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The Youngest Master wants to be exorcised! chapter 28

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The health check-up took a full 3 nights and 4 days. Hyunsoo shuddered at the thorough examination conducted in a luxurious single room.

What he thought would be a simple health check-up turned out to be quite the opposite. He felt like he had been tricked.

‘How many options did they add?’

During his time as Park Hyunsoo, he had regular check-ups for chronic conditions, but nothing like this. It seemed they added every possible test that overly cautious people would undergo.

Since it was someone else’s body and he had received a request from Lee Jaeyoon, he hadn’t missed a meal and exercised whenever he could.

Except for the days he accompanied the grueling filming for the show, he waited safely at the center and was obsessively focused on health management.

‘But it’s good to keep track.’

He lay on the soft bed, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

“Jaehee, go to sleep quickly.”

Minchan, sitting beside the bed, covered him with a blanket. As he patted Hyunsoo’s chest like putting a child to sleep, Hyunsoo swatted his hand away.

“Am I a baby?”


Minchan placed his hand, which had lost its direction, on Hyunsoo’s head. Since Hyunsoo seemed fine with the gesture, Minchan carefully patted his head. As Hyunsoo, with his eyes closed, asked,

“I said I was going to sleep.”

“I know. I won’t touch you.”

‘Anyway, I need to acknowledge his sensitivity.’

Minchan smiled and withdrew his hand.

And then, as he sat leaning on the chair next to the bed, he was staring absentmindedly at Hyunsoo, who had fallen asleep.

“Jaehee, are you already asleep?”

Yoon, who had been in the caretaker’s bedroom, appeared silently in the air and asked.

“Seems like you’re tired from the tests.”

“……Why do I feel so anxious?”

“It’s probably nothing. Don’t worry too much.”

Minchan, who was comforting the anxious Yoon, only had a somber expression on his face.

The last day of the long hospitalization.

Before being discharged, the results of the examinations, excluding a few special tests, came out.

Surprisingly, ‘Lee Jaehee’s’ physical condition was normal. Still, there were the usual time-filler warnings from specialists about the need to be cautious.

The package seemed to be quite expensive, as they provided 24-hour consultation for health issues for a year. Hyunsoo, feeling dazed, left the hospital.

“Home is the best.”

“Isn’t it? Our home is the best.”

Yoon, hugging Hyunsoo from behind, smiled brightly. He felt relieved by the results showing no major health issues.

Of course, there were still some special test results pending, but with most of the results being good, there was less to worry about.

The expressions of Jiwon and Minchan, who glanced at them, were also bright.

“I’ll prepare the food.”

As Jiwon said this and headed to the kitchen, Hyunsoo hurriedly stopped him.

“It’s okay. I’m not hungry.”

“You were told to eat well. The doctor said so.”

“Then just heat it up. Got it?”


With a serious expression, Jiwon disappeared into the kitchen. Minchan, unable to resist the look Hyunsoo gave him, followed Jiwon.

“Alright. Let’s watch some TV then!”

“Okay, but stop clinging. I can’t walk properly.”

Hyunsoo grumbled but didn’t remove Yoon, who was stuck to him. They sat side by side on the sofa and watched the news.

[……Recent crimes targeting the affluent are on the rise. Reporter Shim Sooji has the details.]

[In the evening, a black van stopped in an alley. Soon after, men who got out of the vehicle started assaulting a passerby. When the victim lost consciousness, they put him into the van and drove off. Police who responded to a family’s report began tracking the suspects based on CCTV footage……]

“Crazy bastards.”

Hyunsoo muttered while watching the news. Yoon, in a serious expression, hugged Hyunsoo in agreement.

“The world is so harsh, isn’t it?”

“Those kinds of people should be thrown in jail.”

“Jaehee, the food is ready. Come on over.”

Minchan, wearing an apron, approached with a small sigh. His face was one of a troubled chef, desperately trying to add something extra despite the food only needing reheating.

Hyunsoo nodded in appreciation towards Minchan.


Jiwon, unable to ignite the spirit of creativity in the kitchen, muttered with a sulky expression. As they sat down to eat, Hyunsoo was plagued by heavy limbs and an unpredictable emotional rollercoaster.

“Does it taste strange?”

Noticing Hyunsoo eating slowly, Jiwon subtly looked over to check.

“No, I’m just a bit tired. You can imagine how many tests I had. I didn’t expect to spend three nights and four days just receiving tests. How much was that package?”

“It wasn’t very expensive since it was introduced by an acquaintance.”


Hyunsoo gave a doubtful look. At that moment, Yoon quickly deboned a piece of fish and placed it on Hyunsoo’s plate.

“Eat this! Whoever did it really removed the bones well.”

“I’ll do it for you too.”

Jiwon, picking up a piece of fish with chopsticks, began deboning it with a focused expression, as if he wouldn’t blink.

“Stop it. Let the others eat too.”

Hyunsoo grimaced at the pile of fish on his plate. They really were people without any moderation. While they were eating, Minchan suddenly asked:

“But Jaehee.”


“Will you not be going to the field anymore?”


Hyunsoo swallowed the rice in his mouth and blinked. The day he was hospitalized for the health checkup, in the unfamiliar place where he was tossing and turning, Minchan had said:

“I’d prefer if you didn’t come near the field from now on since it’s dangerous. What do you think?”

When Hyunsoo was living as Park Hyunsoo, waiting in the field was routine.

Although D Team was not pleased with it, Hyunsoo had to step back because he emphasized that he could ensure his safety to some extent through shooting training and various courses. But now, the situation was different.

“It’s probably best not to go. Even though the variety show was a show-off, I had to do it. It’s dangerous near the field. And there’s the promise with Lee Jae-yun…….”

“You made a good decision.”

Minchan smiled and nodded in satisfaction. Though they had brought him to D Team because they wanted to be by his side, the three of them were well aware that it was a selfish choice.

They feared that if they hadn’t done so, he might leave them without any regrets as soon as he learned about the possession.

Fear led to selfishness, and selfishness led to anxiety.

Loving someone who might leave at any moment was painful. Moreover, it was even more so when it was someone they had buried in their hearts once.

They didn’t mind being called selfish and self-centered. As long as they could keep Park Hyunsoo, or rather, Lee Jaehee by their side, they would do anything.

He was always a dependable colleague and their one and only guide.

Even after returning to the accommodation, Hyunsoo’s sleep didn’t diminish much. However, it wasn’t severe enough to disrupt his daily life.

Hyunsoo managed to handle all his schedules, didn’t skip meals, and even exercised.

Although he occasionally wandered around weakly, he appeared as just someone who needed more sleep.

“What did he say?”

The three of them waited anxiously for an answer.

“He said there’s no significant problem.”

Hyunsoo’s words after the phone call brightened all three of their faces visibly.

“Thank goodness. Really. Was it just that our Jaehee finally learned the true taste of rest after all the sleep?”

“Well, after taking a vacation and resting, maybe he felt the need to rest properly now.”

“Though he’s sleeping too……. too much.”

As they all chimed in, Hyunsoo shifted his heavy limbs slightly and sank into the sofa.

“The hospital said there’s nothing major.”

With half-closed eyes, he interlocked his hands on his stomach, and Jiwon, sneaking up, sat next to him.

“I’m glad to hear that, but if there’s anything strange later, let me know right away. Okay?”



“Oh, what kind of promise is that? I’m not a kid.”

Hyunsoo was exasperated, but Jiwon stubbornly extended his pinky finger. Although it wouldn’t make a big difference, Jiwon needed assurance.

“How old are you, anyway?”

Even as he said this, Hyunsoo linked his pinky finger.

“I’ll tell you if I’m sick. Is that enough?”

“Yeah. You have to keep your promise.”

“You’re even going to ask for a contract, aren’t you?”

“Want to write one?”

“What kind of words are those?”

Unable to control his temper, Hyunsoo raised his fist. Jiwon then pouted his lips.

“Are you asking me to hit you?”

Hyunsoo opened his fist and lightly tapped Jiwon’s lips. Jiwon quickly grabbed Hyunsoo’s hand and kissed his palm.

“What are you doing?”

“Please don’t scold me; just show me a bit of affection.”

“You need to do something worth being affectionate about.”

“I’m sorry, but we’re also here, and things are falling apart.”

Yoon crossed his arms and interrupted. Minchan shook his head, grabbed Jiwon by the nape of the neck, and pulled him away from Hyunsoo. It was a peaceful afternoon.

Episode 4 of [D Team’s Exploration Life] aired.

Since the show was planned to restore the negative image of the Awakener Management Center, the final episode was edited in an extremely emotional manner.

The scenes where each person sat in the studio and revealed their true feelings evoked a range of reactions from viewers.

  • It feels weird seeing all the kids with such a heavy sense of responsibility for their workㅠㅠ

  • Honestly, they’re all like my younger siblings and friends, and they’re struggling with fighting monsters…(crying emoji) Thanks so much, everyone, so please make it a regular show (fist emoji)

  • When Jiwon finally spoke about why he fights monsters, he said, ‘To protect the people I care about.’ Just one sentence and… sigh… tears are flowing like a river, why does the crying emoji cry so wellㅠㅠ?

Most reactions were positive, but some reactions from very discreetly operated communities were different.

  • I want to get real guidance from this bastard (2)

Every time he forced himself to cry and struggle, they should have shoved in more of the resonanceㅋㅋ Don’t just pass it around among S-class, give me some too, you bastards

┕ Check the memo ㄱ

  • Ugh, it’s disgusting how some S-class are out there getting sweet deals from the show (0)

I’m out here working my ass off, is this the country we live in, damn it, die, die, die

  • It’s bizarre seeing these crazed fans sucking up to them and praising them (1)

-[★] I’m sharing the story of the guide who fainted on the showㅋㅋ (23)
That bastard was on our D Teamuring the orientation; he looked so pretty that many people were drooling over himㅋㅋ Anyway, he was cute and nice, so the seniors liked him a lot
At first, I gave him snacks and treated him well, but when it was my turn to guide and I shoved in some resonance, he shivered and fainted, what a sightㅋㅋㅋ He was carried away after the guiding shock, but somehow he was transferred… damn, it’s a pity, but he went to D Teamㅋㅋ He has the experience to go there, but it’s a shame he has to be rolled around there

┕ Contact? Mucosa?

┕┕ Just hand contact, haha. It was before the regular training, so the seniors watched to make sure no mucosa contact. But he has a badge now, so D Team must have taken care of him, right?

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24 days ago

Thank you

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