily accept it, so he finally brought up the debt.

“…How do you know about that?”

“…Thanks to the meticulous financial records of Baek Jinwoo!”

The ledger was buried at the bottom of Jinwoo’s pile of books.

Jinwoo thought he was the only one interested in it, so he let his guard down.

“How much is the debt exactly? The ledger only shows the monthly payments, so I don’t know the total…”

“Really, you don’t need to worry about it. I’ll take care of it, okay?”

“If you keep saying that, I’ll be really upset. That debt… it’s because of me, isn’t it?”

Strictly speaking, it was because of Baek Jingyeom. Even when he was being extravagant, he used Jinwoo’s money, and Jinwoo had to cover all the medical expenses that weren’t covered by insurance.

After meeting Tak Wonbeom, all hospital expenses were covered by him, but the previous debts remained.

The debt was no longer increasing, which gave Jinwoo a bit of breathing room. Jingyeom wanted to lighten Jinwoo’s burden as much as he could, so he decided to be more assertive.

“Don’t spoil me too much.”


Jinwoo erased his blank expression at Jingyeom’s serious look.

“Some things can’t be helped, but you need to enforce some rules. If you keep treating me too gently, I’ll become spoiled. Well, I’m already spoiled…”

He whispered the last part very softly, but it still echoed loudly in Jinwoo’s ears.

Jinwoo couldn’t figure out how to react to Jingyeom’s rapid emotional changes.

Jingyeom had shouted in frustration and was now serious. His eyes still glistened with tears, ready to fall with a blink.

Jinwoo’s hand instinctively reached out and brushed under Jingyeom’s eyes. As his thumb swept across, the tears that had pooled there finally fell.

“…Don’t cry. …It’s my fault, okay?”

“You didn’t do anything wrong! I’m crying because I’m upset!”

When someone comforts you while you cry, it often makes you cry more.

But Jingyeom had to say what was on his mind, so he suppressed his sobs.

“It’s ridiculous that I don’t have any part-time job experience to put on my resume at this age.”

“Well, you’ve been sick…”

“I can still function normally despite being sick!”

Jingyeom spoke angrily, and Jinwoo tried to soothe him by deliberately softening his voice.

The easiest way to raise one’s heart rate is through surprise or excitement. However, Jingyeom’s heart rate needed to stay steady. It was never a good sign for it to either drop or spike.

“The most important thing is your health. You may not remember now, but you really can’t overexert yourself. Just like what happened recently. You remember how sick you were. You never know when it might happen again.”

“That was because of the peach I ate. It was an allergic reaction…”

“Right. But, hyung… I’m grateful just to have you by my side. I don’t want you to push yourself too hard. I was so scared when you collapsed last time.”

Jingyeom knew this well. Back then, Jinwoo looked even paler than he did, even though he was the one lying in the hospital bed.

“Can’t you just stay at home?”

Jinwoo spoke gently but with sincerity. Jingyeom hadn’t been working not just because of his health, but also because Jinwoo didn’t ask him to.

Jingyeom couldn’t respond. He wanted to shout that he didn’t need overprotection, but Jinwoo’s sincerity touched him deeply, leaving him speechless.

“Just live doing what you want, hyung. I can’t give you a luxurious life, but I’m earning enough… Once the debt is paid off, I can do more for you.”

“Why do you keep wanting to do things for me?”

This was what Jingyeom was most curious about. No matter how much they were family, Jinwoo was too devoted.

How many people in reality dedicate their entire lives to their family, especially to a sibling?

This setup was possible in the novel “Gray.” Though he was in that world now, it was still his reality.

“Because I want to.”


“Because I like it. I like doing things for you, hyung.”

Jinwoo spoke with genuine affection, saying it truly made him happy and it was what he wanted to do.

Jingyeom still looked puzzled. Jinwoo didn’t expect him to understand. He never had and never would.

“You’re the only family I have left. Why? Is that strange?”

“No… Then let me do things for you too. You’re also the only family I have left.”

The only family left.

Jinwoo couldn’t control his pounding heart and clenched his hand.

He closed his eyes to hide his trembling pupils, but Jingyeom standing in front of him would surely notice his shaking eyelids.

This was enough. He didn’t ask for more.

No matter what Jingyeom did, he couldn’t hate him. Even if he got hurt, it was bearable.

As long as he was in front of him, nothing else mattered.

Regardless of what Jingyeom meant by those words, they held great significance for Jinwoo.

He was the reason Jinwoo lived.


Jinwoo’s trembling voice shook Jingyeom’s heart.

With such a desperate desire, wouldn’t it be alright to just stay at home?

However, if he did, though his body might be comfortable, his mind could become restless and even ill.

It’s important to rest adequately, but mental health is just as crucial.

Jingyeom opened his mouth, trying to compromise.

“I promise I won’t push myself to the point where you’d be worried. I’ll tell you everything that happens, and if you find it too troublesome, I’ll stop right then and there.”

Yet, Jinwoo’s expression remained unchanged.

“I’ve learned a lot from this experience. Still, I didn’t get sick, right? I even gained some strength.”


“It made me happy to buy pork belly with the money I earned… Even though it wasn’t from a job, I was glad to give you some pocket money.”

Jingyeom fidgeted with his fingers. If Jinwoo strongly opposed, he didn’t plan to push forward at the cost of Jinwoo’s feelings. But despite what he said, he planned to work secretly.

“Okay. But you have to tell me everything. Don’t try to handle things alone like this time.”

Seeing Jingyeom’s determined eyes, Jinwoo couldn’t bring himself to say no.

When Jingyeom said he was going to do a flyer distribution job, Jinwoo thought it was important for him to gain experience. He seemed to enjoy it consistently, so Jinwoo left him alone.

If it had been too hard or if there had been any issues with his stamina, Jinwoo would have stopped him immediately.

Three hours of work earned him 45,000 won.

What Jinwoo found most commendable was that Jingyeom didn’t spend that precious money on himself but saved it.

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1 month ago

I just wanna hug these two

1 month ago

Aww they’re so cute

26 days ago


17 days ago

My babies😭💓

13 days ago

These two are so precious 😭

9 days ago

They are cute brothers I love them

9 days ago


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