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Don’t you think we are going too fast? chapter 47

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I could sense Taeshin’s presence nearby. I had fallen asleep while studying, and my lower belly had been aching all evening.

Now, the pain was gone, and I marveled at how even the thought of Taeshin seemed to soothe me.

Waking up, I felt a warm touch and his familiar scent.

“…Taeshin, when did you get here?”

“A little while ago.”

Still groggy, I mumbled, and he patted me gently. I had apparently snuggled up to him in my sleep.

He was already in bed, and though I was barely awake, I asked why he came so early, speaking in a language only he could understand.

“I woke up early.”

It seemed he understood my sleepy mumbling. Comforted by his presence, I nestled into his chest, enjoying his soothing scent.

“Does it feel good?”


Smiling at his question, I nodded, and he released more of his comforting scent. Feeling relaxed, I stretched and reluctantly got up when my stomach growled.

“You can sleep more if you want.”

“I’m hungry.”

As I sat on the bed, blinking my eyes open, Taeshin patted my head. Even without looking, I could tell his hand was floating awkwardly, so I just stayed still and felt his touch before getting off the bed.

After quickly washing my face and wetting my hair to flatten it down, I stepped out. Together with Taeshin, who had been waiting, we headed to the dining room.

“Oh my, Taeshin, you’re here?”



“Lee Taeshin, do you know where you are? Get out immediately.”

“Makdoongi, you woke up early.”

“Yeah, because I’m hungry.”

When we got to the dining room, my parents and my two older brothers were already eating.

While my parents welcomed Taeshin warmly, my second brother glared at him with fiery eyes because of what happened yesterday.

Feeling a bit smug that Moon Jinwoo couldn’t say anything worse in front of our parents, I only responded to my eldest brother, who was treating us with a generous heart.

“Taeshin, eat a lot.”


“You little…!”

Yesterday, Moon Jinwoo had made it clear that there was no way Taeshin and I would ever date, scratching at everyone’s nerves.

To annoy him back, I purposely served Taeshin every dish, and Jinwoo’s eyes practically bulged with anger.

But with Mom and Dad present, Jinwoo couldn’t throw a fit as usual.

“Lee Taeshin, get out. Even a grain of rice you eat is a waste.”

“Hyung, are you being petty? Besides, the rice was bought with the money Mom and Dad earned.”

“Moon Sunwoo, can’t you keep quiet?”

“Why should I? I’m not a rock.”

“You little…!”

As Jinwoo tightly gripped his spoon, I flinched, remembering how I got hit with a spoon back in elementary school for talking back. But now, I had my eldest brother by my side!

“Jinwoo hyung.”

“Why am I your hyung? Call me properly…”

“Didn’t you get into a fight in the elevator? I think I saw it then…”

“Hey, Lee Taeshin.”

With the plan to call for my eldest brother if things got rough, I kept my eyes on Jinwoo’s spoon.

Suddenly, Taeshin butted in. Whatever had happened between them, Jinwoo cut off Taeshin’s words, put down his spoon, and picked up his chopsticks.

I wondered if he would throw them at us one by one, but to my surprise, Jinwoo picked up a side dish.

“Eat. Just keep eating until you drop.”

“What’s going on?”

“Mind your own business.”

Jinwoo placed the side dish in Taeshin’s bowl. Astonished by this unprecedented act, I watched as Jinwoo, suppressing his anger, forced Taeshin to eat the side dish he had given him.

Has Jinwoo finally gone crazy? I leaned over to Taeshin, who was declining Jinwoo’s offer.

“What’s up?”

“Moon Sunwoo, stay quiet.”

If you’ve got dirt on Jinwoo, share it! I was curious about what had instantly shut down Jinwoo’s tantrum. Taeshin glanced at me and then at my second brother.


“Moon Sunwoo, stop talking at the table and just eat.”

Whatever it was, Taeshin chose to keep the secret, and Jinwoo snapped at me. Even though Jinwoo had been the one talking the most at the table, he was picking a fight with me.

I let it go, enjoying the delicious shiitake mushroom pancakes our aunt made.

“Oh, Jungwoo, is Junghee still in the US?”


“So, you must have met her during your last business trip?”

“I did, but Junghee was busy with her thesis and projects, so we couldn’t meet often.”

The young radish kimchi was also delicious. As I ate, Mom suddenly asked my eldest brother about his fiancée.

I had only met Junghee noona once during their engagement, but she was as kind and gentle as my brother. She was currently doing some research in the US, and although we hadn’t met often, she always treated me well, leaving me with good memories.

“We only had a meal together and parted ways.”

“Really? Jinwoo, anything new with the person you’re seeing?”


“Any good news or something?”

After my eldest brother finished his detailed explanation, Mom snorted disapprovingly and turned her attention to my second brother.

Mrs. Kim, who usually didn’t meddle in her children’s love lives, seemed particularly interested today, grilling my second brother after my eldest brother. Jinwoo frowned at Mom’s question.

“I don’t know.”

“Really, nothing at all? I’m open-minded! Be honest!”

“Why are you asking me here when you have Ms. Moon Heekyung, the Alpha, right next to you?”


Jinwoo, acting like a sullen teenager, snapped back. Undeterred, Mom persisted, her eyes bright with curiosity, while Jinwoo grumbled irritably.

Dad, who had been eating quietly, coughed awkwardly.

“Well, what’s going on?”

“Why? What’s happening?”

When Mom mumbled at her sons’ unyielding attitudes, Dad, stopping his cough, asked. Mom’s eyes sparkled as she began her story.

“Well, I had a dream recently…”

“A dream?”

“Yes, a very handsome golden pig came running to me and hugged me. So, I thought maybe I won the lottery, but that wasn’t it. I wondered if it meant your business would thrive, but that didn’t seem right either. So, I thought to ask the boys, but these two…”

Mom reminisced about her dream, looking into the air, then glared at my brothers, dissatisfied.

Her icy gaze seemed to say, “What are you even doing?”

My eldest brother smiled pleasantly, while Jinwoo looked appalled, as if he had heard something unthinkable.

“Who would make such a foolish mistake?”

“Are you admitting to it? Not denying, I see.”


As expected, Mom had the upper hand over Jinwoo. Her sharp words immediately silenced him, his face twisted as if cursing under his breath.

“Isn’t it you, Mom?”

“Why are you saying such scary things? Enough.”

“It could be five to six times.”

“Do you think giving birth is easy? Really.”

Shaking her head at my eldest brother’s jesting comment, Mom acted as if she knew better. Ah, the grilled fish tasted good. Chewing on the savory fish, I blinked at Mom’s grumpy expression.

With the golden pig dream, it was obvious Mom was hoping for something, but she was prying into my brothers’ love lives instead.

As I gave her a puzzled look, I felt someone staring at me. My eldest brother was smiling at me.

“Didn’t understand, did you?”

“I did! I heard everything.”

“Then what was it about?”

“Mom dreamt about money.”

“What do you think I am? Even though I may look like this, I’m still a top scorer in the language section,” I said confidently in response to my older brother’s comment.

He burst into a chuckle. I was puzzled as to why he was laughing, given that neither Dad nor my brothers had hit it big with money.

I shot a doubtful look at my mom, who shook her head disapprovingly.

“No, no. It’s not about money. No matter how much I think about it, I believe this is a dream about a future child. It’s definitely a dream about the future.”


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1 month ago

Yikes sunwoo time to run

18 days ago


13 days ago


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not work with dark mode